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NSM : 111235180025

Jl. Bolawi Gg. Masjid Al-Musthofa Desa Baleturi Kec.Prambon Kab. Nganjuk Kode Pos 64484
Tanggal : 08 Mei 2023 Nama :
Kelas : VI (Enam) Mapel : B. Inggris
Choose The Correct Answer By Crossing A, B, C, or D!
1. The inventor of incandescent light bulb is .....................
A. Alexander Graham Bell
B. Guglielmo Marconi
C. Thomas Alva Edison
D. Albert Einstein

2. The heroine that was born in Jepara is ....................

A. R.A. Kartini
B. Cut Nyak Dien
C. Cut Nyak Meutia
D. Christina Martha Tiahahu

3. Pangeran Diponegoro was a hero from ....................

A. West Sumatra
B. Yogyakarta
C. Banjar
D. Bengkulu

The following dialogue is for questions number 4 to 8.

A: “Who is (4) ............?”

B: “He is (5) ...............”
A: “Is he a (6) ......... hero?”
B: “Yes, he is.”
A: “Did he (7) ............ a plane?”
B: “(8) ............... he did.”

4. A. He B. It C. You D. She
5. A. Dr. Sutomo B. Jenderal Soedirman C. B.J. Habibie D. Moh. Hatta
6. A. National B. Individual C. World D. Proclaimer
7. A. Write B. Read C. Create D. Do
8. A. Yes B. Don’t C. Not D. Yet
9. Look at the following statement!
(1) Opening
(2) Quotes
(3) Content
(4) Closing
The parts of speech are ..............
A. (1), (2), and (3)
B. (1), (2), and (4)
C. (2), (3), and (4)
D. (1), (3), and (4)
Indonesian cultures are very different from Western cultures as there exists a difference
in experience, belief-systems, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, spatial relations, and
much more. Moreover within Indonesian itself there exists a multitude of different
cultures. This makes Indonesia a complex country, and therefore an interesting country.
In this section we teach you some do's and don'ts for successful and efficient
participation (socializing) in Indonesian society.

Based on the text above, cultural differences make Indonesia known as a .................. country.
A. Solitary
B. Union
C. Colony
D. Compound
11. Look at the following statement!
(1) Sun
(2) Fossil
(3) Wind
(4) Water

Based on the statements above, the renewable energies are ......................

A. (1), (2), and (3)
B. (1), (3), and (4)
C. (1), (2), and (4)
D. (2), (3), and (4)
The following text is for questions number 12 to 16.

Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, scientist, and inventor during the Italian
Renaissance. He is considered by many to be one of the most talented and intelligent
people of all time. Leonardo was born in the town of Vinci, Italy on April 15, 1452.
Leonardo da Vinci is regarded as one of the greatest artists in history. Leonardo excelled
in many areas including drawing, painting, and sculpture. Two of his most famous
paintings, and perhaps two of the most famous in the world, include the Mona
Lisa and The Last Supper. Many of da Vinci's drawings and journals were made in his
pursuit of scientific knowledge and inventions. His journals were filled with over 13,000
pages of his observations of the world. He drew pictures and designs of hang gliders,
helicopters, war machines, musical instruments, various pumps, and more. Many of his
drawings were on the subject of anatomy. He studied the human body including many
drawings on muscles, tendons, and the human skeleton. He had detailed figures of various
parts of the body including the heart, arms, and other internal organs. Leonardo didn't just
study the human anatomy either. He also had a strong interest in horses as well as cows,
frogs, monkeys, and other animals.

12. Who is the figure in the text above?

A. Michaelangelo
B. Affandi
C. Leonardo da Vinci
D. Vincent van Gogh
13. When was Leonardo da Vinci born?
A. April 15, 1452
B. April 15, 1453
C. April 16, 1452
D. April 16, 1453
14. Leonardo da Vinci was not only an artist, but he was also a .......................
A. Singer and painter
B. Scientist and inventor
C. Painter and baker
D. Scientist and doctor
15. His journals were filled with over 13,000 pages of his observations of the world. He drew
pictures and designs of .................
A. Hang gliders, helicopters, scenery, musical instruments, and various pumps
B. Hang gliders, helicopters, war machines, flowers, and various pumps
C. Hang gliders, plane, war machines, musical instruments, and various pumps
D. Hang gliders, helicopters, war machines, musical instruments, and various pumps
16. Did Leonardo da Vinci paint Monalisa and The Torment of Saint Anthony?
A. Yes, he did
B. Yes, he did not
C. No, he did
D. No, he did not
17. Mrs. Indah works in a hospital, she helps doctors to treat patients.
What is Mrs. Indah's job?
A. Nurse
B. Doctor
C. Midwife
D. Housewife

