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Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________

Program: _________________________________________ Section: ________________

Session 2 – 3 :Group Development


People form groups for different reasons. They have constant need for belongingness and satisfaction that
can be fulfilled by group membership. Involvement in a group can satisfy a variety of needs such as
companionship, survival and security, affiliation and status, power, control and achievement. Groups can
vary in numbers, communication styles, interest and structure. Sherif and Sherif (1969) defined a group as
“a social unit which consists of a number of individuals who stand in role and status relationship to one
another stabilized in some degree at the time and who possess a set of value or norms of their own
regulating their behavior atleast in matter of consequence to the group.” Groups can be formal or informal.
When a person was born there is a social organization wherein the person interacts and we call that
primary unit is the family. As the person develops, there is a constant need to interact with others leading to
formation of secondary groups whether in the community, school or at work.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Atthe end of this module, students are expected to:
1. Identify group and group development
2. Explaingroup dynamics and its relevance in group development
3. Differentiatethe stages in group development
4. Examine theself in a group by understanding group development


Kurt Lewin’s Individual Change Process

According to Gordon (2001), a collection of people is called group. A group has its set of characteristics; (a)
the members of the group must see themselves as a unit; (b) the group must provide rewards to its
members; (c) anything that happens to one member of the group affectsevery other member; and (d) the
members of the group must share a common goal.

Kurt Lewin coined the term “group dynamics” and his model of individual change, which served as the basis
of many models of group development. He described change as a three-stage process: unfreezing,
transition and freezing.

Unfreezing This first stage of change involves reducing the forces that are striving to maintain the
status quo, and dismantling the current mindset. For instance, presenting a provocative
problem or event to get people to recognize the need for change and to search for new

Transition The second stage which involves development of new behaviors, values and attitudes,
structure and process changes and development techniques.

Freeze The final stage of crystallizing and the adaptation of ownership as the new ‘as is”. The
Organization may revert to former ways of doing things at this point unless changes are
reinforced through freezing.
Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

A number of theoretical models have been developed to explain how groups are formed. Bruce Tuckman in
1960s synthesized commonalities in studies of group development. He described four linear stages on how
groups are formed.

Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development

Tuckman draw on the movement known as group dynamics, which is concerned with why groups behave in
particular ways develop in for phases namely forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The
fifth and final stage adjourning was added in 1977 by Tuckman and Jensen.

Forming The first stage of the team process, in which team members “feel out” the team concept
and attempt to make a positive impression.

Storming The second stage in group formation in which group members disagree and resist their

Norming The third stage of the team process, in which teams establish roles and determine policies
and procedures.

Performing The fourth stage of the team process, in which teams work toward accomplishing
their goals.

Adjourning The final stage of team process, in which the group wraps up its work and then dissolves.

Tuckman’s Five-Stage Theory

Forming Storming Norming Performing

Individual Issues “How do I fit in?” “What do the “What do others “How can I best
others expect me expect me to do?” perform my role?”
to do?”
Group Issues “Why are we “Can we agree on “Can we agree on “Can we do the job
here?” roles and work as roles and work as properly?”
a team?” a team?”


A. Forming “The” Group

The whole class will be divided into 5 groups. This will be the groupings for the whole semester.

I. Aspirations of the group

In the worksheet provided, list the aspirations as a group. Also, as a group, decide which would
be the main aspiration of the group, academic or non-academic.

What are the aspirations of your group

What is the main aspiration of this group

Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia

II. Strength/s and Weakness/es of each member

In the worksheet provided, write each of the group members’ name. Every member will be
given a space where they can write their strength/s and weakness/es, as an individual or in
working within a group.

Member Strength/s Weakness/es

III. Important values of the group

Enlisted are identified values which are important in working within a group. Every member
will be given a chance to vote either yes or no for each values. After casting their votes, the
members will tally the number of votes and rank the values according to the number of gained

Values Votes Rank

IV. Presentation of the outputs

Each group will be alloted 10 minutes to present their outputs on the 2 nd day of this


Journal Writing

How will you apply the university’s core values in interacting and relating with other people:

In school:


Valenzuela City • Quezon City • Antipolo City • Cabanatuan • Pampanga

Veritas et Misericordia




At Home:







In the Community:








Aamodt, M.G. (2015).Industrial and organizational psychology:Applied approach .Cengage.

Bruce Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development Model (2015, October 06). Retrieved from

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