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Fantastic Mr. Fox
25 Questions DATE  : 

1. What is a character trait that describes Mr. Fox? 

A Selfish B Lazy

C Jealous D Clever

2. Where did the story Fantastic Mr. Fox take place?

A On a farm B At the beach

C At the zoo D In the village

3. What is the problem in the story?

Mr. Fox and his family are in danger of

A B Mr. Fox loses his tail.
being killed by the farmers.

Mr. Fox wanted to replace Mrs. Beckett

C D The farmers are not as smart as Mr. Fox.
as a teacher.

4. What was in Bean's cellar?

A apples B clothes

C cider D turkeys

5. What was Rat’s attitude about sharing the secret cider with Mr. Fox?

He was thankful to be invited to the feast He was willing to share it with Mr. Fox,
with all the other animals. but not with the other animals.

He was angry and wanted to keep the

cider all to himself.

6. Why was Mr. Fox so careful to replace the floor boards or brick after he left the farmers’

He didn't even go into to the farmers' He did not want the other animals from
storage  the woods to know about the food.

He didn’t want the farmers to ever know He was very neat and always
he had been there. straightened up his messes.
7. What frightened Mr. Fox, Badger, and Small Fox while they were in Bean's cellar?

A Skunk B Bean, Boggis, and Bunce

C The Bat D A large woman with a rolling pin

8. After leaving Boggis's chicken house Mr. Fox tunneled to __________________.

A Bunce's duck pen B Bean's turkey coop

C Bunce's storehouse D Bunce's dairy farm

9. Who did Mr. Fox run into in Bean's Cellar?

A Bean B Mole

C Rat D Rabbit

10. Who wrote the book?

A David Walliams B Dean

C Bean D Roald Dahl

11. When the farmers shot at Mr. Fox they got him ______________.

A on his left paw B on his right ear

C in the tail

12. Why did the farmers hate Mr. Fox so much?

The farmers stole his food out of his

A Mr. Fox did not play nice with their kids B

C Mr. Fox stole their animals D Mr. Fox was a bad friend

13. The farmer's made an agreement to _______________.

A give up and go home B let the foxes go

C hire detectives to find Mr. Fox D stay until they had Mr. Fox

14. Who is the main character in the story?

A Bean B Mr. Fox

C Boggis D Bunce
15. This story shows that Mr. Fox _____.

should replace Bubba as Mrs. Beckett's

A is too afraid to solve the problem B

will persevere (not stop) until he solves

C D is careless and thoughtless
the problem

16. The three farmers were _______________.

A poor B friendly

C mean

17. Why do you think Mr. Fox was always especially careful when coming out of his hole?

He didn't want to forget to say goodbye

A B He knew danger could be out there
to his children

C He knew coyotes were outside the hole

18. When the farmers thought Mr. Fox might tunnel through the other side of the hill they

A surrounded the area with 108 men B set up traps all around the hill

C brought in hunters and hounds

19. Badger and Mr. Fox dug themselves next to ___________________.

A a well B stone ledge

C a brick wall

20. The farmers  ___________________.

A gave up after one week B are still waiting on Mr. Fox

C hired men to guard the hole

21. The animals decide to ____________________.

A never go outside again B trick the farmers into moving away

C take food only on Sundays.

22. Which animal was not one of the diggers invited to the feast?

A Rat B Weasel

C Rabbit D Beaver

23. The farmers are the protagonists (good guys) in the story.

A False B True

24. Why was Badger mad at Fox?

Fox was the reason Beaver couldn't leave

A B Fox once hurt one of Beaver's children.
his house to get food.

C Fox caused his home to cave in. D Fox wouldn't share his food.

25. The other animals liked Fox's plan for building an underground town.

A False B True

Answer Key

1. d 2. a 3. a 4. c

5. c 6. c 7. d 8. c

9. c 10. d 11. c 12. c

13. d 14. b 15. c 16. c

17. b 18. a 19. c 20. b

21. a 22. a 23. a 24. a

25. b

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