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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris 4.

The following statements are TRUE based

on the text EXCEPT… .
Kelas :9 A. snails have one spirally coiled shell
Nama : B. while moving, snails leave a trail of
Text 1 C. land snails can hear
D. snails feed on tiny things
Land Snails Read the following text to answer
All land snails are gastropod mollusks, questions number 5to 18
meaning that they belong to the same group of
octopuses, which are part of the phylum The Magic Box
Mollusca. At the same time, they are members Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer
of the class Gastropoda, which includes all
who lived with his wife. One day, he dug up
snails and slugs. Being a mollusk means
his field and found a big box. He took it home
lacking an internal skeleton and bones, but
snails are protected. with him and showed it to his wife. His wife
cleaned the box and kept it in their house.
Snails have a single spirally coiled shell. They One sunny morning his wife dropped an apple
have muscular foot used for creeping in most
into it. Suddenly the box began fill up with
species. Land snails are incredibly slow. Their
apples. No matter how many the apples were
forward speed depends on the species, but
usually, it is between 0.5 and 0.7 inches per taken out, more apples took their place. So the
second. While moving, snails leave behind a farmer and his wife decide to sell the apples
trail of slime, a lubricant they produce to allow and in short time they were able to live quite
them to go on any terrain without injuring its comfortably. One day, the farmer dropped a
body. Land snails aren’t able to hear at all, but gold coin into the box. At once, apples
they have eyes and olfactory organs. They use disappeared and the box began to fill itself
their sense of smell to help them find food with coins. Every day, the farmer and his wife
being their most important sensory organ. collected hundreds of gold coins from the box.
Soon they became very rich.
Snails feed on very small things. Most of them
scrape or brush particles from surfaces of Having heard that his son had gone rich, the
rocks, seaweeds, animals that don't move, and farmer‟s grandfather visited the couple. He
other objects. For feeding, snails use a radula, was not very strong and he could not go out to
a hard plate that has teeth. work anymore. So the farmer asked the old
man to help him take the money out of the
box. When his grandfather told his son that he
was tired and wanted to have arrest, the farmer
1. The text is about… .
shouted at him,” why are you so lazy? Why
A. gastropod mollusks
B. the habitat of snails can‟t you work harder?” The old man didn‟t
C. how snails live say anything, and continued to work until he
D. the information on snails fell into the box and suddenly died. At once,
2. Based on the text we know that snails … . the money disappeared and the box began to
A. do not have internal skeletons fill up with dead grandfathers.
B. have a hard body
C. are the same as slugs The farmer had to pull them out and bury
D. do not smell their food them. To do this, he had to spend all the
3. The word “incredibly” in the sentence money he had collected. When he had used up
“Land snails are incredibly slow.” has the all the money, the box broke and the farmer
closest meaning with the word… . was just as poor as he was before.
A. Too
B. Rather 5. What is the type of the text above?
C. Very A. Recount B. Report
D. Immensly C. Narrative D. News item
6. What is the purpose of the text? 13. Choose the correct answer to complete the amuse the readers conversation!
B. to inform about the magic box FERLY: The room is so dark. I think the
C. to describe the magic box lamps is broken.
D. to give information about the magic box BAYU: You are right! The lamps . . . a long
7. Which statement is TRUE according to the time ago.
A. The box was full of valuable things when A. Repairs C. Repaired
it found
B.To be repaired D. Should have been
B. The farmer had to pull out his father’s
bodies and bury them
C. The poor farmer was finally killed by his 14. Choose the correct answer to complete the
father conversation!
D. The farmer’s wife was happy after the A: Why does he panic?
father passed away B: He is panic because his name . . . by the
8. What we can learn from the story?
A. Being honest is not always wise A. is called C. was called

