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CAI 3 Principles of Effective Communication 3.1 Principles of effective communication, (Ono example cach) “ 3.2 Communication barriers and how to overcome them. ¥ 3.3. Developing effective messages: Thinking about purpose, knowing the audionce, structuring the message, sclecting proper channels, minimising bar facilitating feedback, (Example: Writing articles for newspaper, magazines) PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Communication is a common activity of our day-to-day life. It helps us to develop an animated rapport with others. So, it needs a proper care. And in order to have effective communication whether in an organization, in a family and in a socioty, We should know the chemistry of effective communication. So, we should know these principlos and learn them and use them in our communication. Q. 1. What do you mean by effective communication? What are its principles? Ans. A fruitful communication is known as effective communication. It means the message which flows from the sender through a channel towards the receiver should be productive. e communication system in place in an organization. That is why principles of effective communication should be applied in an organizational communication. The main principles of effective communication are: (a) Principle of clarity (c) Principle of completeness (e) Principle of flexibility (®) Principle of consistency (d) Principle of channel @) Principié of feedback 15 : “YY {| Communication Q 16 Z Jey fi t important pring. (a) Principle of clarity: Principle of clarity i tee aa aaa if ssl effective communication. It is maid tat neha tas aan in idea is to be communicated, 1 i clarity and Precision. The message should be eee I be easily understood by the intended receiver. it is ianlese ie a lat) | communication is said to be complete and ieee eda by the receiver in the same way with which the sender a Jt communicating, we should pay attention on “Principles of Clarity”, (b) Principle of consistency: Principle of consistency plays an influeng role in developing effective communication. A sender should be consist in his expression, He should be consistent with overall objectives, Policig Programmes and procedures, There should not be any difference dete his statement and its execution, And there should not be communication g between the sender i.e., encoder and the receiver ie., decoder, (c) Principle of completeness: with an open mind and into to, lersty 0, Whi A sender should communicate with a receiy He should not pass halfinformation. Insutfficie and for that matter inadequate statement and message bound to crez misunderstanding between encoder and decoder. It also provides distor feedback when the message is j the original plan m fail. So, in order to have effecti ion, we should follow princigh (d) Principle of channel: Communication takes place through a proper chann So, selecting Proper channel for having communication and for that matt effective communication is a must. We cannot ignore the importance Principle of channel rather we should pay special attention to it, The choi of any communication channel depends upon the content of the message‘ be conveyed. For example, we us. We use written communication for Passing lengt message and oral communication for small and instant communication (e) Principle of flexibility: An ization ambience and setup within its A is known by its communicati ambit. So, any small, should have an ideal sy; saan organization whether it is big’ stem of communication, You may say a flawle network of communication within an organization. It helps i both passit information to concerned department ant having a prope ; ; + feedback. Princ of Rexibility supports effective communicate = ° POPE feedback. Princip flexible not rigid and hard and fast * PY making communica (P Principle of feedback: Feedback is the final Fesort of the communicatit process and effective communication, It is the result. It is an eye opener.! compels one to have retrospective of one’s communication, If it is good the communication is flawless and if itis bad then there is flaw in communicati* Getting feedback is not an easy going thing. For Betting a Proper feedback, ¥ nt message to the Yeceiver, So th! should send clear, complete and consiste: principles of Effective Communication - he can give a proper feedback. To a great extent, feedback is the backbone of effective communication. Q.2. Why do you mean by a barrier to communica tion? List all the barriers to effective communication? Ans. Any parameter that limits the purpose of communication between the transmitter and the receiver is known as a barrier to communication. A communication barrier may limit or reduce'the ease at which we communicate and hence it is named barrie Although the barriers to effective communication may be different for diffe situations. The following are some of the main barriers to effective communication. They y are: (i) Language barriers (ii) Psychological barriers (ii) Physical barriers (iv) Cultural barriers (v) Technological barriers (vi) Semantic barriers. (@ Language barriers: The language barrier is one of the main barriers that limits effective communication. Language is the most commonly employed tool of communication. The fact that each major region has its own language and it becomes one of the barriers to effective communication. At times, even a thick dialect may render the communication ineffective. Linguistic means scientific study of a language and at times, linguistics becomes barrier as well. (ii) Psychological barriers: There are various mental and psychological issues that may be barriers to effective communication. Some people have stage fear, speech disorders, phobia, depression etc. All these conditions are very difficult to manage sometimes and will most certainly limit the ease of communication. (ii) Physical barriers: Physical barriers are the most obvious barriers to effective communication. These barriers are mostly easily removable in principle at least. They include the barriers like noise, closed doors, faulty equipment used in communication, closed cabin etc. (iv) Cultural barriers: As the world is getting more and more globalized, any large office may have people from several parts of the world. Different cultural havé a different meaning for several basic values of society. Dressing, religions or lack of them, food, drinks, pets may act as cultural barriers to effective communication. (v) Technological barriers/Mechanical barriers: Mechanical barriers also play a disturbing role in having effective communication. They occur due to technological and for that matter mechanical break down. Some of the mechanical barriers are: 1. Power failure 2. Faulty instrument 3. Poor network 4. Sound pollution 5. Link failure. 1s Communication Skill 5 deal with different shades of meaning (vi) Semantic barriers: Semantic barrier: ‘b as well as and their pronunciation. For example, “water” can be used as ver! noun. Semantic barriers are constant as language varies from place to place and culture to culture. So, we should use language according to mental and educational level of a person. (vii) Physiological barriers: Physiology is the state of human body and mind ‘communication occur due to the physical condition Physiological barriers of of sender or receiver. Physiological barriers may occur due to weak memory, stemmering, deafness and heasing impairment. Over here, it should be mentioned that effective communication needs proper functioning of the senses in both the sender and the receiver. Limitation of human body and mind adds up to the physiological barriers causing interruption in manage. Q. 3. What is an effective communication? Ans. An effective communication is a communication between two or more persons wherein the intended message is successfully delivered, received and understood. Q. 4. State components of effective communication. Ans. An effective communication needs a couple of things. They are: (i) Good non-verbal communication. (ii) Ability to understand your main emotions as well as of the other person with whom you are communicating. (iii) Careful listening. (iv) Ability to speak assertively. (v) Lucid written message. \Q. 5. What are the different i : barriers? Discuss. erent techniques of overcoming communication ay thee are att barriers that affect the flow of communication. It is essential to jeal and cope up with these communication barrie: 5 cope ‘T'S SO as to ensure smoot! vi communication ‘There are some measures to overcome the barriers Spee neatan following steps should be taken in order to overcome communication barriers. ers. 1. Clarify ideasbefore communication:The ecommu : The person sendingtheco icati abeuld be very leas in his mind about what he wants to aay. Hee should now e objective of his message. Therefore, h 2 hi ‘| Car re, he should arrange his thoughts in a 2, Communicate according to the need of the receiver: The sender of the communication should prepare the structure of the message not according to his own level or ability but he should keep in mind the level, understandine ot the environment of the receiver. 7 principles of Effective Communication 19 8. At the time of planning the communication, suggestions should be invited from all persons concerned. Its main advantage is that all those people who are consulted at the time of preparing the communication plan will contribute to the success of the communication system. 4, Be aware of language, tone and content of message: The sender should take care of the fact that the message should be framed in clear and beautiful language. The tone of the message should not injure the feelings of the receiver, As far as possible the contents of the message should be brief and excessive use of technical words should be avoided. 5. Convey things of help and value to the receiver: The subject matter of the message should be helpful to the receiver. The need and interest of the receiver should specially be kept in mind. Communication is more effective in such a situation. 