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1. Please identify the primary audience and provide two details from the ad
that support your assertion about the audience.
- The audience would be people with dreams and aspirations. The ad “compliments” the
people with grand dreams and motivates them to dream bigger.

2. Which audiences might not be interested in the ad? How do you know?
- People without a dream may not be interested because the ad aims to motivate people
to achieve their dreams.

3. Can you identify an audience who might be angered by the ad. How do you know?
- The ad can be enraging to people who have tried their best to achieve a dream and
failed. They may not believe in such motivational videos because of their experience.

Genre or Context
1. Please list a few conventions (accepted standards or norms that are usually
followed) that you can identify in the ad (for example, how do you know this is a
certain type of ad?). Based on the list you created, how might you further classify
this ad? That is, what subgenre does this ad belong to?
- The narration of the ad is in a powerful and motivating tone, along with real life examples
to move people. The subgenre would be a motivational ad, inspiring people to push
towards their dream, no matter their situation.

1. What argument is the ad making or what does the ad want you to believe? How do
you know?
- The ad tries to persuade audience by asking to pursue their dreams, even if the odds
aren’t in their favour. This was shown by the example of the one-handed football player.

2. Is the ad convincing or do you believe the ad? Why or why not?

- Yes, the ad is convincing and persuades the audience with the powerful voice with
inspiring visuals.

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