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This paper is a literature review on effects of limited internet access in remote

coaching on G11 students academic performance. Investigating the impact of limited

internet access on academic performance is essential because it can help educators
and policymakers understand the challenges faced by students in online learning
environments. Methodology wise the researchers used mixed methods research
which combines the elements of quantitative research and qualitative research.
Limited internet access has many causes and effects. With the COVID-19 pandemic
forcing many educational institutions to shift to online learning, reliable internet
access has become a critical factor in academic success.Limited internet
access impairs student's ability to complete projects assigned by teachers, limits
student access to ideas. How does lack of internet affect students? The lack of
internet can affect a students academic performance because without internet they
can’t communicate with their teachers and classmates, they also can’t do
independent research or get help in their homework.Several articles were reviewed
by the researcher. Articles reviewed were all on factors influencing students’ use of
the internet. Out of the twelve articles, nine of them looked at the functions of the
internet of students activities whiles fourteen articles was also based on the
technology students use to access the internet.

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