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1) Smith's Union Brigade (Scenario 12/13): The Union unit "Smith" that arrives at 12:00 on July 1 should have all-
three of its units enter. I actually got this unit confused with the Confederate "Smith" brigade in previous answer-
son this error. Sorry. This was a late countermix change that I made to that brigade and I forgot to alter this entry.

2) Garnett's Confederate Brigade (Scenario 12/13): The Rebel brigade "Garnett" should arrive at Dawn on July 3
with both its units (along with the rest of Pickett's Division). It is mistakenly labeled as "1 Division Artillery unit"
andthat is incorrect.

3) Example of Play: In the Comprehensive Example of Play on page 27 under the "Fast Courier (U)" entry, Ierrone-
ously comment that the units do not do a Fire Step because "there are no eligible targets". In fact, theycannot fire
because they are under Maneuver Orders.

4) Combat Results Table - Assault Combat Column Shifts: The notes in the red banner at the bottom of the chart
areincorrect. All units, attacking or defending, get the benefit of Hasty Works and Breastworks. So the note should-
read as follows:
"Attacking Unit CR: +1 if "Take Those Colors" or "Rebel Yell" / All Units CR: +1 in Hasty Works, +2 in Breastworks, -1if
No Unit Support"

5) Held CIC Card Play: If both players are holding a CIC Card and wish to play it at the same time, the Confederate-
player must play first.

6) Held Event Card Phase: No "passing" is allowed. If the Rebel player has a held card as well as the Union play-
er,the Rebel player must play it first.

7) Fast Courier Event Card: A Division is considered to be "activated" for the purposes of this event only if its Corp-
sActivation card has been drawn. If its units are activated by other means - CIC Card, Event Card, etc. - it is still nota-
ctivated for the purposes of this card. Also, if a Reinforcing Division is activated but cannot enter due to being-
blocked, it is still considered to have activated.

8) Mixed Artillery: The modifiers for "Mixed (M)" Artillery units are cumulative. So a Mixed Artillery unit firing atEf-
fective Range is <-1 and at Long Range is <-3.

9) Charts and Tables: Yes, they indeed have pretty small fonts and can be difficult to read. Our apologies. Flying Pig
Games is working on getting them resized as I type this and larger charts and tables will be available shortly.

10) Command Coordination Event Card: If you play this Event Card but happen to roll a red-colored Corps Activa-
tion card result, you are restricted to one Brigade from DP#1 but you can still roll for DP#2 but with a "-2" to the

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