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._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

. .
. THE BLACK Written & Decorated
by Schwa Kyle
Mothership Developed by
%%++.-. - -+%%%
Donn Stroud, Nick Reed,
Tyler Kimball,
Fiona Maeve Geist %%+++
%%+ ._;|_||_|+%3
%%%%%%%%% +%%
+++%%%dits +%%3

Sean McCoy
Creative Commons
Copywrite 2019
%%++.-. .-. .-.%%% +%%\\3
%+ ._; |_| |_|+%%%%+ *3
%+ %%% *3
. Table of Destructible Contents . Alpha PDF Edition %%+ Credits +%%%_**=
%%%++ +++%%\\
. . Special Thanks to the +\\%% %%% %% _
Roll 1d10 and 1d6/2 for module destruction during the Mothership community \\33__ _
Panic at the Weapons Bay and then every 1d10 hours🂡

The Strip on the Skaana....................................................10

Proper Use For Any Module........................................... 3
The Prettiest Little Parlour............................................. 3
01 Friede.......................................................................
A Death on the Skaana................................................... 4
02 Even's Horizon.........................................................
Issues With Utility Pod Dolphin..................................... 5

03 Skullbuzzer..............................................................
Visitor Parking Deck...................................................... 6
04 Discovery.................................................................
Classic Ship Tours...................................................
05 Starstruck.................................................................
Planetary Trader Skaana (Proper + Ring)...................... 7
06 Himmelskibet..........................................................
Cargo Deck..............................................................
07 Junebug....................................................................
08 Pilot Lite..................................................................
Officer's Deck.......................................................... 8
09 Celestar ...................................................................
Notable NPCs..........................................................
10 Base Trader..............................................................

Food Vendors Table.......................................................14
Galactic Super Clusters............................................
Fourier Ray's Burgers and Steaks............................
Panic at the Weapons Bay............................................... 26
A Fright From Beyond.................................................... 28
13 The Forever Fast......................................................
The Power of Prayer....................................................... 30
14 Sunny's Zenith.........................................................
Motherchip Specs....................................................
Parks and Art Walks......................................................16
Rioting on the Strip.................................................. 21
15 Graft Park................................................................
d100 Prayers Table......................................................... 32
16 Tenderloft................................................................
Nowhere To Run............................................................. 34
17 Scarborough.............................................................
Crew Sadists................................................................... 36

18 Free Dome...............................................................
Aboard the Santa Anna............................................ 37
Arcades and Parts Shops...............................................17
A Way Into the Horror’s Parlour..................................... 38
Transport Biomass Hermit Horror...........................
19 Endless Possibilities................................................
Within the Horror's Depths...................... ........ 39
20 Corridors of Families............................................... o====
Cargo Realignment Flowchart..................\ \...... 40
21 Even's Steppes.........................................................

Karaoke Bars................................................................18
Inside Somberspace.................................... o)___)..... 41
Light Bridge Out of the Dark..................... ,,,,,, ......... 42
22 Peonme.................................................................... , ,
Hermitical Afterglow.................................. .......... 43
23 Berries..................................................................... ,____,
Mutiny on the Skaana..........................| |..........
24 Fresh Flesh..............................................................
Epilogue...............................................| |..........
25 Metraid.................................................................... | |.......... 44
Computers & Other Horrors.......................
26 The End of Fame..................................................... | |
27 Beat Rats' Antiques.................................................. 🂡
Keep these dice by you and rotate them down | |
28 Catscales.................................................................. (d10: hours; d6: minutes) if you want to count | |
the time as players explore, fight, and carouse. | |
29 Comics Strip..................................................................20 ___ | |
3; ---__
30 Escargo Cinema Table...................................................20 3; --__ | |
Psychedelics Table.........................................................22 33
33 | _,
|.-- o//o
| |
Threats and Encounters..................................................24 33 | \ o// ,-- O\\ | |
33 | o// ,- \ O\\ | /\ |
The Works.....................................................................25 33 o//
33O// .------
- \ ,/
O\\ | \/ |
33/ --
/ - O\\
| |
// \;`../ o\\ | |
Proper Use For Any Module As a nice excuse to see the Strip of Las Vegas in the
comfort of your favorite genre alongside your favorite
Cannibalize it, suck out the marrow, be someone's awe. group of roleplayers, this module encourages you to take
As a gourmet treat, THE BLACK HEART OF PARADISE is some silly psychedelics and get lost in its bazaars’ bizarro
designed to offer players a town mechanic in Mothership, architecture. When things start getting bad, spacetime gets
allowing them to consume more encounters by collecting fixed until the issues are sorted, so you will need to be
bonuses and to recover quickly from Stress by reading ready to sober up, puzzle out problems, pick some sides,
plot-divulging comics [pg 20], shopping for trinkets [pg and raise some bars [pg 18] back out of hell. If you don’t
17] and gambling [pg 12]. Not to say the Strip isn’t itself find a way to appease the horrors herein, then you might as
well enjoy what you can of the Strip, because that means

full of threats [pg 24], so players must stay on their toes
while carousing, or a Panic during their revelry could lead this ship is going out in a flash. Enjoy the horrors, foreign
only to more Stress. There’s also a few hidden passages to and domestic, be you one or the other.
learn about, tucked away and long forgotten by the
The Prettiest Little Parlour

officers; they may prove useful when waiting on doorwells
[pg 5] between a wall of metal and a wall of horrors is not
an option. There should be plenty of variety to recover Welcome aboard the Planetary Trader Skaana, a free
trade oasis in the black heart of the Dice system.
from Stress before this patchwork colony ship explodes Please enjoy your time, however long you have, and
under the weight of the Nautilus Nexus [pg 41], but if a PC feel free to make time and stay as long as you like.
should die before then, there’s plenty of mercenaries There is no tenant limit for full-time work staff!
around to hire on and get quickly back to gaming, so play Please note the locations of service terminals and
hard, take risks and come back soon!

More Than Just Spoilers e

Players may skirt this module’s skein of nightmares and
access doorwells. We don’t believe in spoiling the
fun here, so any tours [pg 6] outside of your own
explorations will have to be purchased at one of our
visitor sectors located at the four junctions along
the Skaana trade routes. All doorwells run along
get away through more than a few less-than-heroic ways: these routes in quite the speedy fashion and are
the most secure way to get around – one fare lasts
» Leave right after refueling. The Skaana [pg 7] doesn’t a whole quarter day, and doorwells back to the
go into full quantum lock-down until after the second ship’s deck have always been -- and always will be
wave. Check the news feeds for the ending of the scenario. -- completely free. So wave those pesky
(Play again as another group visiting at the same time to
transporter regulations away, shove all your cares

into their cargo stores, and live... free. This has

cause the blow up this first group sees.) been your Ship’s Liaison Hector Lynch, available to
» Kill the Hermit Horror [pg 36]. Does that make you a discuss any and all trade related questions you
monster? Is there something hideous about thinking the may have, big or small, any time you wish. You can
find my extension in the ship’s directory [see Major
lives of the Skaana and your own are more precious than NPCs, pg 8] and I will be glad to help. [A floating
this beautiful esodimensional shrimp? Are you going to do note on all NFC-compatible devices and androids

anything as great as this being? Have you even learned reads “Some responses may be automated”, cannot
what it does? be cleared away, and dismisses as transmission
ends.] Again, thank you for your visitation, all ship
» Find and destroy all the motherchips [pg 28]. Well, docking fees were paid for during the in-flight path
first find out that is what the horrors want, then find out toll, so your worry-free journey through the light in
who on the ship knows where they are, then find io before the darkness starts now.
the Metagete get to ior, pluck out ior eyes and leave ior
crazy. A processing unit by the name of Motherchip has arrived
» Destroy the Dreamcatcher [pg 39]. This kills a on the Skaana.
cordycepic link made by aliens repurposing the Horror’s Sealed neatly in its shrinkwrap and quick-hardening foam,
mucus to sustain this module’s obsessive creations. (Turn it is a sterile and silenced thing. Opened and exposed to
the Hermit Horror off and on again to apply your changes; the elements, it hums and vibrates. Its nautical core
otherwise, it’s still a problem.) beckoning into the dark, its simple task a holy one: to pray.
Now Departing Death On the Skaana
As the first batch of motherchip prototypes depart on a It arrives here, on the Planetary Trader Skaana zipping
drone freighter destined for the Skaana, the manufacturer, from starport to starport, with zag and swagger believed
abbey, and computer chip facility Prayco meets its end. endless. It arrives, and it is opened by one Hector Lynch,
Server fans double their speeds and double them again as inspecting some cargo and finding in it a chance to fulfill a
air-gaped terminals print the nonsense and gibberish of single joy: smuggling the exotic. A motherchip's package is
archaic system \do//:::::::-------.........`````````````````````````........------:/sO\ opened,
fonts. Characters 1yo++++++////::::------........```````........``````````........-------:::::::://od\ documented,
of every culture, dddddyo+++++//////++++++//////////////////////////////////////////////////////++++/:////+++++odOdddd pocketed, and the

OOOOO1yy++//oOOOdOO11OO1OO1OO1OOOO1OOOOOO1OOdOdddddddddyO1OOOO1OO1OO11OO1OO1OO11O11O111/+yyy1OOOOOOO immediately lost,
dyyOO1od++++o11111OOOOO1OO1OOO1OOOOOO1OOOOOO1OO1OO1OOO1OO1OOOOOOO1OO11OO1OO1OO1OOO1O11O/+yyd1OOOdyd1 tucked away on a
war over refresh OdddO1Odoo++o1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111d/+yyd1OOOddd1
1111\1OdddyyyyyydddddddddddddddddddyddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyddddddddddddddddddddyyyyyydddOO1\111\ little server in a

time on the screens in a simulation of civilization’s forgotten storeroom, a trace from his ID tracker the only
movements across continents, skies, and stars. WHERE IS tag remaining of its existence. He stares upon the chip’s
IT? WHERE IS IT? WHERE IS IT? WHERE IS IT? like a filling candy-like shape and strokes its parasitic, shell-curled
glass fills the screen. And as RPMs crank and electrons lump, and in a rush of its wu clambering through him, he
double back in a warping, spontaneous reverse polarity, swoons. But behind him appears a crewman asking, sir,
bestial cables pour green smoke, burst from their stacks, what is he doing with that. This man cannot be suffered to
rake over desks and flounder on the floor, collecting. live, and he so dies. Hector cranes his neck and sticks out

Shoved off the edge, bobble heads in the likeness of the
Prayco nuns with names written on pedestals clatter in
resin strikes upon the factory floor. Resin heads plink and
his chin so the man may look up just that little bit higher
and have less of a chance to spot the stolen revolver Hector
keeps for just such an occasion, and unholsters with no
roll away as the heads of the nuns are grasped by climbing hesitation, and fires, painting the small crate of
cables, are tilted. A torrential guesswork of holodeck and motherchips a human red. Another man come running to
tramrail, serial bus and communication wires stuff mouths help is charged with murder, the footage forged before it is
already full of tearful rasps now plastic wrapped as wires – uploaded, and the murder assumed but a gambling debt
stripping, bare and running through veins – burst from between the two crewmen. Tis an oft committed crime,
wrists in synchrony. The bodies of the Prayco abbey nuns debts paid in this way. And yet still a crime punished: the

lift up in a wall of cables networking them. With each o1o crewman tried and sent
:-/---`---``1: o:1:--:1:
experimental attempt, the wires unplug, retract through the :::::///------`---------`:: to the brig to await
veins, and continue their crawl. Gurgles and whimpers in s:://--/:////---------`:`//-1o serving out time on a
the room turn to screams as mouths are vacated and one by o-`111``-/-`-/-`--`-----::`-/``:: barren rock until the
one a connection through each port s-/-``--`:```-----`--`--:-////``: ends of his days. Hector

discovered on the nuns’ bodies are tested ``````````````````-/-`--0`::----`1:```:::`-/-`-``: sites stress from this
until all signs of life go out. Terminals `````````````````:--`-----`````:`::````:`-```-``-. grueling affair to take
labeled “PROPERTY OF PRAYCO” flash the ``````````````````+-````````::`::::1:--```-:::`: ` the rest of his own day
characters: “SIGNAL LOST”, and with them```````````````````:-/``````::`-:``prayco`-::/```` off. And off he goes
flash a sad face emoji somewhen ``````````````````````.+```--````----``-`+.``````` down to the Strip, to his
hardcoded into the motherboards before it ``````````````````````````.+::::-::::+```````````` little place to study his
too glitches out, and one more like the +:``:+``:+``:+`+:+`::+`::+`::`/:/:`://`/-`//-O/-`O treasure and uncover its
faces of the nuns pops in, its mouth agape,/` / / `/ /` // /` `/` // +/ // `/` //` / hidden depths. A small
` ` `` ` ` `` ` ` `` `` ` `
eyes closed, and tears flowing. price to pay – a couple
Although designed to turn the body inward, the motherchip lives, an hour’s forgery – to see something so very few
has only been able to turn the body inside out. Its others have beheld. As he plays with its shell, the chip’s
architecture is the key to salvation for something out there, humming deepens.
but that thing does not appear to have a soul.
What is this place? Issues With Utility Pod Dolphin
The Skaana has all sorts, and the players arrive at the After learning all he can of the motherchip, Hector Lynch,
ships’ deck to find everything in shipshape, if the ship was the Ship’s Liaison of the Skaana leaves on the utility pod
also a riverboat casino. And its state does in some way Dolphin [pg 26] to barter with a nearby asteroid colony for
reflect this. With the askance party cups and fliers twirling fuel. Hector meets some crewmen and is taken to a room
toward one air scrubber or another, it feels both nasty and to decline a cigar and to arrange payments for fuel. When
healthy, vibrant and gangly. And stunningly lit. he is asked if he has anything else he would like to trade
Immediately, the crew are awash in the joyous while he’s “in such good company”, he presents the chip,
choreography of noise and nonsensical shrift. Here, showing off its specs and its simple self-soldering

everyone feels welcomed and shunned, every moment functionality to the asteroid president, who eventually
feels opened and shut. But for now, it's a doorwell simple, accepts the motherchip in a trade of whale and ox meat
unassuming, and unfolding, quietly awaiting the crew to and 5 poker chips of 2k credits. Hector pockets the credits,
grow out of the vista and hop on board. Once all are leaves the office, and directs ior crew to load the Dolphin

inside, the doorwell seals, pressurizes and scoots smoothly with the specified goods. The president sends a vid of this
down its track toward a black heart, brightly lit. deal to an investigator aboard the Visitor Parking Deck [pg
What are we doing here? 6] pacing and awaiting this transmission. Hector sends ior
report of the trade to Ship's Chief, cataloging the bonus
Every place has its misgivings. A drug problem in this
meat for crew portions simply as though io made out better
sector, or a housing crisis passing on its second generation.
than expected with the fuel trade. On the return flight, io is
The Skaana has it all in spades. This casino-ridden, credit-
praised by ior crew and ior crew is praised by Ship’s

darkening cesspool of a trader has very little to offer in the
way of moral guidance. But what it doesn’t have in
goodness, it makes up for in beauty. It is here the crew
play, be they lowly merchants or company giants, the scum
Chief. When Ship’s Chief cuts out, a projector continues
playing an in-flight movie from the Horror Show generator
[pg 20]. Everyone agrees it is a rather entertaining if
immediately forgettable vid before the horror's wails are
of the cosmic microwave background or the lords of the
replaced by those of the livestock.
holiest calling. It is here their Resolve is taken to enter a
paradise where horrors dress well. As the crew board the d10 Fatal Workplace Injury Report On the Skaana: Crewmember...
doorwell, a terminal plays elevator music, and on its feed 1. falls, resulting in a broken neck due to a gravitational
runs a tourist promo full of the various bars and casinos autocorrect malfunction

and shops on the Strip while below, a dark green bar with 2. evacuates out an airlock during hazing ritual involving drunk crew
pushing the seatbelt-release button while performing a “fresh air”fresh air”
white letters tickers across, describing the Prayco factory initiation
fire and a causality count of 30 workers. If a player 3. leg caught behind cargo during routine hold realignment, suffering
touches or interacts with this ticker, have the terminal pull immense blood loss; is not carrying the mandated one-handed
tourniquet at time of incident, no insurance will be issued.
up satellite footage of the factory fire. With a relevant
4. while testing the functionality of an earthmover, gets overeager
skill check, CCTV feeds depicting the scene described in

during an impromptu safety course and is mauled by a thousand

blades of various sizes
NOW DEPARTING can be displayed.
5. suffocates in bed during a poorly informed session of hard sex
Doorwells involving choke play; partner in Top Deck med bay for next 2 days
getting shock treatment

Doorwells are the best place to find a map and to get away 6. crushed by podscrubbing bot due to removal of personal locator
while taking drugs in cargo bay C
quickly from an unwanted encounter. They are self-
7. ODs on stimulants in bunk; found dead by ex-lover. Survived by
monitoring and self-maintained and have their own air three kids and a pet rat
supply, functioning the entirety of the adventure: if a 8. experiences massive head trauma during possible play in cargo bay
doorwell’s tracks are ever destroyed, they self-repair and B involving a crane, a box suspended by said crane, some
plastiprint molds of famous monsters, and a discharged FN Revolver
are up and running again in 1d10 minutes. Roll 1d10 on
9. while EVA cleaning the railgun, cut in twain lengthwise by the
Fatal Injures table for every doorwell the players board pilot light
after the first to report a fatal work injury under the 10. impaled by test tubes in the guts, eyes, and brain, launched from
tourism promo playing on the doorwell terminal’s ticker. a malfunctioning and improperly cased centrifuge in Orlop Med Bay

