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Vocabulary Unit 2

Day and Night

A. Animals Vocabulary 11. river : sungai

1. bat : kelelawar 12. snowmobile : kendaraan yang bisa
2. cow : sapi memindahkan salju dan es dengan mudah
3. donkey : keledai 13. sun : matahari
4. goat : kambing 14. Sweden : Swedia
5. owl : burung hantu 15. town : kota
6. porcupine : landak 16. wood : kayu

B. Daily Routine Vocabulary F. Grammar 1

1. brush my teeth : menyikat gigi saya Present Simple for rountines and general truths
2. eat : makan (affirmative, negative and question form)
3. go to school : pergi ke sekolah
4. sleep : tidur I She
5. wake up : bangun tidur You + Verb 1 + Verb1
6. wash my face : mencuci wajah saya He
C. Phonics Lab We It

1. dog : anjing Example:

2. fox : rubah
3. hop : melompat 1. (+) I go to the park.
4. hot : panas (-) I don’t go to the park.
5. jog : jalan-jalan (?) Do you go to the park?
6. frog : katak
7. stop : berhenti 2. (+) We play soccer.
8. bin : tempat sampah (-) We don’t play soccer.
9. hit : memukul (?) Do we play soccer?
10. sing : bernyanyi
11. sit : duduk 3. (+) She eats in the café.
12. win : menang (-) She doesn’t eat in the café
13. six : enam (?) Does she eat in the café?

D. Experiment Lab 4. On Saturdays, do you go to school? No, I don’t

5. Do you play soccer? Yes, I do
1. day : hari
2. earth : bumi Grammar 2
3. hours : jam
4. months : bulan Present Simple for routines and general truths
5. night : malam (affirmative, negative and questions)
6. shines : berkilau, bersinar
7. sky : langit Example:
8. sun : matahari
9. year : tahun 1. She eats a banana every day.
2. He doesn’t ride his bike every day.
E. Culture Lab 3. Does he swim every day?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t
1. Antartica : antartica
2. Arctic : kutub utara
3. bears : beruang
4. December : Desember
5. elephant seals : gajah laut
6. elks : sejenis rusa besar
7. June : Juni
8. Kiruna : Kiruna (salah satu kota Swedia)
9. lights : lampu lantai panggung
10. moon : bulan

English Language Training Program

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