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YOGA SESSION (practical)

Before the session please sit in comfortable posture to perform pranayama

 Sukhasana:

here you are supposed to take normal and deep breathings…(7


 Now perform nadishodana pranayama: Deep breathings very slowly within 1:2 ratio for
5 times.

 Now perform chandrabeda pranayama for about 5 times with ratio.

YOGA SESSION (practical)
 Now perform suryabeda pranayama for about 5 times with ratio

 Now relax n take 2 deep breathings

 Start doing Anulom-vilom pranayama for about 7 cycles with in the ratio

 Now relax and start deep breathings normal 2 times

 Now start kapalabhathi pranayama for about 50-100 times (slow and passive inhalation
and active exhalation).
YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Now perform seetakari pranayama 5 times

 Now perform seetali pranayama 5 times

 Now perform bhramari pranayama 5 times

YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Then do prayer of your own forms for 2 minutes then stand in your position


 Neck movements in all directions as shown below each for 5 times

also rotation clock and


 Joint movements of FINGERS,WRIST,and also SHOULDER each for 5 times

YOGA SESSION (practical)

 And also perform straight hand shoulder rotation (in front, sides and straight up) 5 times

 Single hand raising for 5 times(inhale raise up, exhale relax)

 Double hand raising for 5 times(inhale raise up, exhale relax)

YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Single hand side bending each side 5 times(inhale twist side,exhale relax normal

 Triyakatadasana for 5 times each side(inhale twist side,exhale relax normal).

YOGA SESSION (practical)
 Katichakrasana for 5 times with breathings (inhale twist back,exhale relax normal).

 Ardhachandrasana for 5 times with breathings(inhale bend back,exhale relax normal).

 Padahasthasana for 5 times with breathings(exhale down, inhale up)

YOGA SESSION (practical)
 Trikonasana for 5 times with breathings(inhale bend side,exhale relax normal).

 Side bending:-

 Cross bending:-

 Hip rotation 5 times each side

YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Knees rotation 5 times each side

 Tadasana hold this posture for about a minute and perform normal breathings
YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Vrukshasana, this is one of the balancing asana so attain posture and hold for a minute
YOGA SESSION (practical)
 Ekapadasana , this is one of the balancing asana so attain posture and hold for a minute

 Garudasana, this is one of the balancing asana so attain posture and hold for a minute

 Natarajasana, this is one of the balancing asana so attain posture and hold for a minute

 Veerabadrasana, this is one of the balancing asana so attain posture and hold for a
YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Now stretch your hands sideways and stretch your legs both sides one by one
simultaneously each side for 10 times as if you will touch your hands

 Now same as before place your hands in front and stretch your legs cross to touch your
hands for about 10 times

YOGA SESSION (practical)

After 5 rounds of this cycles lie down in shavasan for about 2 min and then
raise up sit down for sitting asanas

YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Forward stretching bending down with exhalations for 5 times each

And rise up bend back with your band stretching back behind your ears inhale deep

 Now place your hands back and push your hip forward and touch your knees to
ground inhale raise up exhale down normal

 Bhunamasana :
Place your hands besides your body and with bending your elbows touch
your forehead to ground with exhale down and inhale up
Repeat to other side for 5 times each……..

 Yoga mudrasana:
YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Butterfly asana:

 Stretching your both legs forward and perform joint movements

 Purvottanasana (inhale rise up exhale down)

YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Bhunamasana (exhale down and inhale up)

 Vakrasana

 Gomukhasana
YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Vajrasana

 Shashankasana

 Ushtrasana:
YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Marjariasana

 Parvathasana
YOGA SESSION (practical)
Lying asana’s:

 Shavasana:

 Uttanasana (single leg and both leg) each leg 10 times with breathings inhale up
and exhale down

 Single leg rotation and double leg rotation:

YOGA SESSION (practical)
 Single leg cycling and double leg cycling:

 Pavanamuktasana (exhale rise up to knees and inhale down)

 Spinal twistings (single leg and double leg)

YOGA SESSION (practical)
 Naukasana: (exhale up and inhale down)

 Sethubandhasana (inhale rise ur hip up and down exhale)

 Niralambasna (inhale rise ur hip up and down exhale)

YOGA SESSION (practical)

Side lying postures:

 Lying to one side and rising your leg for 10 times.

 After that fold your leg and touch your elbows to knees placing your hand
in front of your chest for 10 times.

 Now stretch your leg back without bending your knees for 5 times.
YOGA SESSION (practical)

Lying asana’sin prone postures:

 Makarasana: relaxative pose

 Bhujangasana (inhale up exhale down)

YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Sarpasana (inhale up exhale down)

 Salabhasana(single leg and double leg rising with inhaling up and

exhaling down)

 Navasana (inhale up exhale down)

YOGA SESSION (practical)

 Dhanurasana (inhale up exhale down)

 After your practice turn back to shavasana and relax there for about
10 min in instant relaxation technique

 After that turn to one side and rise up sit down and do prayer for 2
min and rub your palms, feel the warmth on your eyes and slowly
open them.
YOGA SESSION (practical)



YOGA SESSION (practical)


2. Do not have any thing before half n hour and after the session for about 15


3. Perform all asana with breathings and try to hold for a bit of time and do
not strain yourself.
4. Any sprain plz stop immediately and

5. Do not try anything new on your own



For further any clarifications and doubts please do not hesitate to contact me

Dr.Syed Arif Ahmed 9885355084

Email ID:-

YOGA SESSION (practical)

Thank you all for your support and


Have a happy life and better health………………………..:-)

Arthritic exercises:-
YOGA SESSION (practical)
 sit in the chair placing your feet on ground and raise your leg straight and
drop for about 90 times per day(each leg).
 Now perform cycling single leg both clock and anti-clock directions for
about 10 times each leg.
(Note:- place your hands under your thighs and hold your thighs)
 Now again perform cycling with both legs together at a time for about 10
times clock and anti-clock directions.
(Note:- place your hands under your thighs and hold your thighs)
 Now raise your leg straight and hold your leg straight for about 20 seconds
in the air and drop. perform each leg for about 10 times each.
 After all these lie down in shavasana for 10 mins.

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