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Lesson C

Communication and Cultural Awareness


Is music your passion?

Music Is My Life

Grammar Note
Form and uses of countable Discuss the following questions in small groups.
and uncountable nouns.
• Have you discovered your passion?
Countable nouns are used for • What would you do to make your dreams true?
things that can be counted • Would you leave your family and security to follow your dreams?
using numbers.
My grandmother has
two dogs. Hi, I’m Marco Antonio. Two years ago, I attended a summer high
I have an idea. school musical institute. There, I could explore my options in music as
a career. When I returned home to Guayaquil, I told my grandparents
Uncountable nouns are used
with anything that cannot that I wanted to pursue a career in music. They were not very excited.
be counted with numbers. In my grandparents’ culture, careers in music are not the most
A bottle of water respected. I enrolled Antonio Neumane Marno Musical Arts High
Some rice School. This upset my grandparents so much that they threatened to
A breath of fresh air withdraw me and enroll me in a traditional high school.
How much/How many On the first day of my junior year, my grandparents took me out of
How many can be used Antonio Neumane Marno Musical Arts High School. I knew that day
with countable nouns. was going to change the rest of my life. I did the impossible and left
How many miles is it home, becoming homeless to pursue my future in music. Many families
to the hotel?
Uncountable nouns use much. helped me overcome my obstacles. For four months, I slept on different
How much money do you have? couches and I lived in four different homes.
My life changed at my first opera show where I sang “Vecchia
zimarra, senti” from La Boheme, an aria. I became the character. When I
dropped my coat at the end of my aria, I had a sudden vision. The coat
symbolized my home. I gave up my home, my family, and my security
to pursue my career in opera. I then knew that I had made the right
decision. Music is my passion.
Source: Taken and Adapted from: What music means to me (n.d.). Retrieved from
career. a profession
or occupation

threatened. in danger Answer these questions based on Marco Antonio’s story. Notice the use
of countable/uncountable nouns.
withdraw. to cause to leave
or return 1. How many years ago did Marco Antonio attend a summer institute?
homeless. having no home

overcome. to get the better 2. How many months was Marco Antonio homeless?
of in a conflict
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aria. a melody sung as in

an opera by a single voice 3. How much did Marco Antonio give up to pursue music?

pursue. to follow


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