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Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

1. Introduction 03
2. Chapter 1: Understanding Copywriting 04
3. Chapter 2: Why Copywriting is Necessary for Trainers and Coaches 04
4. Chapter 3: The Philosophies of Copywriting 05
5. Chapter 4: Content Writing vs Copywriting: Understanding the Difference 07
6. Chapter 5: Content Writing v/s Copywriting 09
7. Conclusion 10

This e-book is intended to provide inspiration, guidance, and insights for trainers and coaches in their social media marketing efforts.
It is important to note that the content presented in this e-book is a compilation of learnings and best practices sourced from various
reputable resources, including books, online courses, blogs, and industry leaders.

The content, examples, and recommendations provided in this e-book belong to their respective owners and are used for educational
purposes only. We do not claim ownership of any of the original content presented within this e-book.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, we cannot guarantee the
completeness, timeliness, or effectiveness of the strategies discussed. The effectiveness of any social media marketing strategy
may vary based on individual circumstances and market dynamics.

Readers are encouraged to independently research and verify the information presented in this e-book and adapt it to their
specific needs and goals. The information shared should be used as a starting point for further exploration, experimentation, and

By reading this e-book, you acknowledge that the content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as
professional advice or a substitute for professional guidance. We disclaim any liability for any actions taken based on the information
provided in this e-book. It is recommended that you consult with qualified professionals or seek expert advice when implementing
any social media marketing strategies or making business decisions.

Please respect the intellectual property rights of the original creators and authors whose works have contributed to the knowledge
shared in this e-book. 2
Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells


“Rahul is a renowned fitness trainer who

offers a variety of workout programs.”

Look at this sentence. It’s a good enough sentence

about Rahul who is a fitness trainer. It is factual.



Because this sentence doesn’t tell us why we should

choose Rahul over any other fitness trainer.

Now, consider this sentence-

“Raj, a dedicated fitness trainer for the

last 16 years, transforms lives with tailor-
made workout programs designed to
help you crush your fitness goals and feel
amazing, based on your body type.”

Which fitness trainer would you go for?

The revised statement uses COPYWRITING skills which

not only tells us what Raj does but also shows how he
can solve our problem (getting fit and feeling good).

It motivates the reader to take action by painting a

picture of what they can achieve with Raj’s help.

This is the simple magic of Copywriting

So let’s explore Copywriting 101 for trainers and coaches like you! 3
Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

Chapter 1:

Understanding Copywriting

Copywriting is the art and science of creating written material to persuade a reader, listener, or
viewer to take a specific action.

This may involve making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, signing up for a training session,
or simply engaging with a brand. It involves a combination of psychology, creative writing, and
strategic messaging.

For trainers and coaches, copywriting is essential to effectively communicate the value of
their services and persuade potential clients to hire them. The right copy can showcase your
expertise, demonstrate your ability to solve a client’s problems, and clearly differentiate you from
the competition.

Chapter 2:

Why Copywriting is Necessary for Trainers

and Coaches

Effective copywriting allows trainers and coaches to:

• Capture attention: Engaging headlines, taglines, and opening paragraphs

can pique the interest of potential clients and motivate them to learn more about your

• Communicate value: Good copy clearly articulates the benefits of your

coaching or training programs, helping prospects understand why they should invest.

• Motivate action: Well-written calls to action guide the reader towards the
next step, whether that’s booking a consultation, signing up for a newsletter, or
purchasing a coaching package. 4
Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

Chapter 3:

The Philosophies of Copywriting

Let’s explore 9 philosophies of Copywriting along with 2 practical examples each of how to
incorporate these in your content.

1. AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action):

This philosophy posits that effective copy must first grab attention, cultivate
interest, create desire, and then motivate action.

Example 1:
• Attention: “Tired of fitness programs that promise the world but
deliver nothing?”
• Interest: “Discover our scientifically backed, customized fitness
program that meets you where you are.”
• Desire: “Imagine crushing your fitness goals and feeling confident,
strong, and empowered every single day.”
• Action: “Sign up for a free consultation today and start your
transformation journey.”

Example 2:
• Attention: “Struggling to keep your team motivated and cohesive
during these challenging times?”
• Interest: “Our interactive virtual team-building workshops are
specifically designed to boost morale, enhance collaboration, and
drive productivity.”
• Desire: “Picture a cohesive, motivated team, working seamlessly
together to achieve common goals, no matter the distance.”
• Action: “Book your first workshop today and take the first step
toward a more unified, productive team.” 5
Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

2. The Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

This philosophy emphasizes the importance of clearly differentiating your
services from those of your competitors.

Example 1:
“Unlike traditional leadership coaching programs that offer one-size-fits-all
solutions, we provide personalized leadership development tailored to your
unique leadership style and organizational challenges.”

Example 2:
“While most wellness coaches focus solely on diet and exercise, we take a
holistic approach, integrating mental health support, mindfulness training, and
personalized nutrition coaching for a comprehensive wellness transformation.”

3. Features Tell, Benefits Sell:

This philosophy focuses on the importance of translating the features of your
services into tangible benefits for your clients.

Example 1:
• Feature: “Our program includes weekly one-on-one coaching

• Benefit: “With our weekly one-on-one coaching sessions, you’ll

receive personalized guidance and support to accelerate your
progress and overcome any obstacles that arise.”

Example 2:
• Feature: “Our online course platform is available 24/7.”

• Benefit: “With 24/7 access to our online course platform, you

can learn at your own pace and schedule, ensuring you can fit your
professional development into your busy lifestyle.” 6
Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

4. Understand Your Audience:

Before writing a single word, take the time to understand your target audience.
What are their needs, wants, and pain points? What language do they use?
What motivates them to take action?

