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[1] Choose the correct answer in each of following:
[1] A radio station its emitted program on the wave of wavelength (132m) and the
Power of station (10 W) the number of photons emitted from the station in minute
[a] 4x1022 [b] 4x1034 [c] 2x1020 [d] 4x1021
[2] Threshed the conductor of resistance (R) increasing its length by 20% then
Resistance increases by …..
[a] 80% [b] 20% [c] 44% [d] 40%
[3] In the figure electric device work on through the ideal transformer then the current
Of primary coil …….Ampere
[a] 0.04
[b] 0.07 P307
[c] 15
[d] 24
[4] In the figure two transformers (1 & 2) on series
The consumed power in the resistance (R) is …Watt
9 18
[a] 200 [b] 100 P307
[c] 9 [d] 180
[5] In the circuit shown the potential point (A) is …..
[a] 14V [b] 24V P308
[c] 26V [d] 50V
[6] In the circuit shown
The reading of Ammeter and voltmeter is …..
[a] 1.25A & 3V
[b] 2.5A & 1.25V P308
[c] 1.25A & 0.25V
[d] 0.5A & 0.25V
[7] Galvanometer of resistance (R) connected with two identical cells e.m.f in each of
Them (1.5V) and internal resistance (r) when the two cells connected together in
Series the reading of galvanometer (1A) and when connected together in parallel
The reading of galvanometer (0.6A), "Then:
1 2 1
[1] The internal resistance in each of cell is …. [a]1Ω [b] 2 Ω [c] 3 Ω [d] 3 Ω
1 7 3
[2] The resistance of galvanometer is …..[a]7Ω [b] 7 Ω [c] 3 Ω [d] 7 Ω
[8] Alternating source (220V – 50Hz) connected with ideal diode on the method
Set-down transformer the ratio of the coil 10: 1 then the average value goes out
From the diode is ….. [a] 7V [b] 9.9V [c] 99V [d] 31.1V
[9] The iron rod of length (20cm) and cross-sectional area (10cm ), 2

(µ = 4x10-4Web/A m) wounded around the coil consists from (600turns) and

Passing current (2A) then the average value e.m.f when vanishes in (0.01Sec)
= ……….
[a] 72V [b] 144V [c] 288V [d] 120V
[10]A transformer its primary coil is joined with a DC source of (110V) and of 110turn
The number of turns in its secondary coil is (10turns), so the voltage obtained
From its secondary coil is ……….
[a] Zero [b] 1100V [c] 100V [d] 11V
[11] The diagram represents a transformer.
Which arrangement could be used to make the input out-put
Output voltage higher than the input voltage
Number of turns on primary coil (P) Number of turns on Type of input
Secondary coil (S)
A 100 50 AC
B 100 50 DC
C 50 100 AC
D 50 100 DC
[12] How is electricity transmitted over large distance and why is it transmitted in This way
How Why
A At high voltage For safety
B At high voltage To reduce energy loss
C At low voltage For safety
D At low voltage To reduce energy loss
[13] A photon is incident on the surface of metal whose frequency is greater than the
Critical frequency of the metal, the ratio between the energy of emitted electron
And the energy of incident photon is ….
[a] Less than one [b] More than one [c] equals one [d] equals zero
[14]Using the given graphical relation, between the F/N
Force of different beams of photons having similar 4x10 -7

