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Penetration depth of irrigants into root dentine

after sonic, ultrasonic and photoacoustic

K. M. Galler1,†, V. Grubmu € ller1,†, R. Schlichting2, M. Widbiller1 , A. Eidt1, C. Schuller1,

M. Wo€ lflick , K.-A. Hiller
1 1
& W. Buchalla1
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology, University Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg; and 2Private Practice,
Passau, Germany

Abstract sectioned horizontally, imaged under a light micro-

scope, and dye penetration depths were measured in
Galler KM, Grubmu € ller V, Schlichting R, Widbiller
six sections per tooth and 24 points on a virtual clock-
M, Eidt A, Schuller C, Wo € lflick M, Hiller K-A,
face per section. Data were analysed statistically by
Buchalla W. Penetration depth of irrigants into root dentine
nonparametric tests for whole teeth and separately for
after sonic, ultrasonic and photoacoustic activation.
coronal, middle and apical thirds.
International Endodontic Journal, 52, 1210–1217, 2019.
Results Penetration of dye into the dentinal tubules
Aim To compare penetration depths of endodontic was lowest for the controls. Median penetration depths
irrigants into the dentinal tubules of extracted teeth amounted to 700–900 lm for groups I–V with differ-
when using several activation methods. ences in the apical thirds between group I and the other
Methodology The root canals of 90 extracted test groups. Minimum penetration depths were signifi-
human teeth were prepared to size 40, .06 taper. The cantly greater for PIPS in the apical thirds (P ≤ 0.046).
straight and round-shaped root canals were dis- Conclusions Greater penetration depths occurred
tributed randomly into six groups, and final irrigation in the apical thirds for ultrasonic, sonic and laser-
was performed with EDTA and sodium hypochlorite induced activation compared to manual dynamic acti-
as follows: (I) manual dynamic activation, (II) Ultra- vation. PIPS was associated with deeper penetration
sonic, (III) Sonic, (IV) PIPS (photon-induced photoa- of irrigants. The novel SWEEPS mode did not increase
coustic streaming, (V) SWEEPS (shock-wave enhanced irrigant penetration.
emission photoacoustic streaming) and (0) control
Keywords: disinfection, EDTA, laser, root canal,
without final irrigation or activation. Subsequently,
sodium hypochlorite, ultrasonic.
methylene blue was inserted into the canals and acti-
vated according to the groups (I–V). Teeth were Received 1 August 2018; accepted 28 February 2019

Pulpitis, pulpal necrosis and subsequent periradicular
lesions are induced by opportunistic infections of the
Correspondence: Kerstin M. Galler, Department of Conserva- dental pulp and root canals with oral commensal
tive Dentistry and Periodontology, University Hospital microorganisms. Thus, the primary goal of root canal
Regensburg, Franz-Josef-Strauß Allee 11, 93053 Regens-
burg, Germany (Tel.: +49941 9446024; fax: +49941
treatment is cleaning and disinfection of the canal
9446025; e-mail: system and reduction of microorganisms. With
mechanical preparation alone, more than one-third of

Authors contributed equally to this work. the canal surface may remain untouched by

1210 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 1210–1217, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Galler et al. Activation of irrigants