B. It is good to be honest in life B. are called D. were called

C. We must respect our parents 15. The window . . . since three days ago.
A. Is cleaned C. Has not been cleaned
D. Being a miser is sometimes important
B. Have not been cleaned D. To be cleaned
9. What is the meaning of word
“prosperous” in the third paragraph? 16. Do you know that the new rules about
A. Rich C. Poor smoking . . . by government for the time
B. Smart D. Wise being.
A. Are discussing C. Are discusse
10. George doesn’t want to clean the room. He
doesn’t want to . . . . B. Is being discussed D. It is discussede
A. ordered C. be ordered 17. He is still waiting . . . for job interview.
B. order D. ordering A. to be calling C. are being called
11. Choose the correct answer to complete the B. Called D. to be called
conversation! 18. The chair is not here anymore. It must
A: Why can’t I find my script files on this have . . .
laptop? A. been taking away C. take away
B: It’s already gone because the laptop . . . . B. taken away D. been taken away
19. Mike : ….. you are so amazing , you can
A. Be fixed C. Fixed get the first win of international
B. Was fixed D. Are fixed competition
12. Choose the correct answer to complete the Anna : thank you so much, mike
conversation! What is the best expression to
FERRYY: Why are you so hurry? complate the dialogue
A. That is a good idea
DIAN : I have to arrive there on time because B. Good luck
I . . . by my fiends there. C. Good morning
A. Waited C. to be waited D. Congratulation
20. I think that is a good idea, bryan the
B. Am waiting D. am waited sentences express
A. Feelings C. disagreement B. I eat a watermelon : Saya makan buah
B. Dispointet D. agreement pisang
21. How to make a cup of coffe C. I eat a braed : saya makan buah
Ingredients D. I eat a pinaple : saya makan buah
-2 spoon of sugar nanas
- one spoon of the coffe powder 30. Berikut terjemahan yang benar kecuali…
- hot water A. My house : rumah saya
- a cup B. Our class : kelas mereka
- a spoon C. Our pen : pulpen kami
What the tittle of the text above D. My love : cinta ku
A. How to make a cup of tea 31. Young …. Youngest. Untuk pelengkap
B. How to make a cup of water yang benar adalah
C. How to make a cup of coffe A. Younger C. Youngest
D. How to make a cup of lemon tea B. Young D. younggerrr
22. One of the ingrediants TEXT above is 32. Isin yang benar adalah….
A. Cool water C. tea water
B. Hot water D. rice short
23. What of the ingredients from the tittle
A. Shorter, shortest, tall , tallest
How to make a cup of coffe , except
B. Short, shortest, tall , tallest
A. Hot water C. coffe powder
C. Shorter, shortest, tall , tall
B. 2 spoon of sugar D. tea water
D. Shorter, shortest, tall , taller
24. What the name of product below?
33. ….. she drink any milk ?
34. robi : good morning sinta
Sinta :............
A. Good afternoon too robi
A. Yakult C. chitato B. Good morning too robi
B. Cola cola D. aqua C. Good evening too robi
25. On the picture of question six, what the
kind of product D.Good night too robi
A. Snack C. seafood 35. . bentuk ke tiga dari you adalah
B. Drink D. junk food
26. Anisa : My car is new and luxurious A. Mine C. your
Budi : …….. B. Her D. Their
Anisa : thanks you
A. Oh, is beautiful C. what is car
B. How much is it D. oh, no ESSAY…….
27. There are subject in English except
A. She C. was 1. Translate this sentences
B. You D. we apa arti kata-kata dibawah ini:
28. Nissa :Have a winner for this competition
Anni : wow, great …. Iam proud of Factory wardrobe facial
you beauty cosmetics
A. Congratulation C. Happy for you
B. Good luck D. nice Wildlife conservation
29. Berikut terjemahan yang benar. Adalah  I have a question for you :
A. I eat banana : saya makan buah apel
2. Find the word ( berikan tanda bila
sudah menemukan kata kata di bawah

3. lengkapi table berikut

4. write down the seven subject in
5. Before JUNE is ……

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