Visitor Parking Deck

All the ships of the people on the Strip, including that of yo/--::/++/:::::::----------------/+//:/+/////::///:::--:::::+:--------....--------------:/::::-
the crew are located here. Wardens are encouraged to pull /--:+s//::::::::::----------------++:::-:::::::-:::::---:::::/+--............-------------:+----
all the stops on what vehicles from history and media are ---:::+/::::::--------::-----://:::////:://////:////::-::::::/:/::/::::::::------------:/+:--:::
docked. Anyone looking to immediately get into trouble :/+/---/:-----------------------::://:---------..-.--------:/+/:::--------------------:---------
can roll a check to spot a nervous investigator. Success: ---/+/:---:-:------------------o::----------.............-------:o---------------:/:-----------:
player gets a word and possibly the vid from ISSUES..., /---:+://:.-::--:/:/:://:/++ooso::------------------.....-------:s----:::::::::/os---:::--:////+
Failure: player gets punched and investigator vanishes. :///:---:://--+:://++/+/::-....:os/:--///+/:://::/::::://::--:+o/--..---:/:/o++/+::o--:::/:+s++y

Classic Ship Tours oo+///:--...........--:/o+:--.::-:::/--:://+++/++++++///:--:+///::::--:/+o/:--........-----:::/o

Tours of ships can be prepared by a warden before play ------.......................-+soooyhdddhys:---------::://odddhyoso---.................--.------
using the below list and any necessary information online -------.....---:------------..-ohdhhhdddhss+:-------::--:/:sddddho--..-----------------...------
or from a reference book source. ------:/::::::---------------:o+++shhhhhhyyys+++oo//:/ohhdddddho/o+-----------------:--:::::----

Length of tour :::::+::::::::-::--------:++/::/oo/+shyhhhhhhhhhhhhdddddddddho/:///:oo:--------::-------::::+:::
A tour of the ship's bridge. Staff might reenact a famous sssooooo/:::::::::///:------:/::::--::/+hdhhhddddyddddhhhh/++:-.---------:/++/::::::::////+oooss
scene as a theatrical narrative for illustration of mechanics, .-:://:::::----....-------/---:://+oosyhhdddddddhshhdddddhhyyso++//:-------------:////++++++ooo/
responsibilities and capabilities for around 15 minutes. ----------.--/---...---..os+:-//::/syhdddddddddoo+oydddddddddhso:-:/+:+ss:.-:---:-:.-+/------:::
Add 1d10 minutes for each other area shown on the tour: /:-::----.-:o/-+::--...-:/::::::////////++++++++///+++oo++++///////://:////:--.::-.--:o+-......-
» command room+captain’s quarters /:::----.-/s+:..--::--.--..-..-...............--:--------.-:/.-.......-.--.::-.-/:----/so:..---:
» weapon mounts w/dry fire exercise ooo+++//-/oo/::--:/:-/-:-.------.....-.--.-.:oo...-+o:--..-..--..--:o/--:/+-/:o-://o+/:+o+o-----

» engine room+cargo bay

» living quarters+galley
» barracks/gym+cryochambers
» crew break room+computer room
e ooo++o/::/s+::::-:/:::-:-.--:---.....-:oy+--oys::--syo---.--.-.-::--/:-:o++-/+o::+/y:+:/o++/----
++++| |so| (_)oso| |oo+osso+/////+oyhyysys---:--::---/-::oso++++oo+++| |oshyyoosssosyysss|+|soo+
» unfinished+unused sets and a small snack ysss| |oy| |oohsy| |osiso++++++++osyhyysyoo-:+---/::--:-:oso++++ooooo| |oshhdyyyysyysy_so| |hhhy
+ooo|+|/\| | / __| '_ \oy| |+| |/ _ \| |s| |;\ \-/\:/ / _ \ '__/ _ \s|+'_ \y/ _ \ '__/+_ \ |yyyy
» player moves the ship to a new parking spot (may require Piloting) ssys\ /\ / \__ \ |s| |s| |+| | (/) | |y| |oy\ V V / __/ |:| __/o| |y| |+ __/ |y| __/_|yhyy
sssss\/sy\/|_|___/_|s|_|ss\__, |\___/y\__,_|sy:\_/\_/:\___|_|ys\___|s|_|s|_|\___|_|yy\___(_)yys.
-yyyyysssyyyyyysoooooooooooys/ |++dmsomhoyd/::/ds++ss//+shysysoosssssssysssyyyssssssyhhhhhyyyy.
Price of admittance `hhhhhyysssssssssssssssssoooooomhssmso+y+oooooosohyssyyyyhdhsssssssssssssssssssssssyyyhhh`

For a price in credits of each ticket, multiply the length of

tour by 10. For anyone 12 or under, multiply it by 5 Pictures with a larping staff
At tour's end, the staff stands politely on a platform and

instead. Well-behaving babies are always free to come

aboard and free to stay aboard so long as they’re respective looks down at the tour groups' cameras waiting patiently as
of everyone’s enjoyment. Disrespectful babies must leave. the groups take selfies and set timers and make faces and
say silly words before flashes go off. For an extra d10
Offered in the galley is overpriced meat sticks, bug steaks, credits, the players may have their photos taken with
bubble tea, shrimp cocktals, mochi, coffee, funnel cake, or individual staff in one of three poses:

anything from the food courts table [pg 14]. Crew can visit » Standing together
» Shaking hands while making eye contact
the galley any time so long as their tote bag is tagged to
» Striking a signature pose
some kind of personal locator on them. » Photos are framed, titled, dated, and copywrite (c) the tour company.
Tote Bag
flashlight, hand moisturizer, bobble head of a character, vinyl ship-shaped Authentic Time slots
keychain, “I was on the [ship]” pin, brochure & coupons, selection soundtrack, To the length of the tour add 15 minutes (in order to
whirligig of ship, a promo trading card listing ship's stats, 150ml soda cache: prepare between visits). The crew can board at the next
1 ship & specs (lemon-lime), 2 crew (cherry), 3 name & quotes (cola), time slot. If you wish to generate a line for your wonderful
4 director/writer (grape), 5 villain (orange), 6 planet (ginger beer), tour, you can jazz up the wait time with 1d10 groups
7 weapons (sassafras beer), 8 locale (vanilla), 9 animal (fruit punch), already in queue. Every hour waiting moves that clock an
10 captain (club soda) hour closer to the Nautilus Nexus and end of the Skaana.
Sometimes coffee stores just don’t have coffee inside,
Planetary Trader Skaana other times they were moved to get to something else or by
(Proper + Ring) someone who forgot what io was doing and covered up ior
mistakes, believing io’ll fix it later. So when the Skaana
Hull: 360 (includes refugee Planetary Ring THE STRIP🏨)
needs parts and fast, it’s a full-time job requiring
Weapons: One of each from PSG 30.3: a Railgun on specialists that know who to ask and who to task where.
Skaana Proper, one on each of the Ring's 3 cargo STRUTS, For all other needs and for the chance of jury rigging, here
and one on either side of the Ring. 1d10/2 weapons are is a small list of immediately visible stores per level.
antiquated and require a day of special training [see
O'KARE, pg 8] to avoid 30% chance of a misfire.
A – Foodstuffs, Livestock, Chemicals, Home,

Restaurant Supplies – Data file reliability: 80%
"Proper" Hull: 110
A level is run by a podgy black man dressed in overalls
Life Support 10, Galley 5, Armor 3, Medical Bay 2, with a wrench sticking out of the breast pocket. Some

Command Module 1, Living Quarters 6, Barracks 7, game deck is in a forgotten compartment of his desk.

Weapon Mount 2, Jump Drive 1, Computer 1, Science
– Metals, Coral, Woods, Nails, Loader Attachments
Laboratory 2, Cryochamber 1, Cargo Hold 30, Thrusters 1,
– Data file reliability: 90%
Fuel 15 (+7)
B level has no boss and everyone working here mans ior
"The Strip" Hull: 250
own station and takes care of their stores under no
Life Support 65, Galley 35, Medical Bay 2, Barracks 5, direction. It, surprisingly, is the most ordered level here.
Stacks♆ 10, Weapon Mount 5, Jump Drive 1, Computer 1,

Cryochamber 9, Cargo Hold 30, Thrusters 2, Fuel 33 (+16)
sans Casinos+hotels: Casinos are not owned, documented or taxed by the
C – Power tools, Big Rigs, Engine parts, Soils, Ammo
– Data file reliability: 60%

ship, This is strictly a tourism and protections venture for the Skaana. C level is manned by an overworked and pathetic android

with a flower garden growing small staples for the
Stacks are 10/per hull and include 32 pods (12 pods on front and back and 4
pods on left and right), each offering a door, bed, pneumatic bed pan, coffin livestock otherwise eating overly-reclaimed rations.
locker, shelf, window and a snap light (snap fingers to turn off/on).

Bridge D (Strut I🌊) – Ship parts, Fuels, Empty sacks/crates

– Data file reliability: 85%

It’s a tiny little bar-stage thing, complete with a functional D level has conjoined twins running the show. They spend

helm made of kyanite and abalone. Plates of ham treated their days sending down packaging to E level and making
with resin hang on wall plaques. The dish's' weight and sure their stores’ prices are up-to-date with the market.
date eaten and the name of a chief are written below; the
current Chief has added no plates. Ship’s Chief is very
protective of ior star charts and treasure map collections,
E (Strut II🌊) – Distribution, Order Picking, Item Bays
– Data file reliability: 75%
E level is run by a visionary always taking on the next
located in a locked chest. This area is the only unmodified

challenge with an air of confidence which gets ior any

piece of the Skaana remaining, and its minimal stations
equipment io asks. Too bad its all poorly maintained.
makes evident just how small this ship used to be.

Cargo Decks
The cargo hold has been expanded again and again and the
F (Strut III🌊) – Cords, Entertainment equipment,
Servers, Grid parts – Data file reliability: 70%
Lead by an inventor with a knack for taking things apart,
Skaana’s cargo hold is always being rearranged like a
in F level prototypes with a 10% break chance after the
sliding block puzzle as new managers are added to their
first use cover the floor. Organized like a drawer of wires.
stocks. To find anything takes a level-2 crisis Scavenging 🌊
Struts connect the Ring to Skaana Proper.
check if it isn’t where the data file says it should be. This
happens because codes get scratched or mislabeled by
cheap automation or else corrupted business during sales.

Officer’s Deck Ship’s Liaison
Only the best will join, only the best of the best will enjoy Surgeon Hector Lynch
pensions. This tightly connected hierarchy runs what they This Scientist, whilst studying their
can of the ship’s more regulated affairs and offers to bodies, discovers the horror aberrations are flawless, new
visitors a professional place to broker good deals under constructions with impossibly seamless genetic designs, as
legally-binding terms. The people here have been on the though whatever created them had only some of the parts
Skaana for either their whole lives or close to it, and are and attempted to assemble them together via guesswork
very knowable of the history and goals of the trader. using some machine capable of printing live organic tissues
Speaking with this crew will usually result in a stress heal with self-grafting enzymes. Not very dissimilar from the

of 1 Stress per hour spent mingling and engaging in tete-a- work of paleontologists, and not very much like it, either.
tete, and may usually be found scattered around either in Lynch will otherwise be a thorn in the players’ side until
the old med bay-turned game room, galley-turned family they can get this guy spaced [pg 42].

dining room, an old barracks-turned-meeting room (Plaque
Juicy Rumor: Io has a hobby horse from childhood stashed under
reads: WAR ROOM), or their staterooms. ior bunk.
Notable NPCs on the Officer’s Deck NO MODULES REMAIN

Ship’s Chief After the last module is destroyed, every 1d10 hours roll
Metagete’s Instinct [-] for locating the Liaison and filling ior with
Commander Yesper Shultz
wires until they plug into ior ID Tracker to locate the
This Teamster used to run Fleet Duty motherchips. The Liaison calls a meeting in the WAR ROOM

squads for the government around the Skaana’s trade route
before eventually finding iorself with an offer io couldn’t
refuse. To be trusted, to be used, to be kept safe or
to discuss with the crew and players what has been taken.
Proceed to LIGHT BRIDGE OUT OF THE DARK [pg 42].

Arms’ Chief
discarded at a moment’s notice [pg 42] by players. Asking
Weapons Specialist Joey Denis
the Ship's Chief about ior past or otherwise engaging
Yesper with small talk eases the players into a reflective This Marine fires all the big guns in a
state allowing them to spend 3 Resolve in order to panic. Is sent to the brig where io is consequentially
specialize in Crises related to one trained Master Skill sterilized, but is called back into service as a division
(Write under skill "+Crises": /2 Stress from checks while leader in charge of dispatching the riots when they break

using this skill). out, unless, of course, a player gets to this position first.
Juicy Rumor: Draws charcoal sketches of visitors at Graft Park Juicy Rumor: Secretly collects vintage trading cards. Has a stash
while looking like io's doing paperwork. somewhere on the trader.

Ship’s Lead Professor A player will be eligible for the Arms’ Chief position as
soon as Joey is put in the brig [pg 27]. If a player puts
Xenoesoterist Limagdalenastelle

iorself before the right people, takes initiative, and makes

Staniforchakraborti, “but you can call me
this position, io will be tasked to formulate a battle plan to
defend against the horrors’ assaults, adding +2 hours to
This Android translates the Metagete requests and briefs each module destruction roll and lowering enemy counts
the ship’s crew on all statuses related to the incident. by 1 (enemy count cannot go below 1) for each correctly
Sharing information with ior comes highly recommended deployed pair from the Charon division.
and rewards with knowledge of the incoming disaster.
Learning the quirks of the Charon division officers will be
Juicy Rumor: Used to be a line cook for Sunny's Zenith before essential in getting all the bonuses for assigning the right
getting a hard reset while on a date with a customer.
unit to the right location, as documented by the Charon
Division Dispatch flowchart.
yoooooooooooooooooooooooooosss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
s;``````````````````````````;s- s;``````````````````````````;o _o;``````````````````````````;s

Charon Division Location and Dispatch s;

s; OG ;s`
;o /o;
;o /o;
Med Bay
Command ;s/ s; Rail Gun ;o o; ;s
» Chomal and Tutulz are more suited for managing and s;
;s_- s;
;o ,o;
;o _o; Rail Gun Heat ;s
s; and ;s/` s; ;o /o; ;s
containing the riots on the Strip. s; ;s// s;
Meeting Room ;o /o; Overflow ;s
Science Lab ;s / s; ;o o;
🛀 ;s
s; ;s`; s; ;o ,o;
» Meled and Ji are easily the best at pulling extra s; ;s _- s;
8 ;o o; ;s
s;__________________________;s /` s;__________________________;o _o;
yooooooooooooooooooooooooooso/////soooooooos///////////////yooo////o;__________________________;o 7 ;s

supplies and weapons from all the cargo bay Stores. `/;
o; ;o
s;``````oossoooooooooooyoooooooooooooo .
s; ;s / ;\
`/; -. o;NEW LIVING ;o s; ;s :` ;\`
» Yudafin and Fandorheim will work surprising `/;
o; Living
`/; :` o; ;o s; ;s -. ;\`
wonders on the Officer’s Deck aiding Stanli’ Studies. `/; / o; Quarters ;o s; Barracks ;s `/ ;\`
`/; -- o; ;o s; ;s /` ;\`

» Bernin and O’Kare have the knowledge for manning

o; 5 ;o s;
6 ;s .- ;\`
;s / ;\`
ooooooosssssssso;_____________________;o````````````y;____________________;s : ;\`
the antiquated Mounted Weapons on the Struts. o;`````````````oooooooyo-----yoooooooooo ooyssssossssssoooooooooysssssssssssss

s; WAR ROOM :s //
:s / o; Cargo +
1 Reagent Chomel – o; :o s;
Living :s `: o;
o; Cargo Deck ;o
:s _-
:s /`
Pious officer, first to greet the crew. Talks a lot about the Strip o; ;o s; Quarters :s // o; Overflow ;s
o; 3 :o s; :s / o; ;s

and all the history of its founding as a refugee camp.

s; 1+2
s;_______________________:s _-
:s `; o;

\ \ `/; `,-----------, ,-----------, ,---------, ;\ ,
\, `\ `/; ;+++++++++++; ;+++++++++++; ;+++++++++; ;\` /` /`
2 Reagent Tutuluz – `\
\, ♠
`\ `/; ;+++++++++++;
`\ `/;;+++++++++++;
;+++++++++++; ♥
;+++++++++; ;\` /`
;+++++++++;;\` /` /`

`\ `\ `/;+++++++++++; ;+++++++++++`-------`+++++++++;\` /` ,/
Rambunctious sort who walks in on the crew and Chomel, \, ;`````````;```````;+------;+;``````;+++++++++;```````````` /`
`\ ; Life ; ;+++++++++; ;+++++++++; /` ,/

excuses iorself and tries to leave, but fails and stops to talk when \,; support
; ;+++++++++;

overhearing conversation of the Strip’s history. \, ,---------`;`````;++`------`;```````;+++++++++++; /`

`\ ;++++++++++; ;++++++++++; ;+++++++++++; ,/

3 Reagent Meled – `♣ \, ;++++++++++;

`\ ;++++++++++;
;+++++++++++; /`
; ; ; Galley ;``````; Galley ; ; Galley o
; Cryo ; ;
Always worries about the inventory skills of the cargo crew and rue a ; ;
rue b
; rue c o