Rate but of different energy, the rate of incident photons E

On a reflecting surface is ………. 1x10 -19

[a] 2x10 20
[b] 4x10 20
[c] 6x10 20
[d] 8x1020
[15] What is another word for "quantum of light"?
[a] Blackbody radiation [b] Energy level [c] Frequency [d] Photon
[16]In the black body radiation as the frequency of emitted photons increases, then
The number of released photons ……
[a] Increases [b] Decreases [c] Unchanged
[17] Two stars in constellation Orion Betelgeuse appears to glow red, while Rigel
Looks blue in colour which star has a higher temperature?
[a] Betelgeuse [b] Rigel
[c] They both have same surface temperature [d] Impossible to determine
[18] Which statement about a photon is correct?
[a] A single photon can eject a single electron from a metal surface
[b] In a vacuum, a photon of red light travels slower than a photon of blue light
[c] The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its wavelength
[d] The energy of a photon depends on the intensity of the light source.
[19] As (mass Photon > mass electron) so in order that an electron has a de-Broglie
Wavelength equal to that of a proton
[a] Their momenta must be equal [b] Their Kinetic energies must be equal
[c] Their velocities must be equal
[d] The ratio of their energies must be equal to the ratio of their masses
[20] What is the surface temperature of a distant star having a peak wavelength of
(475nm)? {AS; Wien's law constant = 2.98x10-3 m K}
[a] 6000K [b] 5630K [c] 5510K [d] 6274K
[21] Work function depends on:
[a] The intensity of light falling on the surface
[b] Time of exposure of light [c] Material of metallic surface
[d] Potential difference between the cathode and anode
[22] If the kinetic energy for electron is (180eV) and of mass (9x10 -31Kg) and
Planck's constant = (6.6x10-34J sec) then the accompanying wavelength is ….
[a] 0.5A° [b] 0.9A° [c] 1.3A° [d] 1.8A°
[23] The accompanying wavelength for electron moves with velocity equals half the
Velocity of the light is …..
[a] 3.6x10-12m [b] 4.2x10-12m [c] 4.9x10-12m [d] 1.2x10-11m
[24] If the potential difference in Cathode ray tube (5000V) and electric charge of
Electron = 1.6x10-19C) and its mass (9.1x10-31Kg) (K=6.625x10-34J sec), Then
The accompanying wavelength is …..
[a] 0.3A° [b] 17.3A° [c] 0.173A° [d] 1.73A°
[25] Ideal transformer the ratio of their turns (1:5) connected their secondary coil with
Lamp the resistance the secondary coil and lamp of (200Ω) then the resistance of
Primary coil and coil of dynamo is ….
[a] 16Ω [b] 80Ω [c] 8Ω [d] 40Ω
[26] If the work function for surface (2eV) if the blue light incident of wavelength
(400nm), "Then: …..
[a] Released electrons without energy
[b] Released electrons with energy of 6.2x10 -19J
[c] NO released electrons
[d] Released electrons with energy of 1.8x10 -19J
[27] If energy of photon is (32x10-19J) then it mass equals …..Kg
[a] 1.6x10-27 [b] 3.56x10-35 [c] 3.56x10-18 [d] 4.8x10-27
[28] A beam their photons parallel monochromatic of wavelength (662nm) its power
(300Wm-2 then the number of photons incident perpendicular on the square
Of the length its side (10cm) in second is ………
[a] 3x1019 [b] 1019 [c] 1.5x1019 [d] 2x1019
[29] If the value of the magnetic flux density produced at point away (10cm) from the
Long straight wire carrying current is (10 -5T) then the value of electric current
Intensity passing through the wire = …….
[a] 5A [b] 10A [c] 500A [d] 1000A
[30] The power produced from radiation of star (4x10 W) and the wavelength for

The radiation (4500A° ) then the number of photons released in one sec ……
[a] 12x1045 [b] 9x1046 [c] 1x1045 [d] 8x1045
[31] If the photon energy in beam (A) doubled the photon energy in beam (B) then
The ratio between momentum ( P ) is …..