endodontic instruments (Peters et al. 2001, Paque efficient cavitation (Verstraeten et al. 2017). Laser-
et al. 2010) resulting in insufficient debridement. Fur- activated irrigation has been reported to be more
thermore, instrumentation of canal walls creates a effective than syringe-based irrigation but also more
smear layer and the accumulation of dentine debris effective than ultrasonic activation regarding the
in surface irregularities. Irrigation plays a crucial role removal of smear layer and debris (De Moor et al.
during treatment, as it enables chemical dissolution of 2010, Guidotti et al. 2014, Deleu et al. 2015). How-
remnant pulp tissue, removal of debris and smear ever, a recent study (Verstraeten et al. 2017) reported
layer and mechanical detachment of the biofilm that differences regarding hard tissue debris removal
(Zehnder 2006). The apical third of the canal system in the mesial roots of mandibular molars between
typically has a complex morphology (Vertucci1984) laser and ultrasonic activation of irrigants were evi-
and is therefore particularly difficult to clean (Foschi dent but not significant. The latest development
et al. 2004). regarding laser-activated irrigation in endodontics is
Traditional irrigation during root canal treatment SWEEPS (shock-wave enhanced emission photoacous-
with a syringe and needle is associated with only lim- tic streaming), which uses an Er:Yag laser and a fibre
ited penetration beyond the main canal into dentinal tip that is placed inside the pulp chamber, the differ-
tubules (Ram 1977). In order to increase the efficacy ence, however, is the pulse of the laser light. The
of irrigants, general activation techniques have been SWEEPS mode uses pulses to create a series of bub-
developed. Passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) uses an bles, which are timed to appear such that secondary
oscillating file in the canal after shaping to induce bubbles lead to a collapse of existing bubbles, result-
acoustic microstreaming (>25 kHz). Its rapid move- ing in shock waves and enhanced photoacoustic
ment enables penetration into noninstrumented areas streaming. Up to now, data from independent
and enhances shear stress on tissue remnants and research on SWEEPS activation have not been
biofilm (Jiang et al. 2011, Bryce et al. 2018). Sonic published.
devices work similarly, but generally use flexible tips The overarching aim of this study was to assess
and operate at lower frequencies (<20 kHz). Sonic whether newly developed methods of activation are
activation appears to be more effective than needle more effective than commonly used techniques. The
irrigation alone (de Gregorio et al. 2010, R€ odig et al. objective was to compare several methods of activa-
2010, Bryce et al. 2018); however, ultrasonic activa- tion for endodontic irrigants including ultrasonic,
tion has been reported to be superior regarding pene- sonic, PIPS and SWEEPS in their ability to penetrate
tration to working length and into lateral canals (de into dentinal tubules.
Gregorio et al. 2010). More recently, laser-activated
irrigation based on the activation of irrigants by med-
Materials and methods
ium-infrared lasers (2780 and 2940 nm) has gained
increasing attention in endodontics. The radiation
Preparation of teeth
emitted by the laser is strongly absorbed by water-
based solutions. The effect of laser activation is Ninety single-rooted human teeth extracted for
achieved by cavitation where vapour bubbles are orthodontic reasons (age range 14–20 years) with
formed at the fibre tip, which expand and then col- straight and round-shaped root canals were selected
lapse. These changes in size lead to a distinct fluid and stored in 0.5% chloramine T-hydrate (Carl Roth,
movement. The consecutive collapse of the bubbles Karlsruhe, Germany). Twenty-four hours prior to
generates localized shock waves and lead to a distinct experimentation, the teeth were transferred to ultra-
fluid movement. Furthermore, subsequent laser pulses pure water (Barnstead Smart2Pure, Thermo Fisher Sci-
induce secondary cavitation bubbles, which result in entific, Waltham, MA, USA). Access cavities were
acoustic streaming of the solution throughout the prepared with a diamond bur (Endo Access Bur, Dents-
entire canal system (Blanken et al. 2009, Matsumoto ply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), the canal orifice
et al. 2011). was localized by scouting with a size 10, .06 taper
An example of laser-induced activation is PIPS C-pilot file and enlarged with Nos. 2 and 3 Gates-Glidden
(photon-induced photoacoustic streaming), performed burs (Dentsply Sirona). The entrance was covered with
by a pulsed Er:YAG laser (Divito et al. 2012). It uses a foam pellet, and the walls of the access cavity were
low pulse energies (10 or 20 mJ) with a short pulse treated with dentine bonding agent (Scotchbond
length (50 ls), resulting in high peak powers and Universal, 3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) according to

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 1210–1217, 2019 1211
Activation of irrigants Galler et al.