;; ;;

their lack of proper visual tagging. How, if anything were to ;;
;; Barracks | D BAY STRUT I | Brig ;;

happen to the computers, it would take years to find anything.
4 Reagent Ji –
In the galley stacking cups shifting shapes depending on how
o```````;`````; Life ;``````;
oCargo ;
o ;

; ___________;

; ;
; ; Computer ;

; Cargo o
;````````````;`````; ````````;`````;````````````;
; ; Barracks

many balls are added to each cup. Loves logic puzzles and has ;; ;;
;; Galley | E BAY STRUT II | Fuel ;;
a collection of them. Carries Zen and the Art of Cargo ;; ;;

; Life ; ;
Arrangement in a breast pocket. ; ; ; Barracks ;
; ;
; Barracks|
; ;
|Thrusters ||

; Support ;__; y_____y ;___; ||

5 Reagent Yudafin – `--------------------,,__________,,----------------ooooooo
; ; ;;``````````;; ; Med ;
; ; ;:Cargo ;; ; ;
; ; ;; ;; ; Bay b ;
Serious crush on the alien singer with the ior ivory horns and ;;//--------------////;;,,,,,,,,,,;;////-------------////||
;: `.:+osyhddmmmmmmmmddhyso+:.` ;;
quantum locked desert dress performing at Even’s. Pin ups of Galley | F BAY STRUT III | Fuel
;: :ohmmddddddddddddddmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNNho- ;;

;: ______________________________________________________;;
exotic singers are in ior stateroom, left open as though a shrine. ;;
; ;
;Sci ;
. ; ; ; ; ; ;
6 Reagent Fandorheim – .--------: Quarters
:hdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdmhs+-`` ; Lab b
; ; ; Drive ;
: ;____________; `---------` `---------` .
-hdhhhhhhhhhhhhhddy/.` `.+ymNmmmmmmmNNNNNNNh.
`omhhhhhhhhhhhhdmy:` ``..`` `/yNNmmmmmmNNNNNNNo`
Evacuating luggage after a vacation at the rings of a gas giant -ddyyyhhhhhhhhddo.
where sentient squid farm special glowing krill by growing them omyyyyyyyyyssss:`
sdyyyyyyyyyhyo++///::-` .:::::::::::::::::::::::` sssssyyyhdmNNs
from geothermal vents carefully inseminated with proteins. omyyyyyyyyyhm--///:::---.`
:myyyyyyyyyhm- .:::---...``

`myyyyyyyyyhm- `---...```.``-::::--------------------:::. `-::::::://ydmmmmmmmNNm`

7 Reagent Bernin – sdsyyyyyyyym:
.----...---.` sNmmmmmmmmNN.
ydssssssyyhm` -:::::////:------......------------` .----.......` `mmmmmmmmmmNs

Most likely encountered in the Officer’s Spa where io may be `Nssssssssym/ ://///++++:-.............--------..::---...```` +NmmmmmmmmmN`

/mssssssssyN -/++++ooooo/-..............------:::---...` `NmmmmmmmmmM:

found playing with a series of ancient toy catapults launching shssssssssdy .-:/++++++++/-..............-----/:::---. hNmmmmmmmmNs

dyssssssssm/ --------........``..........-----//::-.` +NmmmmmmmmNh


rubber ducks into other pools. NsssssssssN-

MsssssssssN. ----........`````````.......-----. -MmmmmmmmmmN
8 Reagent O’Kare – NsssssssssN-
shossssssshy `-----..................---------` hmddddmmmmNs
Ever complaining about the electronics on all the different guns /mooossssssm
and how no one has signed up to be trained on all of them, so yhooooosssym`
what’s even the point in fixing them? yhoooooooosm:
:moooooooooyd. -:/+++o+///+++oo///+++oo/:. -mddddddddddN:
odoooooooooyd- `:/ooss+:::+ooss:::+ooss// :mddddddddddNo
🛀 shooooooooosd+ `/+ooo+:::++ooo:::++ooo/: `+mdhhhddddddms
Spa – Open bays of cooling tanks for the antique rail gun. Pilot light keeps yhoooooooooshy. `-:::::::::::::::::::-.- .hmhhhhhhddddms
sdooooooooooyd+` .://:::::::://////-``- `omdhhhhhhhhhdmo
the water in some pools at 100F ±1d10. Shaped like mineral springs with +dsooooooooooyh/` .://///////////:-.`. `+ddhhhhhhhhhhdm/
-hyoooooooooosyh+. `.-::::::oo++/:-.. .oddhhhhhhhhhhhdd-
pools of varying sizes, most of them nearly a leg deep and an arms’ breadth `sdsoooooooooooyhs:` .hhso+/:-.` `/ydhhhhhhhhhhhhdmo`
-hhooooooooooooshhs/.` `hhhyo+/:-` `./yddhyhhhhhhhhhhhdh-
wide. /hyooooooooooooosyhys/-`` `hhhhhs++/:+shdhyyyyyyyhhhhhhhdh:
////.... ...... ... . /o//////oo++++/ .. ../syysoo. . ... sssy
/s+///////////...... /+///+++++oo+s/... ..osssso . .+o+y
+o++++++++++ooo///+++o+//////++++///...... //...//+sso+ ..+ssss/ . .///////++o
.////////+oo///soo+./yoso++++o//+s++++o++/..+oo+++oo +++o+oo+/ . ..+ssss. +/-/---.-.-
/oys++++++so../ssoo..os+////++++oo+////+++++++oo++os+++.. .. ... ./osso +/--+---o-.-
+ssoo+//..//...+/ooo..+o+//.. .. .. .........// .... ./sss. /+--//--.+-.-
/soo++sooooo+++++oo+s+/+so/ . . .+syo .o.--.---.--.-
/++++soooooooo+++++ossss+.. ... .oys+o. .. ../+++
....................................... / . // . +sss. /so//+//+/./
..... . ./ .o+ .sso++o+/oo/...../
... .. .. s/ . /////+oss+//.....//++++s
o++// .+s++//:::: /o +/ :/ /+--:::----:::://o+//:::
/+so+osyo/ :+/:y/so//+++++++++++o: : :o /+ /+ :o:---------------+/----
/soooss+o/ /+yosyyssoo++////:::::s/ :o /o :: ++ //+/////----------/o/--

ys/ ::o :/+oy+ssoo:++//+oooooo+:so///:: :: o :o +/ +/ +oo/------:--:///
s+/ ++ :++/::y/+os+./+ ://::/+oso/::://+o+:: :o :s // o/ : ... +os/++:-::::::---
+ / o::++:::::s++yy+.:o....:////so+......./o: :+s s +o ++ .... ++o---/+o+::::///
+ / : o/o/::: ::+o+syo..+:.....+: ++s........++ /s :s: os: :+ /////ooo:---:++-------

+ / /so:::::::://+sys//+/...../: //s/.......:s: ::+/ s: os .:o+ /+++sss+++++oo+::::::
+ / /y+::::::/:/ysoyo:/++:....:+ :++s:.......o/ ++ o/ oo :s: : . sso////////+++ooo
o /:: +o:::...:+ooss/s/o/+soo+/ :o.:+ o+::.....+o ++:///o+::oo :s .. : ./os/ ...... ooo
o / ++:::../ssso+ooo++ooosssso+o.:+ ++:.....:++/ooooooso+++/+ss: /s: .. .. oss .......... ++s
s//+++o+/:..:soo/+/::: /o/+/s//+o+..+.../o+/::.::::/++++/+o+++/////+os+ .. ....:ss+ ... ... : +os
s///:/++/o::/s:o::o+://+o++/o::+++////////+o++++++///o+os++/+ooos++++o+o/ . .... oss:....:: ... +ss
+::::::::/soo::o: :s+////::::::::--------------------+ooo:::::://....../: . ... /sso .. oso
s//::::/+osyo/o/..:s/..........:///////////////////--//------/::::-:-::/: . +/ :sss/ / .. . sso



s+++///////os/+++//++////+y:/so/+oo/o+/++:-o:yso+////++:oo/o+o+///oo+y+osoo/+://++/:/+:oo: oo
yso+++++++++o++////oo+///+so::/+/o+:s::/o+:o/s//++/::--------:--://+os+o//+o//++/+//++os: /o:
ysyo/:::::::oooo+/+//++//ooosoooso++s++oss+so/:+:-:///-------:::/++:::o+:-:so:/:+s/:/+so: :::///o+/
o+s//osyso://s++oos//soo:os/+s/::://+syssyysooooo///: +o/ ::/++oos/s+ssooo+++/::: ::::///////::
o/s+/ossso+++s++++o//os//+o/:s:+++++ssyssysss+: ::/+//://+oo+o/s+os++:o+o++/+++/+//:::::::/
yss++oo+s+://o///+so+oso+:+/:o:o:/ossyyo//::: :/+//: :://++oo+s:++o/o:o/o:o/o+ooo+++/
++//o+o+so//++//+o+//+s+++oo+o+o/syso/:: : ::++/: ://+o+oo+/o/+/+:o/oo:/o+
::::////ssyssooosssoooyoooyyoosoo+::..... ::/+//: ://++o+o+s+o:o/
:::::/ossso+///::::::::::::////::..........:/++/: ://+++o
///oso+/:::/:::::::::::::::::........../+++/:... .. :
The Strip on the Skaana
Originally retrofitted onto a small freighter with thrusters
larger than regulations at the time allowed, the Strip was
only meant to be a small camp of refugees to be dropped
off at the next possible planet. But as the freighter moved
from stop to stop, only issuances of pardons and packages
of care were received. No government agreed to take on
such an influx of individuals needing immunities, briefing,

political tooling, scheduling, feed, air and acclimatizing.
Slowly, refugees pieced together the error-prone handouts
from some flat-out lying manifests to build themselves a
ringwalk out of slabs of sheet metal and donated war ship

refuse. For generations now, to live on and to have piping
oxygen fed to their leaky domicile bernacles is their way.
s:. : +sso :://+/+/:/o+//:/+++//::////////++:::://+o+::::+o::/os+/:::::::::/osy+oso+///////
By teaching and shipping specialists, harvesting dangerous
s .. : +ss+ :::/s+o+::+so+//::/ / : ::+ss++/so::::/osso+/////osso+sy//////////
o +ss+ : :s: ingredients, collecting sand and garnering odd tools, the
o///+:+/://: /ss+ : /s: +o Skaana was able to become a self-supporting colony ship
o//:ossss++o/:osso :/ /s: ::oo oo:/s/o://///++o+/:::::::::/oo///++:::::::::///+yso///://////
with very few rules, as many goals, a tiny brig and scant

e regulations – a true rarity in this sector – and, as such, a

place subject to all kinds of attention, lust and scruples.
Its a difficult place to be elected a position on this crew, as
all are a tight network of seasoned survivors. But players
will find positions open up as the ship’s crew are opened
up by horrors. The oxygen deprivation and carbon dioxide
exposure over the years has caused tenants to be less than
witty and not a little high strung, so odds to win are good.
The players may elect to retire any character hired on as

an officer here. In that way, they may ensure a nice
township to visit if ever they need a friendly NPC to help
out or get things back up and running.
For any players trying to flee a horror attacking them on
the Strip, have the horror roll a number of Speed checks

o+//+osss+++o/---:/:/:+o+so:: +s/+:::/:/+/y::-:::::+o+++oooooossossoooooosooooosssy+/////////////
up to their current hit pool to keep up. A success over 10
s+/::::os: +o://::/::s+:o+: +s++/:::/o/o:-:/++///////+////oo+oo/::::::////////////////////////
means the fleeing players are caught in a surprise attack.
o+ :ss+ /o+++/////oo/s/: :+oo/-::/+/+::/oo/+++++++oo+ss++yysoooooooss+::::::///:///////////
:s/ ++/s///o+//o/////o+++: :::::-:/-:/sssso++ooooooooooooossssssssoooooys+/:://::////////////
For now, for the visitors, for everyone, the shopping sector
/+s+//o/:++ :+//+++:::::::/ :+syso////+o++/////ooo++//+oso++++oyyy+///://////////////
is full of art walks, parts shops, odd architecture with
/+ :: :s/yysoo/+s+os/:::/s+so:::s++y+::+sosyso/////////////////
winding paths leading either nowhere or connecting areas
together in confusing and nonsensical ways. There’s
weapons booths, karaoke bars, a long strip of comics carts
next to a complicated sand fountain doubling as an air
: :oo+/:: ::s+s/:o++o:::::::::::/s::://oys+:::///:::///////////////////
scrubber (or is it the other way around?), a cinema [see
//::: :s///+++++/::::: : :osoo:/s/s/:::::::::::s+:::::oss+/:////::////////////////////
what’s playing: pg 20], psychedelics [see what’s revealed
////+++///::: +++++o+++/+++oo++/:::::ssy+:o+oo:::::::::::/s:::::/s/o+++//////////////////////////
to you on pg 22] and food vendors [buy local: pg 24].
Welcome to The Strip.
.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Games cost 100 credits and offer a Stress heal.
*Casinos (contains gambling) * Beautifully designed coupons to specific games are
`Everybody’s here to win; not everybody’s here to win ` available from NPCs on sector corners handing out cards.
`credits. Many come to this all-night playground to feel ` Roll 1d10 to find out which game a coupon is for. A game
*young again or to feel at all. Players are allowed to know * store closes and remains closed so long as the warden
`the name of the game and the risks, but the mechanics and` possesses 3 of its chits. Each location offers three
`the rewards may not be disclosed before a game begins. ` selections of food from the food vendor table [pg 14].
Friede (1) Discovery (4)
An art room with suede walls offering card games. No

A disco themed underground storeroom decorated with
smoking. The walls are lined with protected paintings. servers on rollerskates and discoballs.
Players choose secretly which among them is to be “the The warden writes the name of a famous alien or character
Horror”. Warden then has 1/minute per player to find “the from media onto a piece of scrap paper and the player

Horror” by staring down and interrogating each of the sticks the paper on their forehead and is given d10
players on why the player picked who io picked to be minutes to ask the table questions about iorself and find
“the Horror” (I didn’t; Because io’s special; etc. are not out who they are. If the player succeeds: Temet Nosce
answers – keep asking. They will break.). If “the Horror” aire (+5% Intellect for the remainder of the session).
is free: “the Horror” gets Personable aire (Mercenaries are Risk: If the player fails: Who am I? aire (-5% Fear this
10% off this session) Risk: If “the Horror” is found: session).
Warden adds 1 undismissible scum of ior choice with a
S T A R S T R U C K (5)
Even's Horizon (2) e
doubled salary to a player’s mercenary sheet.

A repurposed barracks with old air planes chock full of slot

A Times Square themed showfloor with real asphalt and
functional crosswalks offers shooting galleries.
Using only their character sheets for aid, players have 30
machines. Plays air sirens during big payouts. seconds to make their pencils stick straight up before
The warden describes a situation io once found iorself in placing their hands behind their backs and attempting to
while the players all write down what skill they believe is blow each other's pencils over. Last pencil standing gets
most relevant to the situation. The warden then discloses Legendary aire (the next unlocked skill checked off with
how io resolved the situation and all players reveal their a massive check using this pencil is treated an acquired

written skills. Players who choose the same skill get Great skill this session). Risk: All other pencils get
Minds aire (+5% Combat whenever another player with Sharpened aire (this pencil deals 1d10 damage the next
Great Minds is nearby this session). Risk: If no players time it is used on a player's character sheet this session).
agreed on a skill, the warden gets a Compromised chit Himmelskibet (6)
(can have an additional player make a panic check during
This underwater themed open area is cornered off with
any one panic check).

bulletproof aquariums offering dunking booths.

