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Use of Assessment Data to Enhance Teaching and Learning Practices and Programs

Name: Romel M. Baja Year & Section: BSEd-English IV

A. Check (/) the box that corresponds to their class observation. Write your remarks to support your

Indicators Observed Not Details of Teacher’s

Observe Methodology
The teacher:
1. Reviews if the assessment / The teacher reviews
goals are achieved whether or not the
through designed assessment goals are
assessment tools achieved through the
designed assessment tools
by using a benchmark,
which is an assessment
standard or a set of
standards that is used as a
point of reference for
evaluating the level of
students' performance.
Through that, she is able to
evaluate if the students
meet the assessment goals
that she sets prior to
administering the
assessment to her learners.
She then identifies how
many excelled and struggled
and evaluates the
effectiveness of the
assessment tools used in
assessing her students'
2. Examines how effective / The teacher takes these
assessment tools measure three considerations into
students' learning account when examining
the effectiveness of
assessment tools. First,
validity: it is defined as the
extent to which the
instrument measures what
it sets out to measure. So,
the teacher identifies the
expected learning outcomes
and goals of the course in
order to appropriately
assess student work.
Second, practicality: she
checks to see if the action of
the assessment method is
relevant to the overall
learning goals of the course.
Third and last, feedback: she
asks her learners for their
feedback after taking their
assessment for the
improvement of designing
assessment tools the
following time.
3. Assess how the students / Prior to administering the
respond to the items assessment, the teacher
included in the reminds her learners to
assessment tools directly ask her when they
find something in the test
questionnaire confusing or
incomprehensible. After
distributing the test
questionnaires, she
proceeds to clarify
everything from the very
first part of the exam to the
last one, most especially the
instructions on how the
students answer. She finally
asks everyone if they have
any other questions or
concerns about the
assessment. If nothing, then
they may start answering.
4. Review if the items in the / The teacher checks to see if
assessment are on track all the items in the test
with the lessons discussed questionnaire are based on
with the students the lessons covered just by
analyzing if any of the items
are not related to the
coverage of the exam as
informed to the learners.
She lets her students know
the specific topics that they
need to review and focus on
for their assessment. I also
take time to access and
assess their exams, and I
can say that everything is on
track with the lessons
tackled by the teacher.
5. Communicates to the / The teacher usually informs
students how they her learners in advance that
respond to the assessment they will have an exam, so
given to them they will have enough time
to prepare for it. On the day
of the exam, exactly after
the teacher has distributed
the test questionnaires, she
clearly communicates to her
students the directions that
they need to follow, even if
they have been written in
their questionnaires
already. She reads each
instruction of the test and
clarifies it. She also lets her
students know that she is
willing to respond to any
questions they may have
concerning the exam. 
6. Tells them the / The teacher just returns the
interpretation of the test questionnaires to her
assessment on how far students with their scores.
they have learned She does not interpret them
according to the level of the
students' mastery of the
lessons. Nonetheless, with
the scores that learners
obtain, they can review
their answers in the test
questionnaires and self-
reflect or self-evaluate their
learning progress.
7. Solicits students' / The teacher does not ask for
explanation on their students' explanations
response to the given regarding their responses to
assessment the given assessment.
Learners just have to
answer the test
questionnaires based on the
directions provided, while
the teacher is responsible
for collecting them and
checking them afterwards.
8. Revises the assessment / The teacher only
tools based on the administers the assessment
gathered data about once. Once it is done, she
students’ response to the does not administer it all
assessment over again. She formulates
another exam the following
time that is different from
the previous one. Hence, I
do not observe that the
teacher revises the
assessment tools based on
the gathered data about
students’ responses to the
9. Plans instructional / The teacher plans
intervention for each instructional interventions,
student not for each student but for
all of them. I notice that in
delivering her instructions,
she does not only do it on
Google Meet; she also does
it on Messenger (audio-
discussion) and provides
them with videos from
YouTube that can further
help her students
understand the lessons
being tackled. Even when
she gives them learning
activities, they especially
have all the freedom to
decide how they are going
to accomplish them as long
as they are creative. In that
sense, the teacher is already
applying this so-called
differentiated instruction
because she does not
merely focus on one form of
instruction or one way in
which students should make
their outputs.
10. Design daily teaching / The teacher designs daily
strategies teaching strategies that
include project-based
learning, where students
are grouped to collaborate
on a given task; problem-
based learning, where
learners are given specific
real-world problems or
scenarios and have to come
up with ways on how they
should resolve or deal with
them; divergent thinking,
where teachers ask students
open-ended questions,
especially before and during
the class discussion; and
lastly, direct instruction,
where learners are actively
listening to their teacher's
lectures and see to it that
she matches her instruction
to the task to enhance
students’ understanding of
a topic.

B. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. How does action research help teachers in assessing the effectiveness of assessment tools?

Action research can help teachers assess the effectiveness of assessment tools through the
results and findings it provides. By doing so, they can learn how to solve problems and teach
their students how to do it. They gather data with care in order to identify issues, look for
answers, act on opportunities that seem promising, and assess the effectiveness of their
decisions. Hence, conducting action research to evaluate the assessment tools paves the way for
teachers to determine which ones are not effective or inappropriate. It also helps them make
sure that assessment tools are truly anchored on reliability, standardization, validity, and

2. How does the teacher address the learning gaps of the students as observed in the assessment?

As observed in the assessment, the teacher addresses the learning gaps of the students by
identifying their incorrect answers in their test questionnaires. Afterwards, the teacher lets her
learners know why they are wrong about those items and provides a clear explanation that will
make them understand the concept(s) on which those incorrect items are based. This is her way
of helping her students address their learning gaps about the topics that have been covered

3. Does the teacher communicate with his/her fellow teachers in the analysis of the assessment
data? Explain your answer.
The teacher does not communicate with her fellow teachers in the analysis of the assessment
data because after we checked the test questionnaires of her learners, she then recorded their
scores. After that, I asked if we could return their test questionnaires, but she said that she had
to interpret or analyze her students' assessment outcomes first before retrieving those back for
them. With that response, it is clear that in analyzing the assessment data of her learners, she
does it on her own and reflects on whether or not the assessment tool used is effective.

4. How does the school administration encourage teachers to use assessment data to enhance

The school administration encourages teachers to use assessment data to enhance teaching
through the summative assessments, to be specific, given at the end of every term, which are
checked, verified, and evaluated by the authorized individuals and approved by the deans of the
different colleges. The summative assessment data of learners provides information about
individual function and classroom performance and can be particularly useful for helping
teachers identify learning roadblocks or overall curriculum dysfunction. The data can also be
used for self-evaluation to identify areas where teachers could improve their pedagogy, or
teaching practices, and classroom management.

5. Interview your cooperating teacher about certain aspects/s of the teaching practices he/she has
made adjustments to based on the assessment data he/she gathered.

Based on the assessment data she has been gathering for years, one of the teaching practices
that she continues to adjust is the way she delivers her instruction. Before, she was accustomed
to using pen and paper instruments in assessing the learning of her students, but now, with her
knowledge about diversity among students, she has learned to adapt to different ways where
she can assess and evaluate the knowledge and skills of her learners, like authentic or
performance-based assessment, which, according to her, is effective for learners with different
characteristics, needs, and interests because they have options on how they can showcase their
knowledge and skills gained in a certain course material.

C. Write your reflection on the Use of Assessment Data to Enhance Teaching and Learning Practices

and Programs

I learn that the use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and programs is
truly essential to the teaching and learning process. Teachers are in a position to make decisions that
will improve student outcomes by working with their colleagues to guide instruction. Additionally,
assessment data offer a way to examine student performance in order to present evidence about
student learning in the curriculum, provide details about the strengths and shortcomings of
programs, and serve as a decision-making tool. Finally, in order to effectively use and communicate
the results of the assessment, it is extremely important to analyze the data in context. This gives
meaning to the data that has been collected.
I believe that assessment data should be viewed as a tool to direct future instruction and examine
how teachers might enhance their own classroom practices. By providing an immediate evaluation
feedback response to the question, "Where are we in our learning today and what do we need to
improve on tomorrow?" teachers can better implement this idea. Additionally, timely feedback can
assist teachers in tailoring their lessons to each student's requirements and in classifying students
according to their progress. This can help acceleration groups that can benefit from more in-depth
learning or remediation groups that might need intervention tactics.

I perceive that assessments need to be redefined for the benefit of both students and teachers.
Students must learn that assessment does not always entail grades and test results. Instead, it gives
students a chance to show off what they know and, maybe more significantly, where they might
need additional assistance. Moreover, to help students create academic objectives and take
ownership of their learning, teachers should use assessment data as a springboard for discussion
with them. On the same token, in order to optimize the impact of their assessment data analysis,
instructors should also remember how crucial it is to be clear about the aim of their study and to stay
committed to a specific area of concern.

Being a future educator, I am inspired to apply data-driven instruction in the future because it is
critical in today’s educational landscape. It has the potential to support educator collaboration,
empower teachers, and help inform instruction. It can also give teachers insight into the learning
needs of their students. A clever education assessment system and knowledge of how to use the
data in the classroom are, of course, necessary to maximize the value of the data. As a result,
assessment data can be extremely effective in the hands of classroom teachers, where it can truly
make a difference and be transformative when utilized as part of whole school self-evaluation.
Having said that, as a future educator, I am more than eager to make use of assessment data for the
improvement of my teaching pedagogy and for my future students to have the best learning

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