the manufacturer’s instructions. Access cavities were ultrasonic device (VDW.ULTRA, VDW) at 25%
filled with bulk fill composite resin (SDR flow+, Dents- intensity
ply Sirona) and extended coronally in order to create a (III) EDDY (Sonic Activation): EDDY (Polyamide tip,
reservoir of 6 mm in height, necessary for the laser- VDW)
based activation methods. To ensure standardized (IV) PIPS (Photon-Induced Photoacoustic Streaming):
access cavities, a new cone-shaped access cavity was 20 mJ, 15 Hz, 0.30 W, SSP Mode, air/water
then prepared with a diamond bur (FG/type palatal, turned off (FOTONA, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Henry Schein Dental, Langen, Germany). (V) SWEEPS (Shock-Wave Enhanced Emission Pho-
For root canal preparation, a glide path was pre- toacoustic Streaming) 20 mJ, 15 Hz, 0.30 W,
pared with hand files size 08, .02 taper to size 20, SWEEPS Mode, air/water turned off (FOTONA)
.02 taper (K-files, VDW, Munich, Germany). Working (0) Control: Final irrigation only with 1 mL of 5%
length was determined as patency length minus NaOCl without activation
1 mm. The apical region of each root was covered
with a layer of heavy-body condensation silicone
Sectioning and light microscopy
impression material (Panasil tray Soft Heavy, Ketten-
bach, Eschenburg, Germany) to avoid extrusion of Cross sections of the teeth were prepared using a cir-
irrigating solutions (Widbiller et al. 2017). Root cular saw (Leitz 1600, Ernst Leitz Wetzlar, Wetzlar,
canals were instrumented in a crown-down manner Germany) under constant water flow at 600 rpm
with rotary files (Protaper Next X1–X4 and X-Smart with a feed speed of 0.5 mm s 1 at a thickness of
Plus Motor, Dentsply Sirona) to size 40, .06 taper. 300 lm. Sections were numbered consecutively and
Canals were irrigated with 5% sodium hypochlorite collected selectively from the coronal, middle and api-
(NaOCl, SPEIKO, M€ unster, Germany), pre-heated to cal third of the root. Two nonconsecutive sections per
60 °C, with a volume of 1 mL between files. NaOCl third were chosen and placed under a light micro-
was removed with paper points, and teeth were stored scope with a corresponding camera system and soft-
in ultrapure water before final irrigation. The irriga- ware (Zeiss AXIO LAB A1 and ZEN core
tion solutions for final irrigation were NaOCl (5%, v2.0.66.1000, Jena, Germany). Images were taken,
60 °C), ultrapure water (room temperature) and uploaded into Fiji software (Schindelin et al. 2012),
EDTA (17%, room temperature). The protocol for final and a virtual clock face was placed over each image.
irrigation was established as follows: Along 24 exactly spaced lines of the clock face, the
1. NaOCl (5 mL, 1 min) penetration depth of methylene blue dye was deter-
2. Ultrapure water (5 mL, 1 min) mined visually by two examiners, and the median
3. EDTA (5 mL, 1 min), activation for 30 s penetration depth was calculated. Figure 1 shows rep-
4. Ultrapure water (5 mL, 1 min) resentative images after staining and sectioning. Fif-
5. NaOCl (5 mL, 1 min), activation for 30 s, resting teen teeth were prepared in each group resulting in a
phase 30 s, activation for 30 s total of 540 sections.
After a rinse with ultrapure water, the canal was Penetration depths of methylene blue into the
filled with 1% methylene blue (Sigma-Aldrich, Stein- dentinal tubules were a surrogate measure for the
heim, Germany), which was activated for 30 s with penetration of sodium hypochlorite during the last
the respective activation method as defined by the test step of activation. Median penetration depths as well
group in order to visualize the penetration depth of as 25–75% quantiles were calculated and depicted for
the last irrigant. Subsequently, the canal was dried the entire canal and separately for coronal, middle
with paper points and teeth were stored dry until fur- and apical regions. Additionally, the minimally
ther use. Teeth were randomly divided into five test achievable penetration depths were calculated. The
groups (I–V) and one control group (0), where activa- minimum penetration depth was determined in each
tion was performed as follows: section, and median values as well as quantiles of
(I) Manual Dynamic Activation (MDA): needle irriga- these values from all sections were calculated.
tion with manual up- and down-movement of the
needle inside the canal (NaviTip 30 ga, Ultradent,
Data analysis
K€oln, Germany)
(II) Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation: IRRI K 25/25 (VDW Medians and 25–75% quantiles were calculated for
GmbH, Munich, Germany and the appendant whole canals per group as well as for the coronal,