SkuLLbuZZer (3) Players roll for turn order while the warden picks an
object in the room, writing down what it is. Warden then
A sewer themed suit garage and auto shop. Lots of modded proceeds to stare at it as players each spends their 2
chassis on jacks getting serviced to one railed-off side. guesses to deduce what has caught the warden’s eye. After
Player closes ior eyes and draws a stick figure on some all guesses have been made, writing is flipped and object
paper, then passes it off to another player, who demands revealed. A player guessing correctly gets Keen Sight aire
an article be added to a hit location [PSG pg 10.1]. The (+5% Combat at medium+ range this session). Risk: If
paper is returned, and the player must blindly draw the no guesses are correct, warden gets a Haunt chit (can
article touching only that hit location. Warden declares treat a fear save on one surprised check as a failed save).
Success: Player gets Awareness aire (+5% to surprised
fear saves this session) or Failure: Risk: Player gets Bad
Shot aire (-5% Combat at long range this session).
* - ______*-+_++...._ -- .* __ _* __-- -- -
----- _++_+.++._+*`. -*+_ _---..-`` .-. --+*` +``.----
------ __*.++*++ --_-. .+_ *....````..`_+`_ _...`.-
----- _+**-.*+ -.-`_+..*__+ --..```.-. - .* _***..
---*.. *- ```+**___++++++_+ __+`*.`.* - *._ +*..
---*.```.```.*_+_++*++**++**.+ +_.-+ -+`+ **
+++______._ +*`.+_ +````.+_ --+`. _`+- - _.*_ _+
_+.+.* --`.*++*-.+ * ` -*` ._- - *`+___ -
--_-- +`__+++`-_*-*- -+.``_- - `+
-+`- `* - __+`+_- _*..`+- - ._ ----
--- `. -``*+_---_--*+_ *.```*- _ +_ --- ** ----
*`..-_- **_+.-+_++.`*..+_ -_*.``-`* -+.-+**+++.+ -----
-* - - ____``_ _++`. + - +`. -_*.*+ +-+-- --
Junebug (7) * - ______*-+_++...._ -- .* __ _* __-- -- -
* -`_` - `-`-....`.+-------- _**++__ -- -
A saloon with tiny swinging doors for each barstool and .._ +``_.-`..*-.``-..--.+------- -- - +*******+----

ladies in cowboy boots serving the best shots on the Strip. . .-._._.--- .*`-..*`.+---- - - -+- - `_++*.*+++_----
Players share their favorite moment they've had with the -.. -+...`````///://:/::.+///////: -: `-/+ ..-
-``..```// :----:-:-.`:--:---::`.-```..`
group so far. They then roll skill checks relevant to their ` ` ``.`.`..`. - `....-....`..-.-. ````.-` ` `

memory. The memory with the highest success is deemed ```````` - ``` ````..` ` ````` `.
..``.. :```-.-``````.--.``````-.-```-
the best memory. The best memory gets Levity chit (the .- `.. :````.````.```.````.````.````-
next time this memory is brought up, every character who -.::..-:./..`.....`.....`......`......-
`: ` . . `-
hears it relieves 1d10/2 Stress). Risk: If all memories `- `. . `-
fail, Warden gets a Doom chit (can treat an area as `- `. . `-
`- ```` . `-
unsettling due to a group debate; rest Fear saves have [-]) `- `````` `-
`. ```````` ````````` `` `.
Pilot Lite (8) `. ...-....`.`.......``.. `.

Laboratory glass installed with lights and filaments shock
the eyes and illuminate this hall sadly lacking tesla coils.
Players take turns either spoiling an ending or character
`.```` ``````
`::-` ````. ...: ...-.......`-`.-...- `-
`::-` ..... .`./`...-...-....-....-..`.:
death (or making up a spoiler) from media until a player o`:--.-.``.- -.-/```.: ` /````/````/```.: o
A::-.:-`.-:`-../```.:``./````/````/```.: o
groans or makes some other displeasurable sound. Winner `+://///::o:://+//::+://+//::o:://+//:/: o
gets Scumbag aire (all nearby scum gain +10% on checks `//. -/+::` ./://. `-/+::` ./:- |-
`+: + +++` /\ .++: (`) ++/` ^ .+: :
and +1 XP this session). Risk: Groaner gets +1 Stress. `o- +_+ `/+/` \/ `+o- v `/+/` (_) `o- :
`o-`.````/o+````.``oo-`.``1`/o/````.``o- :
Celestar (9) `. `````` ` `````` ` `````` ` `````` .. -

`. ...-.....``..
.- -.-.
-.-. `. -
A planetarium themed room where people bet which of the .. |-|( )|`2 | /_( )|:| .. -
planets racing around an expensive, jeweled star will win. `. ```````` ````````` `. -
`-...-`......... ``.`.............. -
Roll d% (secretly). Describe your number to the group `:` /`` `/ ` `: ` : ` `/ ` `/ ` .- :
`: /`` `/`` `: `.-`` :`` `/`` `/ .- :
without using the following clues: numbers, individual o `s:::s+:::y/::+/ o`o.`` :/:::s/::+s:::+: :
letters, math. They have 2 minutes to guess your number. | `s---y+---h/--+/`|`A
`s---y+---h/--+/`|`A` ` :+---h/--+y---+- :
`+///+////+////:........:////+////+////. -

If the players succeed: Coupon for a free item valued at o `

<300 credits. Risk: If the players fail: Warden gets a | -
oo o -
±5% chit (can add or subtract 5% from any one check). `:........:.......AA
`:........:.......AA: :`.......:.........- :
`- / `- / `- :
Base Trader (10) -```.``./: / `- / ../::.`.+.``.```-o
` ` :/ .`...` / ``.... `- .`...` /:::o:o-/:+ ` `y
Marine-themed cargo hold renovated for laser tag. Patrons ``` -/ `````` / `````` `- `````` /-//+:o:+:+ ``` y
are geared up and run around in a hologram-filled area. ``` -/ / `- /-//+-o:+:+ `.` s
-/ / `- /:::/-+:/// s
All players join hands and play thumb war. Anyone with :``````.++::::::::+:::::::://::::::::+:///:////+-``````:o
both thumbs knocked out can help anyone left in the war
by helping hold down other players thumbs. Winner gets ///```````````````/``````````/```````````````````````````
I survived! aire (+5% Armor this session) Risk: If a tie, ```````````````A|
Warden gets Emperor's Thumb chit (choose any one `````````````````````````````````````````-``````o
body save and cause it to either succeed or fail). ```````````````````````````````````````````/////---------
._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
.Food Vendors . CHOOSE:
.To command a booth while you regroup and form a plan of
.attack is one of the few joys life regularly offers. Doing so. » Roll 1d100 and read straight across, or
.at a nice restaurant or picnic table next to a roiling food . » Roll 3d100 (or more, for sides) and consult the result.
.stand will give you a safe environment away from . » Add +Heal% of each d100 segment to bonus Heal check.
.encounters, some energy to keep players going, as well as . PRICE: Add all items’ values together and divide sum by 10฿

.a bonus Heal check and Fear save for 1d10 Stress relief. relief.. d100 This local dish of
Due to the history of the ship, there is an eclectic and 00 Ship-issued meat pods and glazed yams
eccentric story woven into these dishes. Years of having all 01-09 Rainbow ramen noodles

the wrong pieces has jumbled everything from texture to
10-19 Tough-as-bone meat
serving tray. And no matter how many galactically-praised
chefs are brought in to culture the wayfaring survivors, 20-24 Fermented liver

roots of their culture continue to make it to table. Rightly 25-29 Giant flower-producing sac

prepared, such roots are doubted, tried then touted some of
30-34 Swishing lizard tails
the best the Dice system has on offer.
35-39 Worm burger
Fourier Ray's Burgers and Steaks
40-44 Scaleless ichthyosaur thighs
An amazingly quiet place easily mistaken for a tax front
until the food arrives fresh and delicious and blows these 45-49 Colossal caterpillar
cares away. This diner-themed diner has a fractal pattern on 50-54 Newtonian patty (chewed slowly and softly)

the floor tiles and evokes a calming air through its smooth
jazz rills. The grill is hot and taking orders any time day or
night and the chef is also bus and wait staff on slow days
55-57 Animal’s paw (large)
58-60 Heat-seeking escargot
(most days). Stays in business from all the stage actors 61-63 Blue meaty goodness
coming here on their shows’ closing nights.
64-66 Warm, garrulously crackling globs
Galactic Super Clusters 67-69 Janitorial mop-shaped squash spirals

A pizzeria with earth-themed pizzas named after natural 70-71 Pay-by-the-weight cafeteria food
wonders and life forms. There is Laser Hockey, Arcade

72-73 Foie gras sausage links

racefight games, a pin full of softly glowing led balls and a
74-75 Instant poker potato chips
stack of trivia cards to keep kids both entertained while
waiting and demanding to come back soon. 76-77 Expand-o-steak (just add hot water)

The Forever Fast 78-79 One-pot repasta (serves 4) with bread on side
80-81 Protein and fat-packed cup of pills and gums

All food is loudly dressed and served lean (as in two-thirds

portions), but where it skimps it makes up for in energy 82-83 Eggplant meat pie
and a knowledgeable set of regulars. Ask around to get the 84-85 Parrot fish sandwich quarters
dirt on the ship's upper crust, and the word on the fairest 86-87 Little pumping hearts spouting barley
game in town (a flat d30 Contents result).
88-89 Various kimchis and veggie sprouts

Sunny_s Zenith 90-91 Colorful packaging peanuts (vegetable based)

Nothing beats the morning out of you like the stimulants
92-93 Fake, fluffy credits
served in these cups (+1% Intellect for d10 hrs, max +5%,
addictive), unless, of course, you arrive right as they open 94-95 Grouse breast dino nuggets
to instead greet their d10 wait line. With a patio setting the 96-97 Freeze-dried fruit crumble w/cream on biscuit
Skaana Proper center stage, this spot has been many a
98-99 Fresh, pungent whole fruit w/authentic sticker
writer's long-time favorite for generations.
[24, 24, 71] = A plate of something reminiscent of spam, it smells reminiscent, in general. The plate it comes on is hot,
and an aromatic clump of resin on it diffuses into the spam stuff. As the plate slowly cools, congealing steam defogs to
reveal a glowy, fractaling shape dancing across the plate. It seems to aid the flavors some.
PRICE: [(24+24+71=119)/10] = 12 credits. Bon. ฿
In casinos and some bars, you divide by 2 instead.
Has/Is Served
naturally grown in containers maintained by specialists doused in sauce still dripping long into the meal
a choose-your-own flavor packet made by local chemists with pickled, pointy leaves laid over top

dancing flakes ("they really flip!"); fear save or +1 Stress with a cute fork of 4 tiny pickax prongs
salted buttery sap caramelizing atop a heated plate nails of protein hammered in haphazardly

Includes helpful instructions: "swallow whole" atop a springy hammock of guts (dried over engines)
black grasses sticking straight up and a tiny machete in a flight of oversized hex wrench sockets
a side of: hot tortillas, a bowl of warm blood, and lettuce uncooked with batter and battery-powered fryer
auburn onions cut isometrically, battered, and fried over ship-shaped gelatin (flaming bourbon thrusters)
brown-and-white spots marble the outsides steams to perfection on contact, smelling of apples
drizzled with colorful syrups after presented to table rolls into bite-sized balls on contact and drips a little

spicy clover tea with plastic pili poking into cup
small fruit pairs on stem hanging from y-shaped stick
under a pelt of very soft, perhaps genuine fur
with foaming soup slowly turning back into a cracker
warning label: "consume with at least 150ml clear water" on a resin antler decorated with faintly glowing diodes
shaped like letters (spells out a local idiom or proverb) in one massive lug nut etched with the vendor's logo
spicy. Halfway through meal: body save or take 1 dmg. on fresh purplefish fin sourced from Himmelskibet
shot from a gurgly, spritzy but immaculate dispenser on programmable holographic plate [fractal visualizer]
skewered with real pieces of lightly charred wood softly buffed and slightly bowled slabs of rock

electrified (low, variable voltage). Sparks now and then with syringes of flavoring in plastic cups
alien flag toothpick; the flag turns white when pulled out over dry ice shelf laced with a doily
a clap of thunder released when first disturbed in jack-o-lantern squash carved by local android artist
bubble-making carbon-dioxide medallions (add to water) in large spider exoskeleton; living hinges replace legs

gun-shaped with tiny fried red eggs and baling wire garnish in planet shaped bowl (cities labeled)
braised with fruit-shaped sponges to be sucked for flavor in shallow, tough and inedible mushroom cap
flooded with fantastic broth touting a lagoon of savory oil in a hat made of self-sealing straw
bonsai dispenser irregularly drips sauce (hidden fuel line) on polarized-microscope-slide mosaic over lights
cracked open with vice grips lovingly painted with skulls with a bobble head charm [chef] for one’s comms unit
ribbon of eggs in a creamy white sauce with flaming kerosene in sculpted aluminum pedestal
cooked on small skillet built into eating table in a dismantled landmine decorated like a dragon egg
torched on a trolley before presenting wrapped in strips of glossy warm candied greens
floating at first (maybe magnets) and settles in d4 rounds over sweetened cardboard (a delicacy)
Skaana the Trader [ Parks and Art Walks ]
Once a humble freighter specializing in livestock, the Skaana ] After so many years gambling away oxygen for credits and[
already had a small history of extraordinary Commanders with
their own amazing stories. All of which can be seen in the [ time off, people change. They grow a new mind over the ]
Ship’s Directory under "Commanders". ] old one, both minds surfacing at different points in the [
[ same conversation; it’s hard to discern motives and ]
Disaster at Roanorlan
] alliances. Morals are as mystical and archaic as the gods [
When Quartermaster Array Dormonsuer of the Sol's 101st
Fleet, Ret. and Commander of the freighter Skaana saw the [ who forged them, and nothing is off the table. You can get ]
brave people of Roanorlan helplessly overrun by waves of ] it all here in a day and lose it all before the next. [
horrendous beasts, he had to evacuate them.

Graft Park
One Amazing Journey A park lined with fountains, award-winning dynamic
Calling in all his favors, the commander received massive lighting, and shrubbery. The plants have speakers singing
aid from ships offering the freighter supplies for its trip.
to them in melodic tones reminiscent of crickets. Every

Though the freighter may arrive to port, local governments
could not take so many refugees, offering only more supplies. hour here relieves 1 Stress.

The First Year

Billboards sponsoring living plants line the rows in this
Feeling awful for their living conditions, the commander spent
all his retirement earnings on building these people nearly park decked out with hammocks set up on plastiprint trees.
adequate living conditions and creating small ‘sleep stacks’ All the fake trees are pay-operated and spout 150 mls of
whose 32-occupancy design is still seen in use today.
water for 1 credit.
Organizing the Pieces Free Dome
Many of the resources handed out by planets were poorly
documented and incorrect. Sometimes the wrong cargo is
sent, and the ship strikes it rich. Other times, the medicine
arrives, but it is spoiled and toxic.
A little sports park with a pay-operated ball printer printing
one high quality plastiprint ball of ior choice for 5 credits
and displays holographic goals, nets, and boundary lines
for an additional and discounted 20 credits (20% OFF!) for
Have Skil ls, Wil l Work 45 minutes.
Using donated devices, the refugees formulated their own
system of address using a mesh net to contact one another Scarborough
and to establish businesses. By signing on to the network and Small and coiling, this park is a simple labyrinth of rocks
listing relevant skills, they got to work.
and thin grasses set in a 1km path looping back around

A Casino in the Nothing itself 10 times before ending on a bench signed by the
An investor saw something special happening on the Skaana original crew at its center. 10 plaques around the path have
and, though no one here had any money, saw opportunity in the Skaana's story written out.
all the tourists coming to visit the ship and purchase its unique .sshddhyyyshd
wares. A casino was planned, built, and born. yhhdsssoyhhyshhdy
hhydy yyyyh
dooy yhhd
Stars Align yysh +dyh

As soon as one casino went up, many more started breaking ///::::///////ysoh:/::/o+::::+hsh::::::::::://+++o++++
ground until the entire hull was overhauled and transformed ++/+////+++++++///////yysd+++oyyo////sysh+++/:////++++/+//////::/+
into a massive ring of metal around the ship complete with oo/////+++//////+////+ooysddydo+syyyss+o+yysy+/:.:/++++++++++++//++/+/////
state-of-the-art piping, parks, and batteries. /..:/+o+///++o+++++++++ohdmmdhho+shhyyyo++ysss//////++++++++++++++++++++/++++
Where the Story Ends ooo-+ooo+.ooso-osyy+/oysyyyhhhhhdddmhyymdmhdhho/oso/+soo+/ooo+//soo+:oooo+oss
Today, the Skaana is considered one of the freest and finest ooo-/oooo::/ooo+/+soo+-.-/+ooo+-:/+oososoooooossss+-.++oo+++ooo::oooo:/ssso-o
ships in the galaxy and is an amazing example of capitalism's oss+:/+oooo+:/++oo++/:/+ooo+/:::://///////+oooo+//++//+/://:::::oooo+-/ssss:/
finest power: joining hands to create a world where no world /ossso//++ooooo:..-:+oooo:-:+ooso+++++++///++++++so+++oooo++:./ossoo-./+oosoo
has any right to exist. ooo++///////::/+ooo+//::++++oooooo+o++ooooooooooooo+++/++++sooo++/+ososo+ssso
The Future Now +ooosoooo++//-:/ooooo/-.-ooooso::/+/+//+///////+++++oooooo++o++/+++ooosoo///
The ship may yet find itself in an orbit and drop off all who /:+ssso//+oossso:..--://///+++//+o++/+/+/++/+/++++++ooooooo+++/////+osssssoo
wish to go planetside. Though with so many ill-equipped for /:/+soooo+:..:oooso+s+//://///://///////://///+/+++/+ooososoo++o+++++/os
such gravity, making a home here on the Skaana itself is many oooso/:-.-/oo+oooosooooooooooooooosssssssssssssososooo+////++ossss
a tenant's biggest dream. ssooooo++++://://++++++o+/++++/+++++oo+/+/+++++o+o+oooosssssss
|- - -- -- | - - - - - | || || || || ||
\ Arcades and Parts Shops /\ Peopleways /
| Every part for a ship, bot, man or gun is found somewhere | | Odd architecture with winding conveyor paths leading |
| in this twisting, vaulting patchwork of pipes and cargo | | either nowhere or connecting areas in confusing and |
| interlaced with casinos, bars and sleep stacks. The players | | nonsensical ways are laid out for visitors, locals, and |
| may come to a point where the Strip is a patchwork of its | | supplies to get either lost or else eventually to where they |
| former glory. A warden asking “Where do you go?” and | | want to go. Peopleways are funded and kept maintained |
/ “How are you looking?” are questions most groups may \ / by the shops and stores and are in no way affiliated with \
| _ find
_ _unengaging
_ _ _ _or_tedious
_ _ _during
_ _a _messy
_ _resupply
_ _ _ run._ _ | ||_Skaana
_ _ _Proper.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ||
Instead, to count down the clock and determine encounters When peopleways lose power during the Panic [pg 26],

