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If you would like the modules in video form broken down and explained: join my

facebook group here:

(i also share processes to improve your offer, increase your value and charge
higher prices)

With the rise of TikTok so came a never seen before type of content.

Short, engaging 30-60 second videos that generate attention like no other, and the new meta for
organic client acquisition especially if your offer can target the masses.

example you are a fitness coach, an amazon fba coach,

And this type of content is not limited to you having to build an audience for your ideal market to
see your content because it has a virality factor.

That is because tiktok blew up so quickly, fakebook, Instagram and YouTube was losing money
because they lost so many of their users to tiktok’s new style of content, therefore lost a f*ck ton
of money because less users = less marketers wanting to advertise on their platforms

So these platforms are constantly fighting to keep you on their apps, which brings about new
features like reels and shorts, and ultimately they want people always consuming content.

Because the longer you stay on their app, the more ads you get hit with and the more money
they make.

Now how do this work for you, with the short form content they are willing to give your videos
more reach organically as they want people on their apps forever.

And your videos can potentially be seen by thousands and thousands of people, and can get
people inquiring for your services/to directly work with you OR to get them into your eco-system
where they will be nurtured an then eventually will convert with time.

So the goal with short-form content is to get traffic from all these social media platforms and
centralize that traffic into a nurturing and conversion system aka a Facebook group.

So instead of just relying on adding friends and waiting slowly to grow your audience, with short-
form content you can speed up that process to scoop up the traffic from Instagram, YouTube,
tiktok, Facebook etc

Now here are the problems when it comes to short-form content.

You should not only do short-form-content and rely on that to generate leads, because you can’t
specifically choose who will view it, but there are things that you can control like telling people at
the start of the video who that video is for and making the caption seo optimized so people who
search for that topic will land on it.

but that's about it.. and if you just rely on going viral and people to magically come to you, have
fun being broke.
that is why our whole strategy is to combine direct response marketing and powerful content, so
you are getting your ideal clients attention and nurturing them with your content and converting

Now the second biggest mistake i see is, focus, don't try and grow your YouTube channel, your
Instagram, your tiktok etc unless again.. you like being broke

stick to IG/FB and use the short form content from other platforms to get people to come to your
Facebook profile/group where you centralize all your leads, nurture them with the long-form
content strategy, and convert them with call-to-actions and conversations, if done correctly it is a
super powerful system that constantly generates leads on auto-pilot.
Remember you are only focused on FB/IG, you wont be on other platforms, but your using them
for their extra traffic.

You will be posting powerful content on FB/IG (basically one as they have a setting which
integrates with each other), and also have an outbound team on Facebook/IG doing outreach to
book meetings/get people in your group and eventually close clients.

Now I would re-purpose your written posts into short-form content, so you not thinking on a
totally new strategy for your content.

Simply turn what you have written into a video and follow this framework:

1. Hook (i have left hook frameworks in this doc)

2. Value (tell them solutions to their problems)
3. CTA (I always recommend this be your Facebook group for them to get an xyz lead

Example of re-purposing

i made a written text on “the exact step-by-step process my client used to generate 10k in a

I would simply take the written text, and turn it into video by first saying the hook, then how he
made 10k in a day and the cta.

And look, don’t stress trying to get more reach or trying to go viral, just show up consistently and
build your online presence.

If you have not already got a trained team placed by us to handle the editing and distribution, hit
me up and we can talk more about what makes sense for you at your current stage.


● Leverage short-form video to drive traffic to your fb group strategy

● Only Focus on your FB/IG Profile and FB Group for content+conversions

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