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1, He purchased spices and jewels in India and brought them back to Portugal.

2, industrialization
3, Meuse
4, Quiberon Bay, Agedincum, Bibracte
5, The Romans conquered Aquitania and Belgica.
6, They both flow from west to east.
7, Women were not expected to have roles in society outside of caring for the home and family.
8, editorial about the civil rights movement
9, to secure a lasting peace among the Five Iroquois Nations
10, The fur trade improved the standard of living for all.
11, They were encouraged to do so by the Dutch.
12, They started settling down in villages.
13, Yes, because cattle were more common than horses were.
14, In the New World, the llama served a purpose similar to a sheep or cow in the Old World.
15, The U.S. military was better able to protect its civilians.
16, the 1904 conflict between Russia and Japan over control of Manchuria and Korea.
17, The arrival of Chinese troops greatly increased enemy strength
18, Many of the world’s earliest civilizations developed in river valleys.
19, sugar
20, American Indian Movement
21, The Choctaw tribe was being forced to leave their lands
22, A growing population resulted in increased food demands
23, land terracing
24, Rumania (Romania)
25, The Treaty of Versailles harmed the German economy
26, felt confident about how Khrushchev would respond.
27, Kennedy knew that Khrushchev would back down.
28, The territories did not have slavery.
29, The European settlers were responsible for the decimation of native people.
30, The college students showed courage when they participated in the Greensboro sit-in
31, to show that young people are the most likely to push for societal change

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