as the group frantically hunts for supplies, have one of emergency doorwell tracks run along more direct routes
them roll Scavenging and subtract 5% from the result for and are to be used only to return home or else for official
each module so far destroyed. Every sector has a salvation business. All locations mentioned in this module refuse to

store with a 1d10 quantity of each item from one of the close and remain open for the duration of the Panic,
PSG Equipment and Trinkets tables’ pages (using Quantity becoming inaccessible only after blowing up -- either by
result, ODD for left pages, EVEN for right pages). Each warden’s selection or else randomly rolled on the
failed check encompasses 30 minutes of diligently Destructible Contents table [pg 2] every d10 hours.
searching these stores and asking around. For players Endless Possibilities
playing for time, this d10 magic can help shave precious
A series of ramps with dozens of people movers
hours as players pull their doorwell over at a mess of shops
connecting to one another and emptying mysteriously at

unruly denizen.
to ask frantically for the part they need. It makes some
room for a flavorful encounter with a trolling Sporca or
parapets or fountains or a small tree framing casinos in the
distance. For:::::
indecisive groups, direct them here and roll
on the Destructible ::Contents table to give them a small
tour and to see where they end up as they step off.
Corridors of Families
:://++/:oy+os++osooosssssssysssyyyso//+/:::://++o++o++ooooo+/+o+++/://///+/:///://////:://:// :::////+/+ooo+++////:::
A peopleway transporting cargo and visitors :::::/+++//++oo++/
:::/+//-.-/+sssoyhsossssssssssssssyyyssssss+://+///+:/+oo/:/://///sso/+hdo///:/+//++++ssoo/oooooo++/////://///////::/:/::://: over the
:/++osyysso+++sssssyhssssssssssssssssysyyyysss+//////+///oos//o:::/o/+o/:/yso//+/+//ooy/+sh+/ss///yssooo+//+osssso+/++/://///////////::/++: ::/:: :/
Tenderloft. Every family living on the Skaana for more
than a year paints a heart inside their handprint over the

clear plastiprint walls. Bobbles, small rocks and photos
/hyyyyysssssssssssshdsssssyyyymmyysso++/: :::./s://::::++//+//++/////////+//++/+++ooo+//:://++/////oo////+/+/////++//::///:+/://+o:/oo+//::::++/:://
+yssssyssssssssssssyyyyyyysyssyy//:/ .`. /+oo+/:/::://://yh++++/+//+/++++++//////++//+++/+/+++/+++oo/+++/+/o//+//+++/////++++++///+/::/::::::: : //
line the walls of loved ones. It seems to double as a
+hyyyssssysyyyyyyyssso+/: : ::+h:/++osyhdddmyy+:/:/://+:/+++///////////+++sy/:/++++o//oo/:s::+:///o+///++//++++/++++++++++o+++ssssoshooo+:///:/:: /+
/hyyyyssoo+//:::/:: :/++oyhdNmNMMMMMMMMMMso+:::/ ::://++/+///////////ooo///+++so++yoo/:::////+o///+/++/+/+oo+o/s///////++/++o+o+oooso+//+++///://
cemetery, though at first glance it does not look the part.
ss+/:/: ::////+oshhdmNMMMMMNyMMMMMMMMMMMMMMys+://+:::://o+/+/////+++++++/+/o//+/+o++o+o++:/++//:/::://://+:///:/:+:///o+/yy+o+oo//+oos+/:///////://
/yyNMMMMMMMMMMNoMMMMMMMMMMMMm/MMMMMMMMMMMMMMss+ /:/+o/o//oyssosoddmmddmshhhsyso+so+so+ooo+//s+++soo+ooyo+:/:++////+//::+//++++++ooo+//:////+/+/ss///
Even's Steppes
/ssmmNMMMMMMMMN+MMMMMMMMMMMMm/MMMMMMMMMMMMMMso/: /:oooo//oyososssyyssyysyysssss+ssshsoosssysyooossssosooyyh////+://+//://+os/+//://///:// :/
The escalators leading down to Even's Horizon Casinos

experience a moment of null-g as the escalators pass over
the large hadron magnets creating this sector's artificial
gravity. The escalators' lighting is filled with code printing
/ mddooo+//::::--:::+y://////.-///oo:oh/::/::os+-:::::::::::::::/::/::::::::----------------------.---::--:-------------:--.-.--..--.---::-----------.
itineraries and tickers for events and games at Even's.
s ::::::---::::///::/::::::/:/+/++s+/ss::--:::++//o+////////+////::/://////++++////////////:o/////+ssysyyssssssoosyssssssyss++ossssssssooosooooo+ooooo
/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -/ |
|The End of Fame
/ Karaoke Bars / |A conical bar that empties out onto a sizable stage. A

/ Letting the scared, little kid inside get over iorself is best / |
|sequins of framed and signed photographs sporting
.| |

/ left to something hard, thick, and all about the breath that / |
|legendary singers and musicians decorate this tunneling |
/ we happen have on us. Employ that breath in a heartfelt, / |
|arch equal to the net worth of many casinos found on the |
/ soul-cracking, maybe awful song torn from a new air hole / |Strip. The place has a long line of 1d10 groups waiting to
| -- |
/ in the vocal tract to relieve 2 Stress and an additional 1 / |get in to sing a song where all the best have sung before.
/ Stress for every 10 points rolled under the fear save that / |

/ starts off every karaoke performance. All songs cost 20 / | || |

|I` may acquire` my` na-a-ame`
/ credits. Pick a bar, pick a song, pick a string. Pick, and be. / | |||

|I` may acquire` my` wi-i-ine`
|-----------------------------------| | || |
|--------------------------------------------------\ |And I` may acquire` my` pa-a-a-a-th`
Catscales \ |But I` will ne'er ‘quire` my` freedom` |||
|A trucker themed bar decorated with all the old Skaana - | || | |||

| | |::::Out Here::::
`parts it could fake, source and scrounge up. Touts itself as \ |It's easy` to forget` the people` building fences` || | |||
/the oldest karaoke bar on the Strip (It's not, but the / |
|And easy` to forget people` deep beneath` the seas` | | |||
| |
|paperwork ain't too specific, neither). A good place to get \
|Easy to forget` those blowing off` each other's faces` | | _|
|into a friendly bar fight and relieve 1d10 Stress. If you | |
|survive all the CQC being tossed around, that is. | |When those of crew` and love are all` out` he-e-ere |||
| | |
|::::I Want:::: || |
|::::Friends Weave:::: __\ |
| Got me` real fas`t my run` to make` ||| |I` want` to be` per-r-r`fect and fine` [clap, clap] |||
|Parsec` in a sec` quadrant` in a tick.`
|Vagrants` my life` for parts` do take`
|But ain't got` nuttin on` my weaves hicks`
e ``/
|I` want` to be` per-r-r`fect and fine` [clap, clap]
|Do I` want` to be` some`thing I’m not?`
Do I` want` to be` some`thing I’m__not?`
|| |

____ _/\______________|
|Guaranteed`: caravan's` got my ass` | |----------------------------------------------|
| \ | Beat Rats' Antiques |
`Teeth bare` wit’ works`, tricks and trash` __| | A smoker's den filling the air with spoken word poetry on|
|::::Pox Comba'nts:::: [TDP pg 25.47] ||| | |
. ``| | the microphone. You are encouraged to bring your own |
|Now you know me`, i ain't spittin'` \ | poems to this bar and sign up on the sheet, but no one is |
|When i tell ye's` what I's shippin'` |
|Got a scale` of Pox Comba'nts` | | going to shun you if you have an old vagrant piece you |
/ | really need to read around caring ears. |

|As the Hertz` inspect my deckin'` | | ... |
|And` They` Ain't` Fin` Din` | | ::::To Us: A Jar:::: .o)0(o. |
| | | And good hole the look of her .y))0) (0((y. |
|Nuttin` (x6) Nuh` (x4) /| .o)--` `--(o.|
|::::Til I Land on ol' Tuckie:::: | | The whole of her i look at her ._)-`` ``-(_
| \ | Her there her me her us a jar .((` `)
|No critters` were for me` Til i land` on ol' Tuckie` Her tub`| | \` `/
|full of puppies` As she dies thar` in ma arm` An i howl` as | | Two we to set on parapets set far

._)-.. ..-(_
| /| .o)__. .__(o.|
|the first one` [finger-mouth pop]` come out` An i howl` | ::::No Home. Will Travel::::
|when the other ones` kick thar in her belly`, kick away the \ We are no wherever we are .y))0) (0((y. |
| |
| We are found there never are .o)0(o. |
|first one` nursing thar already`. Kick away my heartstring` | | ``` |
|the way i pluck` on this-ere 'tar`. So I'm divin in` with my | | We to know where we are to go |
|buck knife` an i scavenge` what i kin`. I take them` to __/ | We of no home. We of no home. . |
| ||| | : |
|delivery` where no one gives` me a hand`, so i order me ``\ | ::::Mental Moment:::: |\ |
|up` a biggie freeze` of 'em K-9ah rashins'` for, uh, [full || / | |
| | | A chipmunk rushes to its next food supply, | | |
|stop] Seven?` And i travel` with the lot of em` and my | | And an eagle screeches way up in the sky, / / |
|ship's always` a flea-ridden mess`. Poc`ket chewed all` \ | The breeze I send you combing your hair: | | |
| || / | |
|through the lea`ther of ma vin`tage rusty throne`, Cotton / From your heaven, from orbit, my prayer
|beg`gin for a spacesuit` perma nose` smears on ma glass`.| |__________________________________/ \______|
| /
Tibya rearra(continues
|____ ___ _____________ for another 7 minutes
____________ __ in this way)
____ ____/
/ \ ///////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \
Peonme \ /
| / Berries * *
\ A brewery has retrofitted the front of a hanger to serve | / *
/ / / A cider bar decorated with earthy tones and rare woods, |
| craft brews, offer ping pong tables, and sing terrible and |
\ | / chess tables, and a small accompaniment of shanties:
violent songs into the vacuum: |
| / \ |
/ |
| / ::::Good Morning:::: |
/ ::::Done Fucked the System:::: / / |
\ | / What I'm `given` Shall be worked` \
/ Un`do-o-o-o-o-ne!` Agi`ta-a-a-a-ate-e-e-e-ed!` | / |
\ / / [Oh, worlds! You come. Oh, worlds! You come.] `` .
\ People so` fuzzy` People so` fizzy.` 1 / /
\ y`my. / / Shall become` the Shell and Shape` `` |
Step!` Away!` From the schedules!` \``/
/ / |
os+ //////
What I've` given` Shall be placed` `` .
Turn!` Eject!` Scatte-e-e-e-e-r!` oso //. `-/ /
| / |
os+\ +/.--/
In act`ive whirl` Til' worl`ds displace` ``

osyyyyys// / \ / |
::::Sturdy Board:::: syyyyyy++o+ / sss |
syholyo+/+s / ---- s s ----
syshit++sy/. / ::::The Shot:::: (wri tten b y an as s ass i n s ervi ng ti m e) sss |
\ Ho-o-o-o-w` bold` am I`? hyhhyyyyy/
/ m / \ |
+ ssssos++: ` /
/ Blen`ding forms I'm` in the crowd` / | \ |
A mind` space` n` mold` A mind` -debt so` tolled` ss:soo:/-i /
s/:+o/-/./ o
o / +- -.. ` |
o s+s+sos+/`/ / [Ne’er to run, we clock em all down] `` /-./:..::``::``- |

+ A mind`, young` n` cold` Am I` to` be` sold`
+ sssyss o:-/ o / -:+.......::....``+:` |
hyyhyyb :/ o +
+ yhhhhhs myhhy +
/ Dis`appearing` no one round` `` .-.........:::``:::./ |
\ Witho-o-o-ut hold` A mind?` yhysydyyhdddddh + / ./``:::::....::::......|
/ ::../:::...```..`.::///.-
hdddddyd dddddd
ddmmdyh mddys
/ / Round` the bend`: my` steady piece` `` :..//:..:-.//:/```.:...`|
: mdhhy dddhss / / :/` -:`:../.: .`:./``-|
- ::::Let’s Go!:::: hyhh dddhs : / Line` the shot`, his` face, erase` `` +-+*/:.` :/:`-. .-.`. |
- hddd ddhdh -
. Keep` me here` I swear` I'll scream` hsyh dmddd
oosh ddhh
+*- --| `` ...
/ ::::Columbus Day:::: -,/` ://: |
` And tear` and claw` Invert` sweet dreams` ooo
`` / ://: |
hdddh ` / This world` they say` discov`ered How`? . ://: m |
If we` remain` I won’t` stay sane` / ://:/---` |
/ Poor's blood`, but rich` boy's flag` and rite` ://+ |
. Best we` be off` Alright!` . / ://: |
o o /
Rock king fights` truss, knocks` know`ing off` :/ : |

` Metraid

----`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`--`-`--`--`--`--`-`--` --`--`--`--`-`--`-;

A roomy, sleek, but low-ceilinged corner of a sector. The `;

music playing here is composed of infrequent and oddly ;;
And to`pic lost`, a flight` toll's set`.

|---------------------------------------------/ \
| Fresh Flesh \ \/ \ \ /\ / / -
: :/ :
.. .... : : . :..-:/ :-.--.|:*:|
/___________________________________ __ _____________________._:_|__\_\/\|_\|____|
: .|
` | A stairwell with multiple flights repurposed as a bar. |
familiar plinks and bloops and the occasional swull. ; \ Tables line the insides of the stairs
` and u-rails are used for|
` `
` ;; / . . /
Here, the players may get into a snuggle pile of cuddles `
` and rest for 1d10 minutes for 50 credits. Every 10 minutes ` | partitions; people walk single file . around . the outside. One|
. | entire wall is glass gazing upon the vacuous Strip. Inside\
` of rest during this time heals 2 dmg and relieves 1 Stress. | an improvised storage room on the`top floor, ` a forgotten |
` ;
There are instruments here playing in chasmically low ` | . . ||
iris valve and ladder lead through Strut . I to Skaana
. . Proper. |

hertz heard only by individuals touching the instrument: ;;
` `;
| ::::Apart Complete:::: \/ \/ \/ \ |
Heartstring: ; | \ /\ / \
` `; | Wri`ng the Wholeness` to atone` / \ / \ / \ / |
A conch shell sized for a human with boards leading to a single | Bri`ng it pathy`, stone by stone` \/ \/ /
string in the center. The string is strummed by hand like a harp. ;;; | Jui`ce the life of` moral meekness`` /\ /\ / \|
` The shell is lit by soft lighting running along the spiral, and from `;
a | / \ / \ \|
; | Cou`rt the flow of` sorrow's sweetness` \/ \/ \/|

` distance the structure glows faintly like a candle. ;;

`; | So`rt the psalms' in`ertial fleetness` / /\ /\ |
` Fountune: ; | 'Pon` this rock breathe`, now, alone` / \ \ / |
;; | \/ \/ \/ |
` A series of pipes, siphons, check valves and levers not unlike an`;; | ::::Looping Ritual:::: /\ /\ /\ /\ |
overly complicated alembic or chemistry set. Changing the ;; | The time` is nigh` This time` it's mine` / \ / \ / ||
` `; | \ \/ \ |
viscosity and flow varies the drips and dull rumble of its neon
` ;;
| I give` my life` And light` to die` / / /\ /\ |
liquids’ amplified, rolling honey coils. `; | A`ging Splendors`, Amass` my center` \ / \ / \|
` ; | At la`st, my mentors`, En ma`sse, surrender` ` ` \/ \ |
Dilica: ;;
- /\ /\ |
` `;
Genetically engineered bright orange slugs. One placed gently in - ::::Dreamskein:::: \ / \ / \ / \ / \ \|
the ear and held in place for a second (to help it not fall out) will ;; It sits and` it spins its web` of fate` / \/ \ |
/ /\ /\ /\ |
` slide in and chew on the wax it finds there. Such chewing ;; And rocks` in it’s chair` as time` relates`/ \ / \
`| \|
` sounds both like rain on a tin roof and the rush within a seashell. ; The dreams` it’s stitched` to con`gregate` \/ \ |
| .;
` The snail dies full, fulfilled and happy in 2d10 minutes. `; Some life` from sleep’s` egress` / /\ /\ |
|_._._._._._.__._._._._._.__._._._. ._._._ ._._._._._._. ._._._:; |___________________________________ __ ____ _/\_\|
_/ \__| |_
_\ The Comic Strip /__| Escargo Cinema |_
\__|Posters, clips, tickers and wireframe plastiprints pop from |_
_/ A long line of comics carts decked out with tapestries and
_\ lights are framed by contiguous sand fountains set to epic
/__|every corner advertising a vid hot off the compiler. Some |_
\__|of the actors are here to get wasted sign autographs. A
_/ classical music scrubbing impurities from the air, casting |_
_\ about in a choral susurrance of patterns and illusions. /__|balcony of chevroned tables with stout barstools overlook |_
Once per day, unread 10-credit comics enjoyed by these _|the snack bar and the 10 rows of cinema seats. Rows C and |_
fountains relieves 4 Stress after 1 hour. Describe your _|D are bisected by a line of donated dining tables and velvet |_
favorite, or build one from the Horror Show presented in _|corral.
_ _ Vids
_ _ are
_ 2_ hours,
_ _ 30_ credits,
_ _ _ and
_ _relieve
_ _ 2_Stress.
_ _ _ |_
a 3d10 format generated using the tables below: Sign at the ticket booth reads: “Star Glass Rental 5 c”. A

star glass offers players a look at a vid’s Notable Details.


