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Variable names clearly identify and distinguish

import easygui
different variables in terms of the data they hold.

player_name = easygui.enterbox("What is your name?",

"Welcome to the CyberSmart Start Quiz")
user_age = easygui.integerbox("How old are you?",
Meaningful comments are included that clearly
"Welcome to the CyberSmart Start Quiz")
indicate the code function and behaviour.

# This checks that the user is an appropriate age (under 14). If they
# are, continue_quiz is set to "Yes". This is used as a gate later on to
# decide whether the user sees the quiz questions or the program exits.
# If the user is older than 13 they are encouraged to do the Youth Quiz
# instead, and are given the option to continue on with the CyberSmart
# Start Quiz or quit. If they decide to continue, continue_quiz is set
# to "Yes".
if user_age < 14:
Literal used rather than constant, making the program less flexible.
continue_quiz = "Yes"
easygui.msgbox("Quiz rules/intro goes here")

# This print line is included for testing purposes.

print(user_age, continue_quiz)
Comments are as per Python convention. For example:
• block comments for blocks of code
else: • comment line length kept to a maximum of 72 characters
• no redundant
continue_quiz = easygui.buttonbox("Hi " comments (ie comments
+ player_name + "!\n\n that
quiz \
is meant for people under 12. You
information that is already clear from the code itself) \
should try the CyberSmart Youth Quiz instead.
Do you want to continue?", choices = ["Yes", "No"])
• comments are full sentences starting with a capital letter.

# This is the gate to check whether the quiz should continue because
# either the user has earlier indicated they are under 14, or they want
# to continue even though they are older.
if continue_quiz == "Yes":

Python convention followed regarding line width (ie line

length for code kept
quiz_questions to a maximum
= ["Question of Someone
1:\n\n 79 characters).
sends you a text that is hurtful \
and makes you feel bad about yourself. What should you do?\n\n \
a. Delete the message and try to forget about it.\n \
b. Keep the text and show an adult you trust.\n \
c. Text the person back saying something mean to them.",
"Question 2:\n\n You find out that someone has posted an \
embarrassing picture of you on Twitter. What should you do?\n\n \
Program could be better structured. Currently the code for
… each question is a copy of Question 1, with a different question
# Question 1 and answer selected from the lists (quiz_questions,
answer = quiz_answers[0] quiz_answers) each time. A for loop iterating over the
question_try = 1 question and answer lists in parallel would have been a more
efficient, robust, and flexible solution.

# This print line is included for testing purposes.

print(quiz_questions[0], "\nquestion answer: ", quiz_answers[0])

while question_try < 4:

player_answer = easygui.buttonbox(quiz_questions[0],
choices=["A", "B", "C"])

# These print lines are included for testing purposes.

Print lines included to aid
print("\nplayer answer 1: ", player_answer) organised testing/debugging
print("question attempt: ", question_try) (see Item 9).

if player_answer == answer:
easygui.msgbox("Well done, " + player_name + "! You got it right!")

# The code block below runs if the player

# gets the answer correct on the first try.
if question_try == 1:
player_score += Python
1 convention followed by using consistent style
for variable names (lowercase with underscore).
# This print line is included for testing purposes.
print("player score is: ", player_score)
easygui.msgbox("Sorry, " + player_name + "! That's not right.")
question_try += 1

Here the player is only told the letter for the

# If the player didn't get the answer right after 3 attempts,
correct answer (eg ‘B’). It would have been
# the game gives the player the correct answer and tells them to
more logical to give them the full answer for
# try the next question
the question.
if question_try == 4:
easygui.msgbox(answer + " is the correct answer. \
Try a different question.")

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