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Name: Lata

Institution: IGNOU
Dept.: Computer Science

Date: 16/06/2023

Title: Accessibility: Designing “User-Friendly Option” Button for

E-commerce Websites.

Subtitle: A Research
Title: Designing “User-Friendly options” (Button) for E-Commerce

Introduction: In this research I will be focusing on designing a “User-

Friendly Option” for e-commerce websites. Could be an
effective way to encourage web developers to prioritize user experience and
accessibility. By providing developers with a “User Friendly option” I creating a
simple and accessible way for them to prioritize user experience and
accessibility in their work.
This could lead to more user-friendly and accessible websites and
applications, which in term could improve the overall experience for user.
Additionally, it could help to create a culture of accessibility and user-
centred design within the web development community, which could have long-
term benefits for users, develops and society as a whole.

Features: In this research I will providing some features through

“User-Friendly Option” (Button):

Infinite Scrolling on a Page

Infinity Scrolling is a design technique that allows

users to keep scrolling through a page without
having to click to load more content on a E-
commerce website, this can be beneficial
because it allows users to quickly browse through
products without having to click through multiple
High Contrast mode

High contrast mode is a feature that allows users

to Switch to a Colour Scheme with higher
Contrast between text and background. This can
be beneficial for users who have visual
impairments or who find it difficult to read text
on certain backgrounds.

Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard navigation is effective and user-friendly

on an e-commerce website. Through this users
can easily navigate through the website using
only their keyboard.

Search bar version 2

Allow users to filter products by different Criteria

and providng clear and concise product
Abstract : This research Proposal aims to investigate the Importance of
User-Friendly Options can enhance the user experience and
increase Customer Satisfaction. The Research will also examine how user-
friendly options can Impact the overall success of an e-commerce website.
The study will involve conducting user testing with participants of different
age groups and backgrounds to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of user-
friendly options. The results of this study will provide insights into the
Importance of user-friendly options in e-commerce websites and could inform
the development of best practices for designing user-friendly options.

Methodology : This study will involve two main componenets :

(1) User testing and (2) Experts/developer Interviews.
For the User testing component – participants of different age groups and
backgrounds will be recruited evaluate the usability and effectiveness of the
user-friendly options in e-commerce websites. User testing allow to get direct
feedback from your target audience and identify any usability issues or areas for
improvement. It can help in ensuring that the user-friendly option button is
effective, and easy to use for our target audience. User testing can also help you
validate your design decisions and identify any unexpected issues that you we
may not have considered. The websites will be evaluated using a range of
usability testing tools and technique, such as heuristic evaluation, cognitive
walkthroughs, and user testing.
For the Expert/developer interviews component – Expert interviews can provide
valuable insights and guidance in designing and developing user-friendly
websites. They can offer expert opinions on the best practices for incorporating
accessibility features and improving the user experience. Expert interviews can
also provide valuable feedback on the design and development process, helping
you to refine your methodology and approach.
Expected Outcomes/ Objective :-

 to gain insight into the importance of user-friendly option in e-commerce

 To develop best practices for designing U.F.O that enhance the user
experience and increase customer satisfaction.
 The study will also contribute to the cultureof user-centered design within
the e-commerce community, which could have long-term benefits for
users, designers and society as a whole.
 Improved accessibility.
 Enhanced user experience.
 Increased engagement: by providing a more seamless and intuitive
browsing experience, infinite scrolling and keyboard navigation can
encourage users to spend more time on your website and engage with
your products.
 Higher conversion rates : by reducing the friction in the user experience
and making it easier for users to find and purchase products, these feature
can lead to higher conversation rates and increased sales.


One limitation of this study is that it will focus on a specific Group of

participants and may not be generalize to other groups Additionally the study
will only evaluate the usability and effectiveness of a small number of e-
commerce websites and may not be representative of the broader community
Finally, the study will rely on self-reported data from e-commerce experts,
which may be subject to bias or inaccurate.

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