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Homework # 4

(Due: Thursday, April 6, 2023, @ 6:30 pm)

(Answers without showing calculations are not graded. If you missed the due
date and time, your homework would be graded as zero. No makeup homework
is provided.)
1. What is the total momentum of each of the following systems?
a) Two 1-kg balls move away from each other; one travels 5 m/s to the right, the
other 5 m/s to the left. (10 points)
b) Two 1000-kg cars drive east; the first moves at 20 m/s, the second at 40 m/s. (10

2. Georgie was pulling her brother (20 kg) in a 10-kg sled with a constant force of 25
Newtons for one block(100 m).
a) What is the work done by Georgie? (10 points)
b) How long would a 100-Watt lightbulb have to glow to produce the same amount
of energy expended by Georgie? (10 points)

3. Convert the following temperatures?

a) 300 C to F (5 points)

b) 6000 K to F (5 points)

c) 6000 K to C (5 points)

d) 120 F to K (5 points)

4. According to Einstein’s equation, find the mass of a grape to contain 9 x 1014 joules of
potential energy. The speed of light (c) is 300,000,000 m/s. (20 points)

5. How much heat is needed to convert

a) 5 kg of ice to water at 0C? (10 points)

b) 5 kg of water to steam at 100C? (10 points)

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