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Emails that Get You Kickass Sales

5 Sales Email Frameworks for
Trainers and Coaches 1
Emails that Get You Kickass Sales


1. Framework No. 1: AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) 03

2. Framework No. 2: Story-Solve-Sell 04
3. Framework 3. SCQA (Situation, Complication, Question, Answer) 05
4. Framework 4. PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve) 06
5. Framework 5. BAB (Before, After, Bridge 07

This e-book is intended to provide inspiration, guidance, and insights for trainers and coaches in their social media marketing efforts.
It is important to note that the content presented in this e-book is a compilation of learnings and best practices sourced from various
reputable resources, including books, online courses, blogs, and industry leaders.

The content, examples, and recommendations provided in this e-book belong to their respective owners and are used for educational
purposes only. We do not claim ownership of any of the original content presented within this e-book.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, we cannot guarantee the
completeness, timeliness, or effectiveness of the strategies discussed. The effectiveness of any social media marketing strategy
may vary based on individual circumstances and market dynamics.

Readers are encouraged to independently research and verify the information presented in this e-book and adapt it to their
specific needs and goals. The information shared should be used as a starting point for further exploration, experimentation, and

By reading this e-book, you acknowledge that the content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as
professional advice or a substitute for professional guidance. We disclaim any liability for any actions taken based on the information
provided in this e-book. It is recommended that you consult with qualified professionals or seek expert advice when implementing
any social media marketing strategies or making business decisions.

Please respect the intellectual property rights of the original creators and authors whose works have contributed to the knowledge
shared in this e-book. 2
Emails that Get You Kickass Sales

Framework No. 1:

AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

Attention: Grab the reader’s attention with a compelling

statement or question.

Interest: Provide interesting information that makes the

reader want to learn more.

Desire: Make your offer sound appealing to increase the

reader’s desire for your product or service.

Action: End with a clear call to action (CTA).

New Message

Subject: Unleash Your Full Potential with Our Life Mastery Course!

Hi Roy, Recipient’s Name

Have you ever wondered what you could achieve if you maximize
your potential?

Our Life Mastery course is designed to help you identify your

strengths, overcome obstacles, and set realistic, achievable goals.

Imagine the sense of accomplishment and freedom you’ll feel when

you’re in control of your destiny.

Ready to start your transformation journey? Register for our Life

Mastery course now!

Yash Your Name 3
Emails that Get You Kickass Sales

Framework No. 2:

Story: Start with a relatable story or problem.

Solve: Show how your product or service can solve this


Sell: Make your offer and provide a clear CTA.


New Message

Subject: Turn Your Communication Challenges into Success

Hi Roy, Recipient’s Name

Like many of our clients, Sarah struggled with public speaking.

She would get nervous, forget her words, and had a hard time
connecting with her audience.

Through our Communication Mastery course, Sarah was able to

overcome her fears and learn effective communication techniques.

Now, she confidently delivers presentations and has seen a

significant improvement in her career. You too can turn your
communication challenges into success stories.

Register for our Communication Mastery course today! Sell

Yash Your Name 4
Emails that Get You Kickass Sales

Framework No. 3:
SCQA (Situation, Complication, Question, Answer)

Situation: Describe the current situation your potential customer might be facing.

Complication: Introduce a complication or problem in that situation.

Question: Ask a question that highlights the need for a solution.

Answer: Provide your product or service as the solution and include a CTA.


New Message

Subject: Struggling with Work-Life Balance? We Have a Solution!

Hi Roy, Recipient’s Name

In today’s fast-paced world, managing work and personal life is a

challenge for many professionals.

The constant juggling act can lead to stress and burnout, affecting
productivity and wellbeing.

But what if there was a way to achieve better work-life balance? Question

Our Life Balance coaching program can equip you with strategies
to manage your time effectively and reduce stress. Sign up now to
restore balance to your life!

Yash Your Name 5
Emails that Get You Kickass Sales

Framework No. 4:
PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve)

Problem: Identify a common problem your audience might have.

Agitate: Deepen the problem by discussing its impacts or complications.

Solve: Present your product or service as the solution and provide a CTA.


New Message

Subject: Break Free from the Cycle of Unhealthy Eating Habits!

Hi Roy, Recipient’s Name

Many of us struggle with maintaining a healthy diet in our busy lives. Problem

This can lead to low energy, poor health, and decreased quality of
life. It’s frustrating when we can’t seem to break the cycle, isn’t it?

Our Nutrition Coaching program is designed to help you understand

your body’s needs, create a personalized nutrition plan, and
maintain healthy eating habits.
Start your journey to better health by signing up today! (Solve)

Yash Your Name 6
Emails that Get You Kickass Sales

Framework No. 5:
BAB (Before, After, Bridge)

Before: Describe the problem your audience is facing before using your product or

After: Show the positive outcome hey can experience after using your product or

Bridge: Bridge the before and after with your product or service and provide a CTA.


New Message

Subject: Transform Your Fitness Journey with Our Program!

Hi Roy, Recipient’s Name

Are you struggling to stay consistent with your fitness routine,

feeling demotivated and stuck in a rut?

Imagine having a fitness plan that you enjoy, feeling more energized,
and seeing positive changes in your health and physique.

Our personalized Fitness Coaching program can help bridge this

gap! Get started today and transform your fitness journey!

Yash Your Name 7

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