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● Arbitrator:
- retired person (senior, businessman)
- attorney (lawyer)
- hear and decide disputes between opposite parts

● Mediator :
- person to make people involved in the conflict come to an agreement (that can't decide)
- empathetic, friendly, respectful
- the parties find the outcome

● Type I: If + (present) + will + infinitive (possible situation)
● Type II: I + (past) + would + infinitive (imaginary situation)

Outsourcing  subcontratacion
- Benefits: Job opportunities, service opportunities, promote economy in the country, give benefits to the community, encourage business
related to that company product range
- Contras: pollution, take away the job opportunities of the country of origin, cheap labor force: subsites wages, unfair competition with national
companies, poor work conditions, poor labor force is exploited

Shrink flation  contracción de la inflación. publicidad engañosa relación calidad-precio attractive UNattractive

comfortabl UNcomfortable
Noun Adjective Opposite adjective
economical UNeconomical
Patience patient impatient
efficient INefficient
calmness calm nervous
expensive INexpensive
Adjective Opposite adjective
weakness weak strong
fashionable UNfashionable
flexibility flexible unflexible
healthy UNhealthy
emotion emotional unemotional
popular UNpopular
practical IMpractical
consistent inconsistent
y pure IMpure

sympathy sympathetic unsympathetic reliable UNreliable

formally formal informal safe UNsafe

enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastic

creativity creative unimaginative

Passive voice: Object + (Be, am, is, are, was, were, is being…) + past part + by
Text 1. Intervening quickly in cases of conflict (p. 107)
- Have you ever been involved in any of the examples of conflict listed in the article?
How did/would you feel?
- What behavior at work do/would you find inappropriate or unacceptable?
- How would you deal with these problems?

- High-tech  alta tecnologia - best-selling  mas vendidos - high-performance  alto rendimiento
- hard-wearing  resistente - long-lasting  larga duracion
- high-quality  alta calidad - well-made  bien hecho

- Launch  lanzamiento - Manufacturer  fabricante - Design diseño

- Test  prueba - Modify  modificar - Distribute  distribuir
- Promote  promover - Discontinue  discontinuar

Text 2. A path to salvation through innovation  Un camino a la salvación a través de la innovación

- preconceived ideas
- from o to 1

Education- National Institute
the conflict start because to the precarious conditions of education that affected the quality of teaching.
- Problems: lack of resources, deficient infrastructure, shortage of teachers, lack of materials and an unsuitable environment for learning.

2. Who participated and why?

- Students: directly affected by poor school conditions
- Government: affected by repeated strikes and demonstrations through violence
- Establishment: affected by strikes and lack of authority

3. How did the people involved deal with or intervene in the problem?
Students organize protests and demonstrations to show their discontent and demand improvements in learning.
- October 18: students felt encouraged to demand better education.

Misappropriation of farms, plots and burning of homes in Araucania

- State of exception: area is guarded by the army and police
- Spanish colonization, mapuche lands were expropriated from them. They want to recover their lands
- Illegal activities and recover lands through terrorism, some mapuches take advantages to hide and carry criminal activities
- people affected: citizens that live in the region: RED ZONE, no peace, fear of being attacked by the movement, like expropriation of fields,
burning etc…
Health system
The table of factors changed, before women (pregnant women paid even more), and also the elderly. Now both sexes pay the same. as a
consequence of this price matching, the figure rose a lot, causing people to sue them.
(Cuaderno Pascale con info)
- Young and healthy people pay less
- Older and unhealthy people (pregnant and seniors) pay more
- Isapres business: how much people should pay about their health
- The big problem: Discrimination
- prices: balance
- sick leave, pandemic, debt
- factor table, delete difference
- trieds: people don't like the prices
- Costumers: banmedica, bansalud, colmena, vida3, and more

Tax havens

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