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Career Development

Career education is helpful for students. Career development is positive student development.
According to research, when students see the relevance and meaning in school, their interest and
academic performance improve. When students understand the connection between academics,
career and education planning, and achieving their own career goals, they become more
motivated, self-directed learners. Upon being asked about my future, I've always been filled with
anxiety and fear of the unknown. As I grew older, as more of my peers developed my personal
interests and even revealed desired career paths, I became progressively unsure of what I wanted
to do. I discovered that if I allowed myself to dive deep too deeply into the dreaded "what am I
going to do with my life?" question, I became easily overwhelmed. However, I've realized that if
I think about it on a smaller scale, it's much less stressful. After all, I do have brief aspirations
and goals that I strive to achieve. In addition to focusing on academics, I believe that in the
future I will broaden my social experiences. Familiarizing myself with diversity and broadening
my horizons is something I believe is important to do. I see that after participating in immersion
and attending a webinar here at University Perpetual Help System Laguna, I have finally figured
out my purpose and now I am confident in my particular decision. As this realization sinks in, I
envision myself enrolling in and working hard to complete high school in order to further my
studies before entering college. Upon being asked about choosing my career, I envision myself
with a comfortable income, independence, and a very positive attitude. I envision myself meeting
and settling down with my future life partner once I am financially stable and independent. This
person is not only my romantic partner, he is also my best friend and most reliable and consistent
supportive partner. Many useful management skills have been taught to me, and I am confident
that these skills will be useful in my future career development. In relation to the information I
will gain in the course, I believe that both my strengths and weaknesses will have an impact on
my future career development. Accounting is studied not only for knowledge and skill, but also
for critical thinking as a professional. Accounting is about more than just the job we want to take
for our future career, it is also about the behavior we need to have in our daily lives. Everyone
has at least thought what they want or intend to achieve in the future. People have different
interests in life, and this should be considered when choosing a career, because the most
important thing to remember is to find a job that you will enjoy doing.

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