1212 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 1210–1217, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Galler et al. Activation of irrigants

Figure 1 Representative images of methylene blue penetration into root canal dentine after different activation methods in
coronal, middle and apical sections. Scale bar: 1000 lm.

medial and apical tooth segments per group. Data depth from coronal to apical. In coronal and middle
were analysed statistically by nonparametric tests sections, the various activation methods achieved sim-
(Mann–Whitney U) on an a = 0.05 level of signifi- ilar results; however, differences became apparent api-
cance (SPSS, version 23.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, cally. The greatest median penetration depths were
USA). observed for PIPS coronally and apically (1246.8 and
657.5 lm, respectively) and for EDDY in the middle
sections (985.5 lm). PIPS was associated with signifi-
cantly deeper penetration in the apical sections com-
For controls without final irrigation, the median pene- pared to needle irrigation (260.3 lm, P = 0.006),
tration depth of dye as a surrogate for sodium and also to SWEEPS (332.1 lm, P = 0.02). Consider-
hypochlorite for all teeth was 445.8 lm which was ing the minimally achievable penetration depths, PIPS
significantly lower compared to all other groups. The achieved the greatest penetration depths in the middle
median penetration depths for whole canals (Fig. 2a) and particularly in the apical sections (364.0 lm vs.
from highest to lowest were EDDY (985.5 lm) > PIPS 32.0–102.0 lm for other groups) with significant dif-
(961.5 lm) > PUI (823.8 lm) > MDA (775.0 lm) > ferences compared to all other groups (P ≤ 0.046).
SWEEPS (722.0 lm), with significantly lower pene-
tration depths for SWEEPS compared to PIPS
(P = 0.026). The minimally achievable penetration
depth (Fig. 2b) was greatest for PIPS (526.5 lm) with This laboratory study aimed to compare penetration
significant differences compared to EDDY (310.5 lm, depths of final irrigation solutions into the dentinal
P = 0.013), MDA (336.0 lm, P = 0.016) and tubules of extracted human teeth after application of
SWEEPS (365.0 lm, P = 0.026). various modes of activation. Compared to controls
The separate evaluation of median penetration with neither EDTA nor activation, the test groups
depths in the coronal, middle and apical regions were associated with deeper penetration of irrigants,
(Fig. 3a) revealed a decline in irrigant penetration which can be expected due to the ability of EDTA to

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 1210–1217, 2019 1213
Activation of irrigants Galler et al.

Figure 2 (a) Median penetration depths with 25–75% quantiles for the tested activation methods (n = 15). (b) Minimally
achievable penetration depths with 25–75% quantiles. The dotted line indicates the median (a) and minimal (b) penetration
depth for controls. Asterisks indicate significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) between groups.

Figure 3 (a) Median penetration depths with 25–75% quantiles for the tested activation methods, depicted separately for coro-
nal, middle and apical sections. (b) Minimally achievable penetration depths with 25–75% quantiles. The dotted line indicates
the median (a) and minimum (b) penetration depth for controls; coronal (c), middle (m) and apical (a) level. Asterisks indicate
significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) between groups.

remove smear layer from the canal walls (Teixeira collected, sclerotic dentine or limited penetration
et al. 2005). The smaller but still measurable ingress depths due to other physiological or pathological
of irrigant in the controls might be explained by the changes were not expected. Differences between the
large preparation size of the canals in combination test groups were negligible in coronal and middle sec-
with thorough irrigation; it appears that the smear tions, where manual dynamic activation achieved
layer reduces but not fully prevents influx of liquid similar results compared to sonic, ultrasonic and laser
into the tubules. Furthermore, due to the limited age activation with PIPS and SWEEPS. However, differ-
range of the patients from which the teeth were ences become obvious in apical sections. Since