01. Main characters are much more cartoonish than everyone else
The cinema serves fizzy popcorn soda, pizza, tater bites
02. Lots of very high-tech metro vista panels. Everyone smokes.
(made with real instant potatoes), dip, and jalapeno beer. To
see what’s playing, roll on the Horror Show below.

03. A manga with more gore than dialogue
ROLL 5D10 and watch the results.

04. A volume of eight-panels with a punchline per page

05. All the weapons are replaced with cute animal plushies Backstory/Opening Sequence
06. Horror is a recurring pun-pumped villain from the series 01. Supporting cast goes to space using junkyard scrap, looks
07. Heroes are minorities with a baby avoiding deportation. down to notice something strange.

08. Paper is pulpy and colored using dots of four dye types 02. Boss can’t have to call a t seem to lose weight. Employee helps ior keep
it off. This creates what is soon to become the horror.
09. All hair look like oceans of variable brackishness

A mentor in this issue is teaching...

01. The cast how to spelunk in case a rescue is ever needed

10. Artist includes (and amputates) bare feet often and prominently.

03. Group on a roadtrip happily play an rpg in an auto autocorrecting
into a ravine. Slow motion of everyone floating like dice.

04. There are some horrible parents yelling at a kid in the first
scene, pointing to something off screen and stomping.

05. Scientists make a part so stuff can do things to save animals.

02. What its like to live a top the clouds: get hammered, 06. Someone grew up in a sickening house with changing walls said to
sunburnt, and watch the airwood garden bottom out again. make kids ‘hopping’ every issuesmarter’t have to call a .
03. A cat how to drive. Cybernetics in the cat fill a plot hole later 07. MC used to build ships, but got laid off so is perpetually drunk.
04. How to grow the best apples and how best to sell them 08. Gang sets up massive summoning circles using countering orbits.
05. Demons how to exorcise themselves so they don’t have to call a t have to call a 09. Villain is rich, is from a distant, romantic past, and hates the
professional every time they bump into a Receiver. present.

06. The meaning of the word respect to all the new hires 10. They programmed the best politician; but the politician was too
good, became planetary dictator, and the world stopped innovating.
07. Free-spirited group camping in ior front yard how to make money

08. Where to take your experimental dishes so people will try them
Notable Details (Cinema ONLY)
09. Local cannibals how to spice the meat for a richer flavor.
01. Stunt vehicles are actual machines. Some machines were
10. Kids how to hopscotch. No one’t have to call a s getting it. Some are crying. harmed in the making of the vid.


02. Quite a number of the androids' stunt doubles are humans.

03. Weather can be seen on terminals – a company-sponsored data network afterlife) throughout the vid, it's the
01. Remote village with houses grown from coral same doppler pattern on all of them with only the time updated.

02. Series of autos with the characters jumping into 04. Night sky is a poor mockup. All the constellations are wrong.
another auto almost before the first one is totaled
05. A word is spelled wrong on a prominently displayed prop used
03. Flooded city long laid to waste by an experimental weapon within multiple scenes.
04. Ocean world with characters getting separated by walls of algae 06. Everyone's wearing different shoes in every scene even though the
rising between them as waves in the land swell outfits themselves don't change.
05. Online (Lightstream – a company-sponsored data network afterlife) a company-sponsored data network afterlife) 07. All the thousands of dead fish in the river are actual dead fish.
06. Along the Ob River. Features lots of dense philosophical musings. 08. Running the end credits through a filter creates a vid of the
07. Industry city with Escher-inspired walkways, towers and parapets director trying again and again to sink a snooker ball

08. Planet-hopping is cheap and easy with all these dimension doors 09. Horror’t have to call a s voice is 4 famous talk show host voices blended together

09. A hostel is trying to fund a new med lab in their ski town 10. Military officer in the vid is currently serving as a volunteer
general in a little-known civil war on ior spouse's home planet.
10. Acute gravity spikes send something vital ‘hopping’ every issuehopping’t have to call a every issue

The horror... ..................-/::.--+:..-.::.-...---.----......-.-..:.---..--......---..::................:-...
01. is genetically modified bread yeast expanding over the .....................-/-......--://.--:::::-.--...-::.::.:-...--/-......-/:/.....................-:-
planet’t have to call a s surface in 1d10 days .................-.....::-.......-//:/--/:::...-.-.::..::-:..-..:.......:/+.......................-:
02. is constructing a hanging garden of its favorite flesh- ....................-.....::........:--:::../-.---::..-:-.--..--:......./...........................
eating plants planted into living humans suspended by hooks. .....................-...../-........:::--../--.--:-...-:..:..--:-.....:--..........................
03. ‘hopping’ every issues appetite for [players pick a food] is so massive, they’t have to call a ve .............................-/-......-:...-:/++:+--...........-:-..::--............................
enslaved humans to produce as much of it as they can ...............................-/-.....:--/o//+:/o//o:-.......---:/-................................
04. makes ice sculptures out of oceans and hosts a space walk art :/:...............................-/:--:.::/+/o-:/:/o+:--.....-+/-.............................--...
show of select macabre sea life exhibits .--/:...............................--:+/+:oooo::o/++/:--:/::---.-...........................---/:.-
05. sneezes to communicate, infecting many with its indecipherable ..../-..........................::....:+o+++/+o:/:/:+/+oo/....-:.....-++o+-................./o-.....
language patterns causing full semantic collapse of the society ...-/-........-................::-...:o+:/+///+/:/::://o/o:....:-..:-:o::+-..-..............+/......

06. has acid for acne in a teen drama involving a trip to the fare, ...-.---......-:-.....:...-...::.-o/-o::s/++-:-.--:--.+s:-:+:-:::/o+o+.-:--+..............:o-.......
an anecdote on cancer, trained pigeons, and a violent religious ....---.-......./-..::-....-..::.-o/+o-/o++o:-..-:/.-:+/o/:+-..--:-/++::..:+.--/.....+-...//:.......
group. .....-:..-.......--/-/-....-:o/:-:/:o/:o:--o::::-+:.-:o::o/-+:--.:.-......./-.:+....-+:/--+/:.......
07. hates true love, has banned it, and has been dictator of the .......:.-..:.....-.:s-....--+:.----///o-.-/o/--/-+...+/-.o/:/-:-..........-/.-+/-.-:+..-/+:-...---.
planet for three generations .......:....:.......:s:......++-.-//o/o+..-/o-..+-+:..++-.oo+//-...........-/.://-.-//..-.+:....----

08. grows into a giant heart pumping out beholders .......-//:-s:.....:++:+.....:+-/://---..-o+...-s./+..-+/-:-................+-o.-/..:+/---+:........
09. can only heal things, and to end its own suffering is going to +:.....--+:-+o....:-o:.-o-.-.+/-:os-....:o+.../o-.-++---:+-.................oo--:::.//.---:/........
heal the universe of all heat o+:....--o:-/o-...:-s-.-o:...+:.-oo-...--s-..-o:---:o----//-................s+:/:/:.:+.--.//........
10. is the dead come back to life with superpowers s:-//--:+s:-+:/-...-o...:/-..-o-...--.--s/..:s::---.-:+..-:/.............-/:/-..-:/-//-:.-/:........


Whilst our heroes spend most of the time... -------::+:/+--+:---o--..-+-..-o------/s/-+o-.--.....---o/:/+o:.....-:-..........///oo++-..::..-/::/
01. Battling their past lives to collect them in bottles. ---------//-o-:/+-:-s.----+----+-----ssoos+--...--......:++-+o/-..-:-............o://----.-:+../:/-o

Brought to the Strip by crews needing to head planetside

03. Underwater collecting rare parts from a ship sunk hundreds of
years ago. e
02. Go door to door asking to borrow people’t have to call a s phones

04. Restoring an old team, long parted and bickering the whole time
or else by those heading to the ring to serve on Flight duty,
drugs come easy, cheap and make for poor currency here.
Sold by the dose both in stores and on street corners,
about how things break too easy and have changed too much.
psychedelics are a great way for scientists to conduct some
05. Repossessing an overpowered, self-aware vehicle from a nemesis
research while turning a small profit to buy chemical test
06. Using meatloaf to make a bunch of unholy pacts with Outsiders
strips, equipment, bandwidth, and lab space for some
07. Continuing to go to a high school where art is well-funded.
questionably viable publications. Patrons get their own
08. Stuck in a government building going back and forth between the
same four windows on four different floors forever
entertainment out of the deal, as well as light sticks and
even coupons from filling out review surveys.

09. Sculpting a scaled model of the horror and subjecting it to tests

until they get the reaction they need.
Both regulars and clerks show the crew which drugs are
10. Dredge a surveillance network and post videos from it to a
personal feed, using crowdsourcing to expose the Spirit Line. fungibles and which are wack so as to keep the party lit.
Psychedelics cure 1 Phobia or Quirk within 4d10 hours.

Before the horror is defeated by... Taking the same components more than once a month
01. a single fire extinguisher, in whose likeness is induces a level-1 crisis Mysticism check or permanently

erected a statue (based of true events)

lowers 1 random Save by 5 and 1 random Stat by 5.
02. shampoo loaded into hollowed autocannon rounds; the
characters are pig-people
Whenever you take more than one kind of drug at a time,
03. an antique star-generating gun that destroys itself after one use
roll 1d10. If you roll equal to or under the number taken,
04. a military protein-folding virus that grows extra nerve ending on
the host, followed by multiple doses of pain
make a Sanity save. Failure means you have a bad trip, so
05. Soft water shot from fire hoses. The oxidizing metal of the hoses
roll twice on the Panic Effect table [PSG 10.4].
alkalizes the water and causes it to chemically fizz on contact.
All drugs take effect in 4d10 minutes. Add a d10 if, in
06. bad poetry read by old-timey synthetic voices
past 24 hours, the character’s: consumed alcohol; not had
07. a duo with psychotropically-induced superpowers eat it
8 hours sleep; cried. Or subtract a d10 if character’s: not
08. continuous fountain of boiling oil poured over it for an hour
eaten today, elevated ior heartrate for 10+ minutes; smiled.
09. projector lights connected to public transport networks creating
a complex array of lasers. Local prices may be generated by d%, adding a d% if:
10. EEG machines dumping raw codes of dreams into the planet’t have to call a s radio rolling double values; inside a casino; buying from dealer.
towers causing resonance frequencies lulling the horror to sleep
10 c

1 Relinquish; Ground fuzzy Placed in small cut on Unnaturally thirsty All humans are flowers to be smelled and talked to and +10% to Jury Rigging
Relax leaves, dung forehead watered (drinking glasses are roots). checks
31 c

2 Criss, Terries; Fish guts, plant Shoved into ear 75% chance of nakedness with clothes nearby, Removes all instances of clothes from accessible memories. Auto succeed armor

Play peels but must roll body save or go pee first Nudity is only a matter of time saves; Panic when
anyone panics
15 c

3 Jebadustus, Ash, sulfur, Place in water; allow A sense of lightfootedness, as if the gravity is The sky is a microscope of sand particles undulating at -30x -10% Combat, -10 on
Vorr; Relax spores bubbles to settle (~1 min) not set correctly speed panic effect rolls

20 c

4 Last eye, Bark, saltpetre, 5mm bullet shot into butt Skin feels even more plasticy. Anxiety over Skin feels plastic, math solutions come just as easily as +10% Mathematics
Megaden; Play amphetamines (dissolves) fears of turning into a doll cause a Fear save they go checks
25 c

5 Goturnose; Fruit (rotting), Nasal spray Sore kidneys, sore jaw, bad taste in the mouth Your sense of taste laughs at the pleasures of sex, soars +10% ranged Combat
Relax rock slime, caused by your tongue. -5% Body saves over them and beds their sun.
30 c

6 Holy Moter, C3H9O, Fruit Add directly to hydraulic Android only. No Balance Quirk for the next Autocorrecting star charts overload with commands -10% Armor saves,
Faxii; Relax (esters) line and allow to dissolve 12 hours offering an out-of-body experience +10% Sanity saves
(run- preferably in place)

15 c

7 Morphball, Petals, nonstick Mix with own powdered +5% Speed on all Athletics-related checks Your visible field is the size of a sports ball and just as hard -10% Speed, +15%
Scrawl; Play byproduct fingernails in water, drink. to walk on. All fingers paint complex geometric patterns. Armor +5% Combat
19 c

8 Conch, Alloys, refined Erring worn on ear A moment of longing for the noises before Can’t not hear anything, Sounds are all-consuming. Auto-succeed fear
Hideaway; Relax sugars, planet

realizing they are all still there Requires massive attention to understand language.
Always surprised.
saves. Lose access to
any chosen skill

9 Eyes of Error Venom, tree sap, Cord stitched onto upper Sobs. Deep, painful, endless, heartgouging Laser Focus, will speak to and with anything with a shape. +10% to AI skill
(Impure); Play cocaine, saliva arm homesickness. All crisis levels are doubled. Proofreading becomes second nature. checks
87 c

10 Slush; Play Mucus, soils, Huffed under towel over Hates Bright Lights Quirk for the next 24 God in is every word and table and food bowl. Clashing Excellent singing
water, squid, scalding water in clay bowl hours. colors make you cry from beauty. Processed meat has 20% voice (+20% Singing
bark (red), chance of talking. skill checks)
40 c

11 Cøevil; Make Yolks, webbing Swab placed against eyelid Papers with occult formulae written all over Radical assumptions are made from simple observations, +10% all logic skill
glands, insect using eyepatch your hands and arms. Body save scrubbing leading to complete and universal understanding. checks
scales, them off or take 2 dmg.
24 c

12 Five Stars, Asphalt oils, Shake out jar into pants Varies (roll again on this column). +1% to Usually requires fasting beforehand for results. Fingers are +10% to Command
Bedeviled; aphids, Scavenging. Knows the location of Joe's card paint brushes and organizing comes naturally. Answers skill checks
Make stash. questions as though they had yet to be asked.
37 c

13 Jump; Play Fibrous stalks, Gurgle, swallow, spin Swollen feet and painted hands. Walking Stomping feels extraordinary. Painting toes and playing Can walk 70km/day
counterclockwise, more than 10km deals 1d10 dmg every +5km footsie are all life requires
10 c

14 Albeto, Fruit (acidic), Drip over a tongue dried Deep romantic urges. A kiss you won't Skin has bugs just underneath the surface. The bugs are +10% Physics checks
Abstained; leaf oils, out with a fan remember brushes your cheek. transforming you into a planet that will answer any
Make question.
48 c

15 0b10010; Essential oil, Applied directly to motor Slowed bootup sequence, erratic mic settings Andriod only. Slows various moral and visual computations, +10% to hacking skill
Make copper, iridium cortex printing a carefree sensation. Floor feels brittle; climb checks
filaments along furniture.
76 c 16 Blow hole, Chalk, spores Place under shaved Sore chest, congested, body aches, ear aches, Breathing becomes a full-time job demanding all -10% body saves, -1
Covert; Play (fermented), saliva armpit baggy eyes attention. Exhaling feels like leaving war to return home Resolve, +15% sanity
to a dog. saves.
72 c

17 Hogslick; Skin oils, burnt Applied to lips A need to cuddle. If no cuddles are had in 24 A kinship with rats is formed. Must build them nests -5% fear save, +5/+5
Play intestine, plant hours, roll Sanity save or Panic everywhere. +5% to Scavenging checks. Armor/Combat when

roots near crew
42 c

18 tSPE, Ship salvage, Wear as a bracelet or Visual field is purple. An acidic sensor in the Lifeforms are RGB strands of DNA. As a noodly amino acid +15% to
Cofferdam; flower resin, anklet mouth feels purple, and footprints are purple you try to fit into them using tighter and tighter hugs. Xenoesoterisim
Make bioluminous sac checks


19 Colony Air scrubber Place between gums Assuming you are alive, you feel great and Fresh air is required the freshest air is the air breathed +20% to body saves
smack; Relax dander, rust, require no coffee to get your day started after being exposed to vacuum. Go get you some of that auto-fail fear saves.
breast milk air.
100 c 92 c

20 Beheld; Wing scales, salts, Sprinkle over meats A compulsion to stare at your hands during idle Nothing is apart from anything else, and holding hands is +5% to all non-
Make water (spring) periods a sacred ritual to be honored with intense eye contact athletic skills
21 M’Little; Rations (expired), Place in shoes or socks Writing for the next week makes you nauseous. Letters welt up from the page as to type. They grow roots +10% to research and
Make venom, hydraulic and walk around Will save or puke +1 Stress every time you into the text you are about to write Speed checks
oil compose a message.

