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OT 101: Foundations of Occupational Therapy 1 Activity Sheet No.

Topic: Common Medical Conditions of Patients seen by Occupational Therapists

Name: Louigie Marree Talento Garcia

Complete the following column with relevant details. Refer to your Willard & Spackman’s
Occupational Therapy 12th ed or 13th ed.

Credit/s: 50 points Class Participation Deadline: Next meeting

Warning: Anybody caught copying and pasting the contents will not earn points and copying
his/her classmate’s work will get a fraction of the score (e.g. If I see 3 people with the same
contents, scores will be divided into 3). Late output will not be accepted.

Name of the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

medical condition

Clinical  Swelling in the affected area.

Presentation  Sensitive to touch and cold.
 Change in skin color from white and blotchy to red or blue
in the affected area.
 Less hair growth
Functional Difficulty in walking, standing, running, and uneasy feeling.

OT Interventions The Graded Motor Imagery (GMI) treatment is essential in

reconnecting the brain with the affected part of the body caused
by pain. In the instance of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
(CRPS) in a specific area, the brain wrongly identifies the affected
limb as a source of pain and threat.

List of links to online resources and Youtube videos watched:

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