1214 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 1210–1217, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Galler et al. Activation of irrigants

ramifications and lateral canals are frequently present evident in more complex root canal systems. The
in apical areas (Vertucci 1984), their cleaning is more canal preparation to a size 40, .06 taper was selected
important for successful treatment. Penetration depths to enable easy penetration of the irrigants and might
after manual dynamic activation were as low as the be considered a medium to large preparation (de Gre-
controls, but markedly greater with PIPS, EDDY and gorio et al. 2013). The irrigation protocol prior to the
PUI. Thus, activation of irrigants appears to be benefi- rinse with EDTA and activation of NaOCl was thor-
cial especially in the apical area, where the trans- ough considering volume, concentration and fluid
portation of irrigants into the dentinal tubules is temperature. Both higher concentration as well as
impeded not only by anatomical conditions such as pre-heating of sodium hypochlorite have been shown
reduced number of tubules with smaller diameters to increase the efficacy of disinfection as well as tissue
and sclerotic dentine (Carrigan et al. 1984), but also dissolution (Sirtes et al. 2005). The use of EDTA, a
by accessibility. In that respect, PIPS might be advan- chelator which binds calcium, to remove the smear
tageous, as it does not depend on the insertion depth layer and the subsequent rinse with sodium
of a file or probe, such as with other agitation tech- hypochlorite, which will now penetrate more easily
niques tested in this study. into the dentinal tubules, has been advocated (Sen
Interestingly, the minimum penetration depths per et al. 1995, Violich & Chandler 2010). These factors
section were significantly greater for PIPS compared likely contributed to the large penetration depths in
to all other tested methods. Regarding the fact that in controls as well as in test groups in coronal and mid-
histological studies, the median penetration depth of dle sections. In the present experiments, methylene
bacteria into dentinal tubules reaches 390 lm (Kakoli blue was used to display penetration depths as an
et al. 2009), this increased penetration depth and indirect indicator for the ingress of sodium hypochlo-
antibacterial effect inside the dentinal tubules might rite. Various designs for this type of study can be
be clinically relevant. Increased penetration after acti- found, where fluorescently labelled irrigants (Akcay
vation in apical sections might also be due to a reduc- et al. 2017) or sealers (Chaudhry et al. 2017, Uzuno-
tion or elimination of an apical vapour lock, which € urek et al. 2017, Bharti et al. 2018) have
impedes irrigant penetration to working length and been used in combination with confocal microscopy.
can be managed better after sonic and ultrasonic acti- Pilot experiments with fluorescent dyes and methy-
vation compared to manual dynamic agitation (Agar- lene blue exhibited advantages for the latter, as den-
wal et al. 2017). On the other hand, this study tine shows intense autofluorescence. Penetration
revealed that the new SWEEPS mode was not able to depths of methylene blue observed in this study are in
achieve increased penetration depths compared to the line with other findings; comparable studies of sealer
other activation methods, but appeared inferior in api- penetration after irrigation show similar penetration
cal sections, especially regarding minimally achievable depths into dentine as well as significantly superior
values. Thus, the introduction of a modified laser sealer penetration at greater distances from the apex
pulse did not lead to enhanced performance. One can (Akcay et al. 2017, Chaudhry et al. 2017, Uzunoglu-
speculate that the change in pulse and the generation € urek et al. 2017, Bharti et al. 2018). In order to
of secondary bubbles, given the geometrical con- exclude errors during the analysis of penetration
straints inside the root canal, might induce counter depths, the same two examiners performed this task
currents which actually hinder irrigant flow. It also together. Whereas one examiner determined the start
seems that the SWEEPS mode was brought onto the and end-point of each line segment, the second exam-
market without thorough testing and comparison to iner verified the correct procedure. The actual mea-
PIPS. Since there is no data on SWEEPS in the litera- surement of line segments was based on software.
ture, these results cannot be related to other findings.
Some of the results observed in this study are co-
determined by the experimental design. The teeth that
were chosen for the experiments were single-rooted Thorough irrigation of straight, large canals in
teeth with relatively round canals and simple canal extracted teeth with simple root canal geometries
geometry. The benefit of this choice is comparability enabled penetration in coronal and middle sections
and reproducibility of penetration depth in different but faced limitations in apical areas. Activation of irri-
teeth due to the similar root canal anatomies. Pre- gants increased penetration depths apically, where
sumably, the differences between groups will be more PIPS was associated with segments of deeper

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 1210–1217, 2019 1215
Activation of irrigants Galler et al.

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© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 1210–1217, 2019 1217

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