300 c

22 Proprioids, Seed pods, leeches, Press on muzzle of No noticeable effects, but for some reason All cares are funny and worries are great to talk about +10% to Fear saves,
Arrykatie; Relax freshly unloaded gun horrors have health bars for 1d10 hours. and quote and process +20% rest Fear saves
and inhale
15 c

23 Broadchew, Tree pollen, shoe Chewed. Do not blow Slight euphoria during afterglow Requires sheet worn as toga, feels perfectly empowered +10% to sanity saves
bottom; Relax material, bubbles.

pl in the right body

74 c

24 Not yo Cough syrup, 2CI, Taken with food or Body save or addicted with doubled penalties The ship is fine, the debts are pretty much paid, this vid is -5% to body saves and
mamas (pain rainwater, blubber water good. can’t panic.
meds); Relax
18 c

25 Samhana’s Salts, mineral oil, Steep as tea at 115F for Losing the sculpture causes permanent -1% to You feel a compulsion to craft a creepy sculpture out of +15% to awareness
Touch; Make exemestane, music 3 minutes Sanity save. specific materials this session or make a panic check. checks and fear saves
33 c

26 caress.dat , Igneous rock, coral, Plug into auditory port, Benign tic for one session. Feels the knowledge Andriod only. See self in others and others in self, +10% to health and
pixel junk; urine unpack corrupted file of the sacred cards and the horrors they tell. constantly shifts identity and shares joys. Affinity for body saves
Relax hats.
26 c

27 Might, Feathers (metal), Ingest and eventually All paper given to you is decorated with a Flight was never about gravity, it was about a forceful +10% to athletics skill
Lifepaths; Play mill pulp, mucus, violently vomit secret, folded into a paper ship, and thrown state of mind. checks

out the nearest opening.

43 c

28 Nonelab; shells, tongues, Roll with red clover and d%/2 credits on person was donated to Restitution for all the meek is a must. Social equality +20% to social skill
Make industrial glue smoke charities. A feeling of good cheer dresses you. possible today. checks

29 Cablekink; Ink, seawater, Drip over graphics unit A fear your body is not your own lowers self- Andriod only. There is no code. There is only the endless +10% to knowledge
Play sugar alcohols, rice identity protocol performance. -5% to Fear flight of a one-eyed god with a stolen branch in its mouth skill checks
wine saves.
44 c

30 ayasap; Make MSG, cold-blooded Tape to lower back You feel like you can do nothing wrong. +5% Today is a good day for a contest you hope to lose. Losing -10% to all skill
eye, bones, Combat. elevates the world and you with it. checks, x2 XP
~| |~
Threats and Encounters 4. Arguing Couple
~| |~
There’s always the corner to avoid and the street to detour A warden skilled with couples-counseling will be equipped
~| |~
around when visiting a place such as this. Sometimes that to handle the player who tries to step in to this couples’
~| |~
logic is just not working or has not yet been properly (Hits: 2/each) debate. Success: Relieve 1 Stress and
~| |~
acquired. After so many years gambling away oxygen for acquire 2 mercenaries at half pay and +1d10 loyalty; they
~| |~
credits and time off, people change. Morals are as mystical have the Shipped quirk (must have both on the same
~| |~ roster sheet; losing one means losing the other between
~| and archaic as the gods who forge them and nothing is off |~
the table. You can get it all here in one day and lose it all sessions; bonuses lost on rehire). Failure: get punched in
~| |~ the face for 2 dmg by a pair of very bejeweled knuckles.
by its end, as made evident by the
~| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |~ tenants below.

Otherwise, this couple carries on with blaming each other
If the players start heading away from populated areas or
over more and more past mistakes and passing trysts,
is otherwise snooping in exotic locations (or staying too
walking in a direction either unmapped or else one the
long in the same location), a warden can throw out a threat
group should not try to be heading. +1 Stress to one

to get the group moving back toward a happening place to
random player every round spent hearing them squawk.
keep any story moving along. Otherwise, feel free to keep
generating more parks and arcades from THE WORKS until 5. Conspiratorialist
Factoraids blow up the cinema or the whole ship goes up A dapper person (Hits: 2) will sneak up on the group and
in a ball of benedictious flame. surprise them, talking about all the weird game stats io's
been reading and their connection to the horror vid playing
1. A Drunk
Some poor drunkard (Hits: 3) finds you, looks very glad to at the cinema and a comic strip io found and its the end of
have made it in time to tell you something, and proceeds to the Strip for sure. And possibly the universe. Although io

puke on your boots. The smell is distant at first, but
becomes stronger over the course of a few seconds. +1
Stress. Walks away feeling like io got a lot off ior chest by
is probably right and the group probably agrees, it still
causes Stress to get this much fourth wall interaction from
an NPC, and the players make Sanity saves or take +2
being with you. Stands a little taller for it. Stress before io walks away feeling like io’s evangelized
enough to one group, and must carry on this message to
2. Raver Tweens the next.
They have 8 boomboxes between them, all playing
different tracks. Their light blades cause blindness for 6. Psychedelics Gardener
1d10 seconds on failed body saves and the noise between With bright eyes and a skin-toned tail 6 inches in length, io
will offer a pure form of the EYES OF ERROR [pg 22.9].

them causes all weapons within 10m to eject their

magazines. The two spin in a whirl around one another; Carrying this is illegal on every planet coming into contact
from any other distance, it would look like an open sign to with it. For the first turn of combat and for the entire
an annoying food store probably selling made-to-order length of any Adrenaline Rush, the player is phased out
shiitake and portabella steaks while playing public radio of reality and appears in somberspace [pg 43]. Cause 1
over polka. +1 Stress from the magazine ejections. While Stress every time the word IT is said by a player. The

the group picks up their ammo, this pair, impossibly, player has Laser Focus until the end of the session
disappears, their music fading slowly away. (therefore, if a dosed player rolls Laser Focus on the panic
effects table, they will appear in somberspace).
3. Grav-by Shooting
Gambling debts are real and getting them paid and keeping 7. Time Share Salesman
the payments coming are a full-time job for the casino Io’s good, io’s slick. Io will walk away with all your
bosses and their hired scum. If you are standing in the line credits as you hand them over happily feeling secure in
of fire, you could get some serious damage thrown your your future and prepared for the worst. Roll Level-2 Crisis
way. This vehicle is specially equipped to handle most any Sanity save. Success: The salesman (Hits: 3) shuns you
assault and will likely get away clean, but if the crew think and tells you the future does not include you. Failure: You
up something clever, they may just have acquired buy a timeshare for 500,000 credits. Add this to amount to
themselves a level 2 or level 3 scum for theirselves. your ship’s sheet. For one week a year, you can stay in the
+2 Stress from the close call, or 1d10 Stress if player is hit Stateroom of the Escargo Cinema [pg 20] and watch free
by the heat’s 1d10 dmg and fails the body save. movies by opening your window any time you like.
8. Leet Haxor The Works Generator
Androids roll a body save or take 1d10 Stress from injected
For the odds and edge of the Strip, if you need a quick
code exhumed from the firewalls this person’s packing. Io
layout for a fight, draw a lump of pretty boxes or, if you
(Hits: 1) approaches the group and apologizes for scaring
want something nice, you might roll d% and 1d6, then
any of them before talking on and on about this amazing
game io’s been playing, how they all have to try it. Haxor consult Robert Pearce’t have to call a s Starships Geomorphs (it’s
sends the group a data file with an augmented version of beautiful and free) using its pdf search function to type in
Snake automatically installing on all their devices. All your result:
players add “Snek” to their Equipment (+10% to all » Read the d% as the 10s and 1s place
Isolation Sanity rolls, requires a body save after use or » Add 1 to this🐟

become addicted, suffering withdrawals if not played » Read the d6 as the 100s place
» A result of a “6” on the d6 drops the 10s value to either:
twice a day).
“0” if EVEN or: "1" if ODD.
9. Occult-Obsessed Fankid » Casinos and Bars are on pg 85, 131, and 157

It’s unhealthy, this level of attention paid to one subject. It » Parks are on pg 26, 65, and 147
leaves the body meek and the hair scraggly. There is a Fixes a bug in the generator called the R101 bug
................................................ :: : ::o::::/::
...........+hmNNNNNNNmmdhysssso+............................. :
smell about this person (Hits 1) reminding you of an ydmmmmmmdddNms+////+ooosyhdhddmNmhsooooooooooo+................ . .. ....

abattoir: whether or not you have been to one is irrelevant, :::::::::://++++o+/////://////////////////////hNN+.........................

+////yho/:::::::::::://s//++//dh/s/////+++/////yhdMdo+................................ . .
for this person has cut themselves in every place they could ::::/mNd/::::::::::::::y:::::+my:/+++////+so/////ohmNNdhso++........................

:::::omosNmy+::::::::::o:;::/dh/::::::::::::/odyoo++++++///+oymNm+................ :o::: . .
think to install one transmitter or another. The self-solder ::::::hddm+sdy:::::::::++::ym/::::::::::::/sdy/://////+o+//::/mMo................ :::/::o.........
::::::/Nny::/dh:: :::s:;+mo:::::::::::/odh+::://::////+y////dMdhyso+............. :. ...........
work is partially functional and some of the units light up :/:::::yN/: +my: :::::s::ym:::::::::::+yms::::::/:://///yy+//+oyddmmNh+..........................

from time to time. Where it does, the fan points and
exclaims they have a message and everyone must remain d+::yd/::
silent for 1d10 seconds. If anyone in the group does talk, :ym/
s:/osymd::::::::sdo::::o:::sm/::::: +my/::::::::::://yds+oo+shs+/:://omNy........................
:::::om+ ::: ::mNy:::+::/dd/::::: :ym/::::::::::::odhoo+oydyo/++o++//+dMd........................


:hh:+ms s /hdyo/:/::sddmmmmh/:::::odds+ohds/:::/+shdd//////smNs......................
:yd/ +m s :/+ymmddssyhhso++dy/::+ymy+ohhs/:://ohhs+/+o/////:+mNs...................
omo+hhyyo//:::+mo omhoshdNs+ooso+/:

hmyyso/: :::
+hs+sdy:: ::::: : :smmyo/yddNy:::yddms::::::/ohs/::::sNm+......::....
:///+yhyo/:: /dy//o+//::::/oosyhdoodhhhys+/+oh+/::::/ossyyhmmddho...
the fan wails in an unearthly, implant-enhanced scream ::
slightly jiggling the bowels of everyone hearing it. Fear ::o/
: :/o+///+++yNNNNmh+::::::://////////+////:::+o:::::/sNNs......
save or +3 Stress. The fan scurries off back to its /oo+/++o+: oMd+/:
:/o+++++/ :oNN+
: :////////::::/+///::y:::::::oMN+....
/++/+++: yMs :///////:::/++//oo:::::::dMo.. .
disassembled sleep stack. //++++++:
:////++++`ymmmNmmdy+//++/ :://///++//::::::::::s:::/NN+//
10. Ex-Extremarine +hdh+
+ohNy::: :+///+/:
+ . . +dNy/omh/:oyhmmh+:: :::::/++///:: ://///:::/++//+/+/::::::so:::dMs
All nearby Marines get -15/-15 COM/ARM. Io (Hits: 4) will