18. Preserving the environment is the duty of every human being.

The statement below which is not an effort to protect the environment is ..................
A. Catching fish using a fishing rod
B. Catching fish using trawlers
C. Reforestation
D. Throw garbage in the trash
19. Queen – was – Kingdom – the – of – Elizabeth II – United
The correct sentence of the disordered words is ................
A. Queen Elizabeth II was the Kingdom of United
B. Queen Elizabeth II of the United was Kingdom
C. Elizabeth II was queen of the United Kingdom
D. Elizabeth II was queen the Kingdom of United
20. Polonium – Marie Curie – the – of – inventor – radium – was – and
The correct sentence of the disordered words is .................
A. Marie Curie was inventor radium and polonium the of
B. Marie Curie was the inventor of radium and polonium
C. Marie Curie the inventor was of radium and polonium
D. Marie Curie inventor was of the radium and polonium
21. Look at the picture below!

The human movement organ beside is called .......

A. Hand
B. Feet
C. Head
D. Face
The text is for questions number 22-26.

22. Based on the announcement above, what animal that is missing?

A. Cat B. Goat C. Cow D. Dog
23. Based on the announcement above, what is the dog’s name?
A. Tiberius B. Robin C. Metal dog D. Him
24. Based on the announcement above, what are the characteristics of the lost dog?
A. Wearing a pink collar with a metal tag.
B. He is a three years old brown labrador with a red collar and a metal tag.
C. He is a three years old yellow labrador with a red collar and a metal tag.
D. He is very sweet and he will not come when you call him.
25. Based on the announcement above, who should we contact if we find the lost dog?
A. Tiberius B. Robin C. Metal dog D. Him
26. Mark : “I think I have just seen the lost dog. Is he wearing a red collar with a silver
Johnny : “............................”
What is the best response for the dialogue based on the announcement above?
A. Yes, he is B. No, he is not C. Yes, he does D. No, he does not
27. Look at the picture below!
The impact of forest fires is ..................
A. Adding a large area
B. Increase forest sustainability
C. Increase the animal population in the forest
D. Causes air pollution

The text is for questions number 28 – 31.

28. What kind of advertisement that is offered based on the information above?
A. Cat shelter
B. Cat daily care
C. Cat food
D. Cat medicine
29. Based on the information above, what are the types of cat food flavors above?
A. Chicken, beef, tunna fish, liver
B. Chicken, turkey, vegetable, tunna fish
C. Chicken, turkey, liver, cod fish
D. Chicken, turkey, liver, tunna fish
30. Based on the advertisement, how much discount is given for every sales?
A. 85% B. 75% C. 50% D. 60%
31. Based on the advertisement above, what company manufactures the cat food?
A. WellPet Company
B. Feed The Cat
D. 100% satisfaction
32. The following statements are the characteristics of a poster, except .............
A. It is made using short, concise, and clear language.
B. Pictures are few and uninteresting.
C. Contains writing or pictures that attract people's attention.
D. Strong color combination and contrast.
The text is for questions number 33 and 34.

33. What is discussed in the poster above?

A. Our pet needs an attention
B. Animal rights
C. Humans get violence from animals
D. We should live with animals
34. Based on the text above, why should we protect animals?
A. Because we are the same with animals
B. Because we can live with animals
C. Because animals are our family
D. Because there is a lot of violence that happens to animals
The text is for questions number 35 – 37.

35. The following statements are the facilities that are offered by the advertisement,
except ..................
A. Ultrasound and hospice care
B. 24/7 full service veterinary hospital
C. Free food for the animals in the pet care
D. Therapy – rehabilitation
36. Based on the advertisement, how much discount is given to the customer?
A. 25% B. 35% C. 45% D. 55%
37. Based on the advertisement above, what animals can do the treatment?
A. Cat and Frog
B. Cat and Dog
C. Dog and Bat
D. Dog and Rabbit
38. Look at the picture below!
The staple food of Europeans is ..........
A. Rice
B. Cookies
C. Cake
D. Bread

39. Look at the picture below!

Rudi ate too many spicy meatballs, so he got ............
A. Stomachache
B. Toothache
C. Cough
D. Fever

40. Look at the statements below!

(1) Estuary
(2) Beach
(3) Desert
(4) Coral reefs
The statements above that includes aquatic ecosystems are ............
A. (1), (2), and (3)
B. (1), (2), and (4)
C. (1), (3), and (4)
D. (2), (3), and (4)

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