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Case study 3

Routers, Hubs, Switches, and Bridges are all network connecting devices. A network
connecting device is a device that connects two or more devices together that are
present in the same or different networks. A network connecting device can be a
repeater, hub, bridge, switch, router, or gateway.
With help of diagrams, explain in detail what hubs, switches, routers, and gateways
are. Similarly, give an account about their features, advantages, and
disadvantages in networking.

another name: repeater, multiport repeater
A network device that connects multiple hosting devices to one network using fiber
optic or twisted pair cable. Hub has multiple input/output (I/O) ports and works as a
repeater to broadcast data. It operates at the Physical layer (layer-1 of OSI stack).

- Operates in half-duplex mode.
- Available in 4 to 24 port sizes.
- Hosts are responsible for collision detection.
- There are 3 parts of communication : active hub, passive hub and intelligent

1. Performance
Hub has a very less number of performance impacts on the network because
it operates using a broadcast model which rarely affects the network.
2. Cost
Compared to switches, hubs are really inexpensive due to their simplicity
design. And the products are widely available within the market.
3. Device support
Hubs can connect different types of media all at once with a central hub.
4. Area coverage
Area coverage of a network is restricted to a certain distance. Hub help
extends the distance of the network.

1. Collision Domain
Hubs don’t have mechanisms for collision detection and retransmission of
2. Specification
Hubs cannot support different network architecture such as a token ring etc.
This is because hubs must share data among all the devices within the network.
3. Network Traffic
As the attachment was received in the packet so it cannot reduce traffic.
Hence, hubs make a high level of network traffic.
4. Bandwidth wastage
Hubs cannot provide dedicated bandwidth for every device. When sending
large amounts of information all the bandwidth is going to be occupied.
5. Cannot filter information in the network

1. KVM Switch
used to connect a keyboard, mouse or monitor to multiple computers
2. Managed Switch
used to control over the traffic accessing your network and custom each
ethernet port (require administrator)
3. Unmanaged Switch
automatically determine the best data rate to use
4. Smart Switch(Intelligent switch)
Smart Switch give you only some useful and it (similar to Managed Switch)
5. PoE Switch
sends both data and power to the connected devices.

● basically have 4 to 48 port
● operates in the data link layer (layer 2)
● Switch have a full-duplex mode which Both stations can transmit and receive
without waiting another one
● Can perform some error checking before forwarding data
● its have a collision domain for every port this make Switch but have only 1
Broadcast Domain

1. Can connect to a lot of device because of a lot of port support
2. By using wired connection this make data transfer faster and stable
3. Reducing the burden on the host
4. Switch operate in the data link layer and having collision domain for everyport
making fewer frame collisions in data transmit
5. More efficient at passing a data packet because it support both full-duplex
mode and half-duplex mode

1. Require Wired connection
2. Switch have short use spans compare to its cost make it become expensive
3. Defenseless in promiscuous mode(used to monitor network traffic.)
4. Due to only 1 Broadcast Domain Switch end up having issues in traffic
- Routers are layer 3 or network layer devices
- Interconnect two different networks.
- Used both in LANs (Local Area Networks) and WANs (Wide Area Networks).
- Can efficiently determine the path of source and destination.
- All the routing of packets is done using a routing table.
- It transfers data in the form of IP packets.

1. Security
Routers are the first step toward securing a network connection. Because connecting
to the internet directly with a modem exposes your PC to security threats.
2. Dynamic Routing
Routers use dynamic routing techniques to determine the best path available for the
3. Backup Plan
In case if one of the external network components happens to fail, routers make use
of alternative parts for avoiding problems in routing traffic.
4. NAT Usage
Routers take use of Network Address Translation (NAT). NAT routers can share the
connection by using a single public IP address and share of UDP ports.

Disadvantages of Router :
1. Speed
It completely analyzes data from the physical to the network layer. As a result, the
connection could become slow.
2. Cost
Routers are more costly than any other networking device.
3. Bandwidth Shortage
Dynamic routing techniques are used by the routers for communication purposes.
This potentially causes more networking overheads.
4. Protocol Support
Routers only do operations using routable protocols.

Gateway is a network connecting device that can be used to connect two devices in
two different networks implementing different networking protocols and overall
network architecture.

- can be used to connect two devices in two different networks
- routing control for different networks
- Protocol Converter it can convert the data packets and translate the data
formats as destination network protocol needs
- Associated with Routers and Switches. For routers routes the data packets to
correct nodes and Switches specifies the actual path of data for in and out of
the gateway

ข ้อดี
1. สามารถเชอ ื่ มต่อเครือข่าย 2 เครือข่ายทีม ่ โี ครงสร ้างแตกต่างกันได ้ (It can connect the
devices of two different networks having dissimilar structures.)
2. มีความสามารถในการกรองได ้เอง (It is an intelligent device with filtering
3. มีความเร็วในการรับสง่ ข ้อมูลทีเ่ ร็วทีส
่ ด
ุ ในบรรดาอุปกรณ์ทเี่ ชอ ื่ มต่อเครือข่ายทัง้ หมด (It
has the fastest data transmission speed amongst all network connecting
4. It can perform data translation and protocol conversion of the data packet as
per the destination network's need.
5. มีความปลอดภัยสูง (It has improved security than any other network connecting

ข ้อเสย
1. การ design และ implement มีความซบ ั ซอน(It
้ is complex to design and
2. implementation cost สูงมาก (The implementation cost is very high.)
3. จำเป็ นต ้องใช ้ special system administration configuration (It requires a special
system administration configuration.)

Group 1
1. 6234422823 Nichaphat Chawananukul
2. 6234426323 Thanathorn Buranaparinyakul
3. 6234437223 Pawan Sewanakul
4. 6334402323 kasidit duangchan
5. 6334414923 Chaiyadol Hirunrattanakorn

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