1 1
[a] 2 [b] 4 [c] 2 [d] 4
[32]Monochromatic light Incident on surface metal released number of electrons and
When increasing the intensity of the light on the same metal then the kinetic E
Of the freed electrons
[a] There is No determined [b] Unchanged [c] Increases [d] Decreases
[33]Electric current of intensity (5A) passing in conduction coil of (500Turns) and
Produced magnetic field (10-4Wb) if the passing current becomes zero through
(0.5sec) find the value of self-induction for the coil
[a] 0.03H [b] 0.01H [c] 0.07H [d] 0.05H
[34] Galvanometer of resistance (36Ω) the value of shunt resistance required to pass
Current in galvanometer (0.1) from the total current is …..
[a] 8Ω [b] 6Ω [c] 7Ω [d]4Ω
[35] If the time required the time for Alternating current reach from zero to effective
Value is (9msec) then the time required reach from zero to half maximum value
Is …..
[a] 10msec [b] 6msec [c] 4msec [d] 8msec
[36] Secondary coil for electric transformer of efficiency (90%) connected with the
Device work done by current (6A) if the primary coil consumed (4KW) then the
Resistance of the electric device is …..
[a] 600Ω [b] 100Ω [c] 500Ω [d] 800Ω
[37]When the energy of photon incident on metal surface by value (20%) then kinetic
Energy for released electrons increases from (0.5eV) to (0.8eV)
Then the work function of material surface is ……
[a] 1.6x10-19J [b] 4.1x10-19J [c] 2.4x10-19J [d] 3.3x10-19J
[38] The intensity of the direct current that generated the same power in a resistance
As that generated by the considered alternating current is
[a] Effective value of AC [b] Average value of AC [c] Maximum value of AC
[39] The diagram below shows an ideal transformer:
The primary coil of an ideal transformer is connected to
An alternating supply rated at (230V). P4
The transformer is designed to provide power for a lamp
Rated as (12V) & (42W) and has (450Turns) of wire on its
Secondary coil
[1] The number of turns of wire on the primary coil = …turns
[a] 8652 [b] 8625 [c] 8620
[2] The current from supply for the lamp to operate at normal brightness = ….
[a] 0.18A [b] 1.8A [c] 0.018A
[40] An alternating current supply of negligible internal resistance is connected to
Two resistors that are in parallel
The resistance of each resistor is (R=100Ω) p6
And the peak voltage of the AC supply (V o =12V)
[1] The average power dissipated in the circuit = ……
[a] 2.88W [b] 28.8W [c] 14.4W [d] 1.44W
[41] The frequency of gamma-rays photon on colliding with a free electron in
Compton Effect is …… [a] Increases [b] Decreases [c] Unchanged
[42] The wavelength of gamma-rays photon on colliding with a free electron in
Compton Effect is …… [a] Increases [b] Decreases [c] Unchanged
[43] The velocity of gamma-rays photon on colliding with a free electron in
Compton Effect is …… [a] Increases [b] Decreases [c] Unchanged
[44] The momentum of gamma-rays photon on colliding with a free electron in
Compton Effect is …… [a] Increases [b] Decreases [c] Unchanged
[45] The mass of gamma-rays photon on colliding with a free electron in
Compton Effect is …… [a] Increases [b] Decreases [c] Unchanged
[46] The energy of gamma-rays photon on colliding with a free electron in
Compton Effect is …… [a] Increases [b] Decreases [c] Unchanged
[47] The dominant color of light emitted from an incandescent lamp …….. That
Emitted by burning charcoal [a] Similar [b] differs than
Due to the temperature of the incandescent lamp is …… the temperature of the
Burning charcoal [a] More than [b] Less than [c] similar to
[48] A student uses a transformer of efficiency (80%) to
Light a filament lamp using a (230V) AC supply P14
The lamp has a maximum voltage rating of (6V)
What happens when the circuit is switch on?
[a] The induced voltage at the secondary coil exceeds the maximum voltage needed
For the lamp, so: the lamp is damaged
[b] The induced voltage at the secondary coil equals the maximum voltage needed
For the lamp, so: the lamp is illumination
[c] The induced voltage at the secondary coil less than the maximum voltage needed
For the lamp, so: the lamp there is illumination
[49] Write down the mathematical relation that expresses:
[1] The force applied by a stream of photons on a reflecting surface is ……
2 PW 2 PW PW
[a] F= 2 [b] F= [c] F=
[2] The magnetic flux density along the axis of a solenoid is ……
µI ¿ ¿
[a] B= 2 πd [b] B = µ∋ 2 r ¿ [c] B= µ∋ L ¿
