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Developing Health Education Plan

I. Teaching Plan
A. A blueprint to achieve the goal and the objectives that have been
developed (what the learner is to learn and what the teacher is to teach)
B. Lists the goals and objectives
C. Indicates the purpose, content, methods, tools, timing and evaluation of
D. Should clearly and concisely identify the order of these various parts of the
education process.
E. Major reasons for the creation of a teaching plan
1. To direct the teacher to look at the relationship between each of the
steps of the teaching process to make sure that there is a logical
approach to teaching
2. To communicate in writing exactly what is being taught, how it is being
taught and evaluated, and the time allotted to meet each of the
behavioral objectives.
3. To legally document that an individual plan for each learner is in place
and is being properly implemented
F. Eight Basic Elements of a Teaching Plan
1. Purpose (the why of the educational session)
2. Statement of the overall goal
3. List of objectives
4. An outline of the content to be covered in the teaching session
5. Instructional method(s) used for teaching the related content
6. Time allotted for the teaching of each objective
7. Instructional resources (materials/ tools and equipment) needed
8. Method(s) used to evaluate learning
G. Sample Format of Teaching Plan

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