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The first time I heard that you had finished a journey across 9 states of the US, I thought that

how he managed to do that and especially why he decided to do such thing. After listening
about what you experienced throughout the journey, I can partly understand what inspired you
and know how many difficulties you had to deal with. Most of the time, you had to face with
boredom, frustration but somehow you still got through that and now you are still alive and
kicking, telling me about your story. The event which I remember the most is when you were in
the desert. I couldn’t imagine how it felt while there was a storm right above you, particularlly
you were in a desert and there was no one around you. If I had been you, I would have felt
desperate and given up. Fortunately, someone drove across and gave you a lift. I also heard
that you had climed a lot of mountains, just like the main thing of this journey is only climbing
and climbing. Besides, you also had a quite serious injury while climbing, you even couldn’t
sleep well because of the sore and painful leg and had to take a rest for a few days, but
somehow, you still decided to keep cycling. About the accommodation, I still can’t get how you
could sleep in such a small tent with a thin blanket. All these event show me how important
and wonderful the patience is. Along these problems, I am astonished by the kindness of the
people you met. To a person who do not have much faith in humanity like me, this is a big
surprise. People don’t know who you are but they still gave you a hand when you were in bad
situation, they gave you food and even let you stay in their houses or some kind people gave
you a ride. Another part of your journey which I consider important is the dogs, can’t think of
what would have happened with you if you hadn’t brought the dog with you. By the way, I have
taken a look at your blog, however I still hope that I can directly listen the story from you.

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