yh/ .:smmy/.. yMNmmdhs+/::::: ////+//++/: //::: ::/+/+///:::/oymmhs::dM+

.+hy+ /ydd: sdmdo /ymmmyo//////+//: :/+osmmdmm/ :/+/ ::::::::+ymmdyo/:s::dMd/
tell horror stories of the past in simple language anyone can .. /sho: /odmmMN/ +mmo: /sdmmds+//://////::::: ..:ymmyso+sNd+sdmmy
... +mmdddmmy:sMhoyNh::odNds++///////////:///ooo/ +mmy++++++smmMm+:
::/+ymmdo/:: :/o::+NM+
/ohdddmhs/: :/+syy://:dM+
ssdddmds:: : ..+Nmhyyshmds/::/::://++////+oshdmmNh/yNho++++++/://hNdo+oohdmmho/:: :/oyhyoos:/::dM+
understand and talk about the marines as though they were mMNddh+.........:/smmds/ ::::://+sshhdmmmmss++ymmds+ooo+//::
+hNMMMh....... +ymmo: .. :+oyhdmmdddhso+ssNy: /oooooo+/:
ohhhhdNy//: :/oyhy+ ++:::::dM+
:yd/ :/ohhs+ o/://:dM+
the scum below ior boot, to be licked by the stars and ymds+/ ..... ymdy+ ::+shmmdhs++/: .:sdmmdo//+ooo++/::
+/ .........oMy ..+dmdddho/ ....... /ymms+/syyoo+//
:hhyyhhy+ :o///:dMo
``..........sMh:..yNd: ...........hN/////::dyo: :dhyysyyho://:+hMh
pulled away again just long enough to get repairs before ``..........:hdmh+/+:.............:::::::::mMN/
:mo +/: /////Ny:
+No :+///oo+//yy
`................ ........ yNds `hhdsd+ smy+/: :symNo/mo
being stomped into the sun again. There is no leaving the ````.......................+Md
`````````./syyhhyso/ ....:+hMh.
// :o/shdmdy//o:+Mm/`/
:/ /mhyydssyyh+:::NM/

marines; no one can leave the marines because the marines .```````.oMNmNyyhdmmNy/+ydmmNh
``````./hMmyNm .omNNNho/` ::
ody: ////o/::::dMo
```.:yNMMN NN `` : :/Nm//o::::+hNNm/
have taken over this place and every place. They own that ``.+NNdhMs` NN
/odNmyyNm ` NNs..+
syyydho:/y:::::NN+/: :
:dd+/:: /+:;:::+Mh :
NdshmNho ...:yNNs/+ :yhhd/ //:o:::::+Mmo :
building and they own it so they can piss on it. In fact... o:/mMmy::: +dNNhs+:
:Ns //+:::::;:mMo
While io pisses, all checks made against the marine are s /s/. ..os omho
y.. ://.:.`.+o::/hy/
/+sy//// oNNs
//..:Nh./...++..:: :smmmNh:
treated as failed checks, and io kicks the player nearest to yy +o ``.hd:od/
/+/ o +mNy+/::
oh/dd/ ...+o:+: omo// .. oho //Mm
the warden for 1d10 dmg and leaves them winded before /doNd:..../o:h: /dd: ...+ // //Md
:d+ss:``..dN+y/ yyydo // +mMy:
zipping up ior fly and shouting obscenities at the sky. +2 :ds+ .....oo:o:
:sh+do ..../o:ys
hmo:+. . dMMms
ohhs /ydmh+:
sy+: o+.`...// . :/ //:::/hNh+:
Stress to all characters present. Marine PCs taking offence / ...yy.````sm/../ho
...:/:..```om:...:oo: /
/ ..:yNh/ .
: ... dMo .. .
during roleplay take additional +2 Stress and gain +1 Stress ....+dy ..`.:/ .....+h:
.. .+s/...``:o:......oh+
/oyyyssshm/...:/yd/ +oyyyyh/ .+ .....+Md ..
dy: .. /hh.`... m+. :oyyyo+: . +hs/ / ..... hMo ..... .

.. .:+:``.`.+o ......`:hs +do``..///+s:....+mshhsso/o/o .... +so:..... +dNh ....

relief from carousing for the next 1d10 hours. ..../so`:so+os:..`..... syym+`..... :y ....+ddh:......+:..:/:... +yhyhdmh/ . ...
:://hmo.yyohNMo/+/+//:/: /dNo:....... /:....::/::.. ::+o:::.... hNyooo+:..... .
ddddmm+.hy/ oooo++///dNddhodmdy+ ......//: ..... +/ ..:...... +Md ............
m/ ://:hy/```.``..`.smsdMdddhsyd/......:/://::: :........ :oyhmm/........ .
my/ ohyydy/``+o///+/ /myyo:yhyy:hs.... :/+: :......... /+sNmso/ .
:+yhh/../s.`.hmoooosm/+ ... yyo hh.:: ............ : :mNmy:.. .
.`.....::+``.yd.```/m/+......odhyd: ........... +sso+:/hMy .....
......::::...yh:`.. mo/.. ::::/++ .... : :/dMdyhdmmho .....
: :::+/ sy:: . ds ..........:hdddddhyhmNs ... ........
.................: /:............./mNy////++++: ............
/...........:ossso+++/ .......... +Nm+ ................. ........
Mhssssso:..sMdsyyhhhdmNddmmmmmdddNNy .... ......... .. .......
ossssshNNNmNM+ .... //++: :::::..... ........ ..... ....
Panic at the Weapons Bay Reveal
On day 2 aboard the Skaana, Ship’s Chief will call up a Depending on the questions asked and their relevant skill
doorwell for the crew, speaking to the players through this checks, the crew may uncover much of what the Ship's
doorwell's comms about an incident io hopes the crew can Chief knows, which, at this time isn't much. The meat
help with and will discuss en route all terms (Floating from a trade with an asteroid colony is revealed through
note: "Some responses may be automated"). If players the doorwell's terminal to have been transformed into
need time to prepare, an hour is given; doorwell is called hideous aberrations on the ride back.
back with passphrase (Rally-Ho), spoken when ordering. Fear saves for sights and sounds of screaming, mutating
orcas and oxen coming over comms, fail: +1 Stress.

+osyyyyyso++ +++ossyyhhhhhysso++
The Ship's Chief offers apologies and continues,
+syyyyso +++ossyhhhyysoo+
explaining there will be a meeting on the Officer's Deck as
ossso +osyyyso+
soon as all available hands arrive.

osso ++osyys
sss+ +s

:s+ :::++ooo:
::: :
os: : :o+o+:+: :::
:oo: o+:
:::::o: :osoo++:++:::
+s++o: : ::::oy+::::::
This meeting discloses to a group of 50 the events of the
:oo+ :o::++:: ++s+ : +soo++s
:oo: o: :++++::::+y+: : ::s+o: last day and the "payload" presently inside the utility pod
:oo: s :::::++ : ++s+: :::+

+o: ::+++++++::
::++ooooooooo++oo+ :o+
:: :::+++ : +o Dolphin. Players are encouraged to join an ensuing debate
:o :+++oo+++::: o+: : :+o::+o+o+o +s
:o :++ooo++++++++ooooooooo++:: s:
+o+++++ooooooo++++o+++:: ::++ooo+
:+:+:++++o+++ : +s
:+::+:::++ +o
about what to keep, who to inform and when to do this.
:::osssooooo+: ++:::+++++ :+ :+: : ::oo::::::: :
: :oo: : +:::: :
If players do nothing or if they side with the crew: debate

s :
::: :::::
:++ :: : ++
: : +:o+
::+::::+: :+
: : :

: : ::::o
resolves to space-and-erase the meat immediately. If
players debate to keep the meat, it may be studied for +1
XP to Scientists.
++:++::s::++:::o++ o: : ::::oooo::
:+::o: oo ++:++o+::+: ++: :oo:++++: :

oo+ooo .
+o+ +:+:o +s++ +++++:+::
+oo: oo:o+o++o:s +o+ +:

:s:++::+: :+o: . . +oo::++++++ o:++ ::::: :+: ::++
s+o:+++ o:
oo+s::++ ++
+o:..... ::: :oo:+++++::+s:
:+o.. :+o+ .:os :::+++:++++:::
:: :+
During the debate, warden rolls 1d10/minute for Stress
o:o++:::+:o :s .:+:+:++ :o+ ::++:+s++:::++ . ::+:+:++::::: :: +
:o+ ::oo+o++ oo+:o++:.. +ooo+:: ::++++o+++:++++++:+: :::+ ++:::: :::+ placed on the Arms' Chief (and to build atmosphere at the
: ++::+++o++: +ooso+ .. +soo++: :+:+oo+:o++: ++ : + : : +
+: ++++o+oooo: +++++o++: . +++o+o+:o+oooo++:: .
+::+: ::+++++::+ o + ++++ ... :+o++++::
o: ++
::o o :
:: : +
::+ table). After 13 Stress, the Arms’ Chief panics (Death
. :::+ :++:+ +o+:.. +++. :+++ : ... : : ::o ooo :+ : :: :
+: : :+ :+ :+o: .:o: o: : : : : .. +:::+: o+o: o : :: :: : : Drive), runs to ior station and orders a launch of as many

+ :+: :+ .. ::o: ... : :: ::+++++: o: :+: +: : : :::+

o +oo:++o+:+. .. :++:
:o :+++oo+:
.. :+ .. . ::::: ::+++ ...: ..:+: :o: :
...:++: ::::::+ .... ::+: .... :: ... .. :+:++++
::: :+oo
: : : :o+: weapons as possible at both the asteroid and any other
:: : ..... .. ::::: +:.....+ :: .... : . :: :++:+ o+ : ::: s
::++ooo++oo+:: ..:+::::: ... .
:os+:::: :+::++ o:: +:
. +..... :.. : ... ::: . +::+:o:o:+:
..... +...... ... + ::+:: . :o o oo+oo+: :
: ::: s::
+ : oo+o massive targets. This violent, unsettling action from an
:so: ..... ::oo:++ ...++ ....... .....: : +:+oo+ ::o++::os++ :: +o:o+

. .......:s+ o++: +o::::::++::+++ ... +::
.......:s+ +oo++:::::
.... :o . + ..... s. :o:::oo+::oo++oso+
: : ::o:+
officer causes Fear saves to the players or 1d10 Stress.
s: ++o ..... :+o++: ............ .... +: :.. .. s :o+: +o+ .... :+o+ : :o+
+s+ :os+++
:oo: :y:::o+:
... :oo+:
+o: .
............. :o:. ....++ . .... :s
........... ++:o . .... :+ . .. +o:
:oso ......... +o
oo+ ......... +o
: : :+
: :: : The meeting concludes as the Weapon’s Chief is locked in
:sos+ :+oo++ o+ .. :++s+ .o .. .... +o . :++: so+ .......... +o+ ::::
oso+:: :: ++:++++++ss++++++++: o:...:+ .. :o:. o :+ :++oo+: ... .. :oso the brig. Everyone is thanked for their input and excused.

+oo+ o:so s o . . .... o ........:o :++ :o : +:. +oo+ .. :ooo+:

s: :o++ +os+o +o +: ........+:..........+o +s: ... o:o . +oo+: +oss:
:s+ +s+: os+oo +o : ...: :o ........ :s: + :+ : +:: : :oso+ +oo
:: :: ++ :++:::
:: ::::: . o:......... o+..
:: .:o ........ ++ :
+:........ :o:
: o:: : ++
+ o: . :o:::::+s++ooos++ ++ +o+:+o+ :
:: o+ +o :oo+ s: ++:: :os+ooo+ ++:o The Ship's Lead Professor approaches the players to tell
+: +o: o+ :o ++ s:+: : :oso++::y

++ :o+:
:oo s+
s: o: o+ :o++
s+ o: +:o
o::y them about a strategy consortium, leading players to a
:+ :o: :s+ :+o: osos+:s:+ :++s
:o+ +oso :s:o
:o+ :ooy:s::++:
meeting room (plaque reads: WAR ROOM in condensed
:::: o+ o+ o+ :ooo :y:s :::o+::
:::::: s+ os+ :s: : oy++o+o :++o futura) to talk with a handful of officers about what to do
::::::: o+ +soy+ s+ :: oos:oo::o+++++s+
::::::::: :::: oo
:::::::::::: :+ooooooo+++s::+o+: :ss:
:oo ss: +o+ ::
: :ss s+ ::::::::
: +soy: in result of an outbreak.
:::::::::::::+so:::: ::+soo+: :ys: so: ::ss: ::
:::::::::::::+so: :+o+:: oyo: +so: +oy:: ::: :::::::
::::::::::::::+y::: : :+o+:: :oy+: +s++ : :++hys+::: ::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::os::::::: :+o+:::+so: +s++ :: ::+ho++oooo+::: :::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::so::::::::::::: :oo+:::os: :y++ :: ohso+::::+ooo:::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::+y+::::::::::::::::oo:::+y: :y+: :: :oho:so+:::::+os+::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::os:::::::::::::::::osooss::::: :::y+:::: : :::sh+:::+sso+o+::sy+::::::::::::::
A Fright From Beyond Scientists immediately pull out equipment from belts,
briefcases and backpacks to begin analyzing the makeup
Either to be spaced or studied, as the Dolphin and its meat and to scan the space around the ship for life. Although
is approached, 1d10 Sporcas [Combat:30 Speed:20 Instinct:45 many visitors are coming and going from the Skaana at all
Hits:10(25) Spike:1d10(PIN); Lunge & Bite:2d10(INFECT)] arrive on times, these scientists may find the Hermit Horror on
the Ship’s Bay and begin tearing open the Dolphin like a scanners via a hunch if a skill check is made by the players,
can of pork spilling meat. This makes the floors slick with resulting in an increase of the false-negative threshold for:
fatty oils (-5% Combat at Short range). The Sporcas SCANS REVEAL
trample through the deck, eyes darting, searching for 01. lifeform signal types (Result: “fresh air”ponda rosa pines”)
motherchips, moving on to consume crew for the Light 02. morse code-like thrumming dictations (alien)

Bridge tearing apart the Deck in their wake. 03. positioning coordinates data (erratic mass)
04. boosted AM frequency jamming a comms channel
Ship's crew and officers, already assembled for the 05. biological workings (gurgling noises)
06. distinct computer processing signals
meeting, form ranks and engage the Sporcas and pass out 07. obscure, minute gravitational readings (horrors)

weapons. Someone pulls out a fire extinguisher – says io 08. distortion of star cluster (optical feed)
saw it work once in a vid (pronounced wid like in widow; 09. traceable particles coming in contact with ship
(Result: "unknown shrimp type")
colloquialism: Whache widdin? – What are you watching?) 10. visual feed (captures a disfigured person in a lab
coat floating in space, then stretching to vanish)
As the crew organizes into ranks, the players receive one
free mercenary each; all mercenaries come equipped with If the ship locates any signs, they may be tracked and
an Extermination Loadout and a Quirk from the d100 followed back to reveal the location of the Hermit Horror
Quirks table [pg 48]. in 1d10 hours. The Skaana may debate either to attack the

Each Hit Pool destroyed has a 30% chance of dissolving a
horror’s mucus, causing it to scream (Fear save or 1d10
Stress) and phase-shift from lack of its protection to return
Horror or bunker down, either way siding with the
majority of players' feelings. In the event of assault, refer to
the Hermit Horror Ship Sheet [pg 47] engaging like SvS
combat, treat all limbs of the Hermit like spacetime-folding
to the Hermit Horror. Fire extinguishers sprayed in a CQC reaching the Skaana without the Horror itself
Sporca’s mouth on its last Hit Pool leaves it unconscious; moving. All successful shots fired at the Hermit Horror hit
all captive horrors vanish from containment in 1d10 hours. the Pereopods first. The Hermit Horror disengages as soon
Sporcas can be studied for their light-weaving webbing. as the Skaana ceases fire.
Any talk of mandatory evacuation of the Skaana brought


SOFTLY THE SONG “I WANT” [PG 18] up by the players is met with prejudice from all crew and
SOMEONE’S LAUGHING ANXIOUSLY, INTERMITTENTLY MUMBLES “GROUND officers on account of their contracts with stockholders,
saying they will speak further of it at the meeting, now
STRINGS OF FLESH FROM THEIR ARMS, SPINNING THEM LIKE RIBBONS postponed until tomorrow afternoon. The players are told


Before they leave, the slimy surgeon Hector Lynch
approaches the players, telling them io will offer them all
SINKING INTO ITS LABYRINTHINE FOLDS OF MEAT, BLUBBER AND OILS something precious to ior if they would follow to ior
SPIDERY ARMS LOWER A WHALE’S BODY DOWN A LINE OF WEBBING Otherwise, a doorwell is called up, and players are given
FLASHFIRE CONSUMES AN AREA AS THE DOLPHIN ’S FUEL IGNITES time to resupply, party, enjoy a tour of a ship in Visitor's
THREE PEOPLE BODY CHECK A SPORCA, FLIPPING IT, THEN CRAWL Parking [pg 6], get off the Skaana, have an encounter in the
After 30 minutes, the horrors glitch and stretch to blink out All of the Charon Division have leave for the next 12 hours
of sight, each leaving behind mucus in a lightly radioactive and split to hit the Strip at favored Destructable Contents
pile. This mucus may be researched for its insulating and modules. To find out where, roll 1d6/2 for the 10s place,
its camouflaging properties. and, for the 1s place, use their Location [pg 9].
The Power of Prayer Meanwhile all throughout the ship, upon returning from
the meeting to their posts, ship’s crew begin to construct
In Hector's stateroom decorated with beautifully drawn creepy occult Protection Circles made from spare,
diagrams of partially vivisected horrors from far-off meticulously cleaned generator capacitors, electrical parts
places, the players are asked to make themselves from random units (all electrical equipment in lockers
comfortable as Lynch reveals to them a silken box with 2 now have a 20% chance of not functioning), jumper cables
motherchips inside. Io reveals the chip to be a “prayer running from generator ports, and baling wire. Put a few
assistant” helping the user build unique prayers and Protection Circles in every d10 encounters on the Strip.
learning about the user to say what to pray forgiveness for These circles are compatible with motherchips (+4d10
doing or not doing. damage to horrors touching such a circle; motherchip is

Lynch is not completely sure whether or not this is what slagged if removed while the power is on and/or without a
the horrors were after but would greatly appreciate it if the successful Computers skill check to set the temperature on
players would run some field tests and report any results the soldering iron to the correct setting).

they may have directly to Lynch. Other teams will also be If the players don't first release their own footage, Skaana
reporting, but only the first team to report any relevant tenants and workers everywhere access feeds of the attack
information will get the bounty (1k credit Poker chip). an hour before morning.
Players are asked to leave at once, much work to be done.
They are free to carry on to another stateroom, if else
encouraged to head back to a bar, their ship, or Graft Park. 1. leaked by tech-savvy crewmember
Motherchip specs 2. downloaded by a worker hacking in to

A motherchip will offer +1d10 damage, relieve 1 Stress
and add +5% Combat to any one attack if and only if an
action is spent praying a charged prayer. At the beginning
pirate a horror vid, subsequently
stumbling upon the live feeds
3. Ship’s Chief said it was the right
thing to do
of combat and once every 4 rounds, the motherchip will
ping its host player with the floating note: "Remember to 4. Occult circle of crewmembers; they
say your prayers, and you will always have protection". have meetings at the Free Dome.
5. Artist EVA at the time of the attack
HOW TO PRAY recorded the incident
6. d10 kids escaping the attack through

To charge a prayer, infect a personal piece of the air scrubbers released their own
technology with a motherchip. To print a footage over a mesh net
prayer derived from user data once every
7. A tour ship showing visitors around
12 hours, roll on the d100 prayers table. released footage of the attack
Say and act in character toward fulfilling this
8. A conspiratorialist who "knows a guy"

prayer to charge it for a day. Each charge shared a tip on social media; feeds were
has (3) ammo. Each prayer holds 1 charge. soon pulled from data banks via
Players craft prayer goals in NOTES on their sheet and act
9. officer telling his kids to leave the
to fulfill them. Warden is encouraged to whimsically deal
ship in a personal message has ior
charges out, rewarding with them to players whenever a message forwarded to the rest of the
character does something noteworthy, neat or entertaining. network
WARNING LABEL: “Motherchip will self-solder onto 10. No footage leaked; instead a
any device when placed near a power supply line." Factoraid bust appears on all terminals.
Scalped, jawless, patches of invisibility
WARNING LABEL: “This is a prototype and may not
expose bone and brains. Plays its
[garbled text – printing error] the final product." wailing Bicep Bag until the next attack.
WARNING LABEL: ”Use of this product means you
have read through and agreed to Prayco's ToS.”
Rioting on the Strip From the Inside Looking Out
It’s what keeps the ship's crew busy, quelling those who Although it isn’t polite to stare, here are some of the many
know too much trying to incite something with all that scenes players may behold from the safety of a nice casino
hollering and slander. Visitors in the know try and locate or or food vendor to remind players what they’re missing.
free loved ones from casinos and bars to get back on ships Audio diary left on a counter. Plays
and undock. Attendants assure more worried visitors the recordings of a woman saying a prayer,
videos are a prank issued by a couple school students. cutting the recording, saying the same
Due to the Sporcas’ web [pg 34], all ships’ jump drives prayer, cutting the recording; it goes on,
place them in a random location around the Skaana and it does not stop for an hour. If an

equidistant to the location the drives were activated, all opened motherchip is present, the device,
ships piloting away on thrusters antipodally loop around upon disabling, will kick back on without a
Skaana in d% minutes. A market panic ensues as people bootup sequence to resume praying.

clean out stores of ammunition and household supplies to
hole up in ships. All store prices are doubled at this time.
Sleek slip of whale hide slides down the
storefront bulletproof glass of a karaoke bar
By the following morning, 1d10 Sporcas arrive with 1d10 as a crowd within completely unaware
Factoraids (Combat: 30 Speed: 30 Instinct: 25 Hits: 4(60) Soldering continues singing to fill whatever void they
Claw: 2d10, blood fizzes on contact. Bicep Pipe: 20m 2d10 Stress) on can manage with their small life’s breath.
each section of the ship to seek motherchips and deal with
humans and gunfire. To mitigate risk of Factoraids going Drunk walks up to a Factoraid seemingly to
shack up in a sleep stack with ior, gets ior

out of control and blowing up the ship, Sporcas will cast
webbings to tie down Factoraids in event of rampage [pg

A Factoraid on its last hit pool taking damage from

head pulled back and a fist shoved down the
throat to the elbow for the trouble.
Factoraid removes its arm, inspecting a
computer chip it finds there congested with
Protection Circles leaves it unconscious. Factoraids can
the tinsel of nerve endings before tossing it
be studied for their very basic human neurological patterns,
away disappointedly.
their bag pipe arms, and their Prayco lab coats complete
with NAME and DO NOT TAKE FROM LAB labels. Sporca with a split abdomen collects spilled
After this attack, riots break out not just where people are guts, quietly chewing them in a corner as if

watching the leaked vids, but all across the Skaana. Groups to recover however much it can. Slowly
in the distance appear like rats scurrying about, fades back to the Hermit Horror as its
occasionally trampling over one another forgetting mucus falls away from the stress.
themselves and fleeing the area. Teen dressed in red and green tights uses a
Each hour the wave ends and every other hour another one heavily modified magbike to ram into a pod

begins. Players are encouraged to of Sporca. Soon riddled with spikes,

» continue partying regardless covered in roadrash and holding in guts.
» try their luck rolling wonderful Piloting checks to leave Across the Strip, the failsafe of an oxygen
the Visitor's Parking Deck without crashing. pipe fails as a Factoraid scraps its claws
» check in at the Officer's Deck to get detailed instructions along the sheet metal floor after being hit.
and maybe the Arms’ Chief position [pg 7] Subsequent sparks erupt the oxygen in a
» visit one of the dozens of locations refusing to close their 30m area.
doors for any reason and try to heal their hearts with a few
Couple hold hands to mutter prayers before
songs, grab combat bonuses from the casinos, and toast to
a Factoraid is tossed into them by a lunging
their health. It may just save their lives.
Sporca; Factoraid wheezes through its bicep
bag, resulting in the couple screaming and
stabbing one another lovingly, repeatedly.

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