Example 1:
• New Mothers: “Embark on a fitness journey tailored for new moms
- regain your strength with our home workouts designed around your
baby’s schedule and your postnatal body’s needs.”

Example 2:
• Small Business Owners: “Demystify digital marketing with our
Simplified Coaching Program, designed for small business owners
to boost online presence, attract more customers, and grow your
business on your terms.”

5. Define Your Value Proposition:

What makes your product, service, or idea unique? Why should people choose
you over your competitors? Be clear about the unique value you offer and make
sure it aligns with your audience’s needs and desires.

Example 1:
“Our post-natal fitness program is specifically designed for new moms, offering
short, flexible workouts that can be done at home. We combine gentle recovery
exercises with gradual strength training to help you safely regain your fitness
without demanding hours of your limited time.”

Example 2:
“Our digital marketing coaching program provides easy-to-understand, practical
strategies specifically designed for small business owners. We empower you
with the knowledge and tools you need to grow your online presence and attract
more customers, even on a small budget.” 7
Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

6. Craft a Compelling Headline:

Your headline is the first thing people read, and it can often determine whether
or not they continue reading. Make it intriguing, benefit-focused, and reader-

Example 1:
“Regain Your Fitness and Feel Amazing with Our New Mom’s Home Workout

Example 2:
“Demystify Digital Marketing and Skyrocket Your Small Business Revenue with
Our Simplified Coaching Program”

7. Tell a Story:
Stories are powerful because they engage the reader’s emotions. Use
storytelling to illustrate the benefits of your offering, to demonstrate how it
solves a problem, or to bring your value proposition to life.

Example 1:
“Imagine, you’ve just had your beautiful baby. You’re eager to reclaim your body,
but the thought of going to a gym is daunting. We understand. Our founder, a
new mom herself, designed a program that helped her regain her strength, right
at home, amidst the beautiful chaos of motherhood.”

Example 2:
“Picture this: you started your small business with a dream, but digital marketing
feels like a nightmare. This was exactly where our client, Sarah, was a year ago.
But with our coaching program, she not only demystified digital marketing but
also tripled her online sales in just six months.” 8
Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

9. Have a Call to Action (CTA):

Every piece of copy should have a clear call to action. What do you want your
readers to do after reading your copy? Whether it’s to purchase a product, sign
up for a newsletter, or get in touch for more information, make sure your CTA is
clear, compelling, and easy to act on.

Example 1:
“Ready to regain your fitness and feel amazing? Sign up for our program today
and start your post-natal fitness journey!”

Example 2:
“Ready to take control of your digital marketing and grow your business? Book a
free consultation today and start your journey to marketing mastery!”

Chapter 4:

Content Writing vs Copywriting:

Understanding the Difference

While both content writing and copywriting revolve around producing written material, their goals
and techniques are different.

Content Writing is the process of creating informative, engaging, and valuable content that
provides readers with useful information.

The goal of content writing is to educate, entertain, or inform, ultimately building a relationship
with the audience.

Content writing can take many forms, such as blog posts, articles, eBooks, whitepapers, and
social media posts. It’s a long-term strategy, focused on building credibility and authority,
enhancing SEO, and fostering a loyal audience. 9
Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

For example, a health coach might write a blog post about “10 Tips for Healthy Eating,” which
offers valuable advice, engages the audience, and establishes the coach as a knowledgeable
authority on the topic.

Copywriting, on the other hand, is more sales-oriented. It’s the art of writing persuasive content
that inspires the reader to take a specific action, such as purchasing a product, signing up for a
newsletter, or booking a consultation.

Copywriting utilizes psychological triggers, compelling narratives, and persuasive techniques to

influence behaviour.

For instance, that same health coach might write a sales page for a new nutrition program, using
persuasive language to convince potential clients to sign up.

In essence, content writing is about building relationships and trust with your audience, while
copywriting is about converting that trust into action. Both are vital for a successful marketing
strategy and often, the most powerful written content combines elements of both.

Chapter 5:

Content Writing v/s Copywriting

Content Writing Copywriting

I offer leadership coaching. Discover your full potential with our

transformative leadership coaching.

We provide team-building activities. Boost your team’s synergy and skyrocket

productivity with our interactive team-building

Our company delivers customer Equip your team with world-class customer
service training. service skills and watch your customer
satisfaction rates soar.

I teach yoga classes for beginners. Embrace tranquillity and vitality with our
beginner-friendly yoga classes, guided by our
expert instructors. 10
Copywriting 101: Creating Copy that Sells

We offer a 30-day fitness challenge. Embark on a transformative fitness journey with

our 30-day challenge and experience the change
in every muscle.

Our course helps with time Reclaim your time and supercharge productivity
management. with our scientifically-backed time management

I provide business strategy Drive your business forward with our strategic
coaching. coaching, tailored to unlock new levels of success
for your enterprise.

We host a seminar on personal Propel your journey of personal growth by

development. attending our insightful personal development

Our company conducts sales Accelerate your sales and boost your revenue
training workshops. with our innovative, hands-on sales training

I provide health and wellness Ignite your path to a healthier, more fulfilling
coaching. life with our personalized health and wellness

In the revised sentences, notice the use of active language, benefits-focused wording, and
persuasive elements that aim to create a more emotional connection with the reader.

As trainers and coaches, your mission is to guide others towards their goals. And in your hands,
copywriting becomes more than just writing—it’s a tool to help you fulfill that mission. So keep
honing your skills, experimenting with different techniques, and learning from your successes
and failures. 11

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