[50] Mention one application of: [1] The photo-electric effect is ….
[a]Photo-electric cell [b] Cathode ray tube [c] Electron microscope
[2] Wave nature of electron
[a]Photo-electric cell [b] Cathode ray tube [c] Electron microscope
[3] Thermionic effect is …..
[a]Photo-electric cell [b] Cathode ray tube [c] Electron microscope
[51] A coil of area (2m2) placed in magnetic field where the field is perpendicular on
The coil if the magnetic field changes from (1wb/m 2) to (4wb/m2) through (2sec)
Then the induced e.m.f in one turn from their turns = ………..
[a] 4V [b] 3V [c] 2V [d] 1.5V
[52] Explain the reason of the continuity of the simple DC motor coil rotation in the
Vertical position due to ……
[a] Inertia [b] The magnetic field [c] The electric field
[53] A student uses a transformer to light a filament lamp
Using a (230V) AC supply
The lamp has a maximum voltage rating of (6V) p25
What happens when the circuit is switched on?
[a] The lamp does not light at all
[b] The lamp lights dimly
[c] The lamp lights at normal brightness
[d] The lamp lights up brightly and then goes out
[54] The least work needed for incident photon for releasing an electron from the
Given metal surface is …….
[a] Work function of a metallic surface
[b] The critical frequency of a metallic surface
[a] The critical wavelength of a metallic surface
[55] The diagram shows a simple DC motor
The switch is closed, and the coil rotates P27
What changes make the coil rotates the opposite direction, at a faster rate?
[a] By using a battery of e.m.f greater than the e.m.f of the original source and
Reverse its polarity to reverse its current direction
[b] By using a battery of e.m.f less than the e.m.f of the original source and
Reverse its polarity to reverse its current direction
[c] By using a battery of e.m.f greater than the e.m.f of the original source and
Same its polarity to rotates its current direction
[56] The use of step up transformer at the power stations due to
[a] Raises the voltage of transmitted power, decreasing its current intensity, minimizing
The lost power in connecting wires, improving the efficiency of power transfer
[b] Lower the voltage of transmitted power, decreasing its current intensity, minimizing
The lost power in connecting wires, improving the efficiency of power transfer
[c] Raises the voltage of transmitted power, increasing its current intensity, minimizing
The lost power in connecting wires, improving the efficiency of power transfer
[57] A student uses a probe to measure the magnetic
Flux density near a long straight conductor (PQ) P28
Carrying current as shown in figure
The magnetic flux density at a normal distance
(10.25m) obtained is (1.7x10-7Tesla)
[1] The current in the conductor (PQ) = ….. [a] 0.2125A [b]2.125A [c]21.25A
[2] A second-long straight conductor (RS) carrying a current of (2A) is placed at a
Distance of (0.25m) from the first conductor (PQ),
The magnitude of the force per metre acting on conductor (RS) = …….N
[a] 3.6125 x10-7 [b] 36.125 x10-7 [c] 0.36125 x10-7
[58] The medical application for the black body radiation is ….
[a] Tumor detection [b] embryology [c] tomography [d] All the pervious
[59] The given figure:
Presents a Zinc surface shone with a P30
Monochromatic radiation of (UV),
What change does it make on?
[1] Increasing the intensity of incident radiations
[a] More electrons are released [b] similar electron are released
[c] Doesn’t change of electrons released
[2] Replacing the incident radiation with X-rays source
[a] The released photo-electrons are released faster
[b] The released photo-electrons are released slowly
[a] The released photo-electrons are released remain constant

[60]The e.m radiations emitted from remote stars as the figure

[1]Use the given graphs to determine the wavelength
Corresponds maximum intensity of radiation for
The yellow star = …nm [a] 50 [b] 500 [c] 5000
[2] The wavelength corresponds maximum intensity radiations is inversely
Proportional to the body temperature on Kelvin scale is …..
[a] De-Broglie law [b] wave nature [c] Wien's law
[61]If the number of photons bounced off a surface in one second is ( ∅ l) and the
Frequency of that light is (ν) the force exerted on the surface equal ….
hc hλ λC h
[a] 2 λ ∅ l [b] 2 C ∅l [c] 2 h ∅ l [d] 2 λ ∅l


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