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Class Number: 1
Date: 20-07-2023
Major: Veterinary Medicine
Subject: English Integrated Skills IV Listening and Speaking
Academic Year: II
Period: From 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Shift: Semestral

Unit I: There are too many stores

- Use of too / not enough: too many / too much

- Making complains
 Conceptual
- Learn how to use quantity expressions.

 Procedural
- Talk about their favorite place to shop.
 Attitudinal
- Express their own point of view critically about peoples’s opinions about shopping
Organizational Teaching Forms (OTF):
I do, we do, and you do. Assessment.
 Teaching Media:
Lesson Plan, Whiteboard, Eraser and Markers, Computers, Pictures, TV.
 Bibliography:
Wilson K. and Healy T. (2007). “Smart Choice I”, Oxford University Press
-Welcome students
(10 min) (Start at 8:30 am and end at 8:40 am)
Greet all students and ask them how they feel?
Call the list.

Presentation of the Syllabus

(15 min) (Start at 8:40 am and end at 8:55 am)
The teacher will go over the units found in the book and the assessments for each

Create a group on WhatsApp titled “English Integrated Skills I Listening and

speaking ”
(10 min) (Start at 8:55 am and end at 9:5 am)

Go over the rules of the class.

(10 min) (Start at 9:5 am and end at 9:15 am)

In class, use your phone for educational purposes only.

Respect your partners.
Respect the schedule.
Participate in class.
If there is a piece of homework assigned, do it.
Do not share memes on the group.
Use the WhatApps group for educational purposes only.2.

Presentation of the new topic to students

(15 min) (Start at 9:15 am and end at 9:30 am)
The teacher will go over the units found in the book and the assessments for each

Show the students the vocabulary and practice pronunciation.

(30 min) (Start at 9:30 am and end at 10:00 am)

Antique store mall appliance

boutique market bracelet
deparment store megastore CD
flea market online clothing
gift shop pawn shop DVD
jewelry store pet store electronics
jewerly old-fashioned debit card
junk outdated line
perfume overpriced personal check
software reasonable price
souvenir safe public parking
stuff trendy register
confusing used shopping habits
hanmade cash tourist
loud cashier
noisy credict card

(30 min) (Start at 10:00 am and end at 10:30 am)

-New topic and information

 Teaching students the new contents.
 Present a Power Point Presentation about the contents.
 Students will be asked to give their opinions about the topic.

Teach the students how to use too / not enough

(30 min) (Start at 10:30 am and end at 11:00 am)

 Too

Before an adjective/adverb

We use too before an adjective or an adverb to mean ‘more than we need’ or

‘more than is necessary’.


 You are too young to enter this club.

 We arrived too late.

 Not enough
In negative sentences we use (not) enough + noun to say that something is less
than we want or we need.


 We don’t have enough money to travel. 

 I don’t have enough time to finish my homework before Monday.

 Too many

Before a plural noun

We use too many before plural nouns to mean ‘more than we need’ or ‘more

than is necessary’.

 I didn’t enjoy the concert. There were too many people.

 They lost because they made too many mistakes. 

 Too much
Before an uncountable noun

We can use too much before uncountable nouns to mean ‘more than we

need’ or ‘more than is necessary’.

 The doctor said that I drink too much coffee. 

 I hate this city. There’s too much traffic.


-Practicing the new information

Complete the sentence. Choose the correct word or phrase.

(20 min) (Start at 11:00 am and end at 11:20 am)

 Complete the sentence. Use a word from the box.

mall perfume stressful flea market

1. I wanted to go to the _____________ today and buy some cheap jewelry, but it
was raining.

2. This _____________ smells so good. I want to buy it, but it's too expensive.
3. Let's go to the _____________ today. We can visit different stores and then eat
at a restaurant there.

4. Some people find shopping really _____________, but I enjoy it!

 Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. I bought some ____ at the antique store: a necklace, a bracelet, and a pair of
A) clothing
B) jewelry
C) software

2. A ____ is a group of several different stores in one location.

A) boutique
B) department store
C) mall

3. Although the store was _____________, I pushed past all the people and found
what I needed.
A) crowded
B) convenient
C) trendy

4. Don't buy that ring. It's _____________, and we can find it cheaper at the mall.
A) inexpensive
B) reasonable
C) overpriced
Speaking Activity one


Complete the following speaking task below.

 Give advice to a friend about the safety of shopping online. Answer the
following questions:
Is shopping online safe? Why or why not?
What kinds of things can someone buy online?
What kinds of websites are good? Why?
What kinds of things should someone not buy online? Why?

(40 min) (Start at 11:10 am and end at 11:50 am)

-Class Evaluation
(10 min) (Start at 11:50 am and end at 12:00 pm)
Did you like tonight’s class?
Ask three students to participate
What did you like about tonight’s class?
What did you hate about tonight’s class?

No homework.

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