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A Most Fearful Sacrifice-Three Days at Gettysburg variant, Ed McGran, 6/12/2022, rev: NEW

1). Union sharpshooters do not suffer the two hex range penalty; ignore the **.

2). Due to higher volumes of fire for carbines, the Union dismounted cavalry firepower, in this
variant, shifts one column right at one hex range. There still is no two-hex range.

3). When an infantry/cavalry/artillery counter skedaddles into or through another hex and
causes all the previous occupants of a hex entered to all panic/leave that hex, a hasty defense
marker that was present in the “panic emptied by the skedaddled unit” arrival hex is removed.

4). The first campaign day is 8 event cards per player/two of which are chosen. The second
campaign day is the original amount of 8 event cards per player plus 1D6/2 die roll (round
result up) of additional event cards/three of which are now chosen. Each player gets one half
of the additional event cards (from the same 1D6/2 die roll result). The third day is “first- and
second-day total” of previous event cards minus 1D6/2 die roll (rounded up) event cards
subtracted from each player’s event card contribution/only one of which is now chosen.
NOTE: I use transparent colored bingo chips in this game instead of game marker counters
provided in the box for increased player recognition ease for various status situations:
a). purple transparent chips for 1 VP hex areas which are good for both sides.
b). green transparent chips for 2 VP hex areas which are good for both sides.
c). pink transparent chips for 3/4/5 VP hex areas which are good for both sides.
d). orange transparent chips for 4/5 VP hex areas which are only good for the Confederates.
e). yellow transparent chips to indicate “SHAKEN/-1SP/-1CR” unit status information.
ERRATA/CLARIFICATIONS/VARIANTS (BGG as of 6/13/2022; my edited ‘spin”)
1). Smith's Union Brigade (Scenario 12/13): The Union unit "Smith" that arrives at 12:00 on
July 1 should have all three of its units enter.

2). Statement is totally incorrect; both Garnett units arrive separately in previous times.

3). Example of Play: In the Comprehensive Example of Play on page 27 under the "Fast Courier
(U)" entry, I erroneously comment that the units do not do a Fire Step because "there are no
eligible targets". In fact, they cannot fire because they are under Maneuver Orders.

4). Combat Results Table - Assault Combat Column Shifts: The notes in the red banner at the
bottom of the chart are incorrect. All units, attacking or defending, get the benefit of Hasty
Works and Breastworks. So, the note should read as follows:
"Attacking Unit CR: +1 if "Take Those Colors" or "Rebel Yell" / All Units CR: +1 in Hasty
works, +2 in Breastworks, -1 if No Unit Support"

5). Held CIC Card Play: If both players are holding a CIC Card and wish to play it at the same
time, the Confederate player must play first.
6). Held Event Card Phase: No "passing" is allowed. If the Rebel player has a held card as well
as the Union player, the Rebel player must play it first.

7). Fast Courier Event Card: A Division is "activated" for the purposes of this event only if its
Corps Activation card has been drawn. If its units are activated by other means - CIC Card,
Event Card, etc. - it is still not activated for the purposes of this card. Also, if a Reinforcing
Division is activated but cannot enter due to being blocked, it is still considered to have

8). Mixed Artillery: The modifiers for "Mixed (M)" Artillery units are cumulative. So, a Mixed
Artillery unit firing at Effective Range is <-1 and at Long Range is <-3.

9). Statement is not errata and is nonvalue here so it is not included.

10). (Edited by me to preserve one-page double sided space) Some players have expressed a
little frustration being able to get the Union units in Scenarios 12 and 13 marching fast enough to
get to their historical positions on the first day. When playing an Event Card for the Default
Event, you may declare that you are using the "March to the Sound of the Guns" action instead
of the normal Default Options. This allows you to declare a Brigade and move all its units that
are stacked with, or adjacent to, another unit in that Brigade, up to 6 hexes (not MP) along a
Major Road (only). This does not include Gettysburg Town hexes. These units may not Engage
the enemy during this move. This rule should only be used for Scenarios 12 and 13.

11). (Also edited by me) If you feel that Buford has too much influence on the start of July 2nd,
just remove his units during the 10:00 am turn and assume they are guarding the flanks, trains or
looking for Stuart.
From comments section: ERRATA/CLARIFICATIONS/VARIANTS (BGG as of
6/13/2022; with my edited ‘spin”)

12). Command Coordination Event Card: If you play this Event Card but happen to roll a
red-colored Corps Activation card result, you are restricted to one brigade from DP#1, but
you can still roll for DP#2 but with a “-2” to the roll.

13). Small error corrections added by designer comment statements (some edited by me):
a). MAP: Kuhn’s Brickyard is N2415 (not N2525)
b). MAP: N. Codori Farm is hex N4021 (not S1021)
c). Scenario 5: All VP hexes are worth 1 VP each.
d). Index error: CIC cards is shown as 4(A5D), when it should be 4(A5E).
e). Index error: Key Event Card is shown as 4(D2B), when it should be 6(D2B).

14). Corps Activation Card Typo: Hill (III Corps): Result “6” on the card should read:
“Division Priority #1 + Pegram & Mcintosh Artillery”.

Note: this is my attempt to gather all known errata/ideas for this game for a potential
three-day “GAME ON” convention campaign attempt in Seattle for last week in June.

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