6. Be a good listener: It is the essence of communication that both the sender and the receiver should be good listeners. Both should listen to each other's point of view with attention, patience and positive attitude. A sender can receive relevant information by being a good listener. 7. Ensure proper feedback: The purpose of feedback is to find out whether the receiver has properly understood the meaning of the information received. In the face-to-face communication, the reaction on the face of the receiver can be understood. But, in case of written communication or some other sort of communication some proper method of feedback should be adopted by the sender. Q. 6. How can the effective message be developed? Ans. Albert Einstein once said “If you can’t explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough”. There is great importance of developing the effective message for the sake of communication. Due care should be taken in developing an effective message. The key elements in developing an effective message are: 1. Purpose: Purpose of communication provides guidance for developing key messages. 2, Format: This tool describes the importance of key messages, elements to be consider when developing them, and the process for developing key messages. 8. Audience: The knowledge regarding audience is a must in developing an effective communication. Aimless communication can be like shooting in the dark. 4. Selecting the proper channel: Selecting a proper channel helps in developing message and executing it. 5. Avoid communication barriers: In developing a message, communication barriers should be given due attention in order tohave a flawless communication. d kiy 2 “43 Interpreting visuals and illustrating with like tables, charts, ears nt Non-Verbal Communication ee 4.1 Nonverbal codes: W: Kinesies B: Prosemics C: Haptics D: Vocalies E:: Physical appearance F: Chronemies G: Artifacts 4.2. Aspects of body language ! ‘Types of body language (One each example) (One example each) and graphs NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Non-verbal communication is an important pat of communication, Ibis the process of conveying meaning or message without th he use of words either written or spoken, {nother words, any communication, which takes place between two or more persons through the use of facial exp ressions, hand-movements, body language, postures, sires iscaled non-verbal eommunication Iisstrongerthan verbal omnruieatig, Ss, itis vital part of communication and personality ofan individual, The term non-verbal communication was intra ‘Jurgen Ruesh and author Weldon Kees in the bo Notes onthe Visual Perception of Human Relation” QL Define non-verbal communication. duced in 1956 by psychiatrist ak ‘Non-Verbal Communication: ‘Ans. Non-verbal communicationisthe; using words. Itis also called “Manual Jude Burgoon has identified seven. 1, Kinesies: processofsendingandreceivingmessageswithout language”. It plays a vital rolein communication, different non-verbal dimensions, Ttis body movements including facia expressions and eye contac, 2. Vocalies or Para-language: It includes volume, rate, pitch and timbre, aL Communication Ski 2 % Dorsonal appearance, Ay AvtiMrots: Our physical environment and the artifacts or objects that compos Ww 3. Prwxemies: It is about personal space in communication, ® Naptio: J Chronemios: lt deals with time, To or emblems include all those gesture: punetuations marks, QL. What ave the features of non-verbal communication? 1t doals with a sonse af touch in communication, Wo may add signs or embloms, Sign that supplant words, numbers an; Ans, The main features of noneverbal communication are: G) Non-verbal communication is instant in effect. G2) We takes less time, 8d) Whelps in presenting data in a compact form, div) It helps in making a good impression, wt gives instant feedback, \&S. Write short notes on: (a) Rinesies Bion (&) Chronemies (@) Haptics @) Facial Expression (f) Artifacts &) Para language (h) Physical appearance 43) Visual aids UY Vocalics (>) Bye-contnet. Ans. (a) Kinesics: Body language technically know: of communication, Human body and its vari interacting with people. So, th is known as “kinesics”, &) Proxemics: Proxemics is the study We can divide it in four parts. nas kinesics. It is an integral part ous parts play an influential role i? e study of messages conveyed by body movement’ of physical space in interpersonal relation’ (i) Intimate Gi) Personal (iii) Special (iv) Public In simple language, proxemics is a type of non-vi h of phy: erbal communication throug” the use x ical distance. It varies from culture to culture. (©) Chronemies: The study of the communicate function of time is called “chronemics”. It deals with the study of how human beings communicat® Non-Verbal Communteation through their use of timo, It is an important part of non-ver communication, as timo also gives a cortain message, There is a famous adage on time, rbal method of “Manage your time as you manage your money”, The adage shows the importance of time in professionalism, A porson who considered as good for nothing follow, So, important factor in non-verbal communica wastes time ia being use of time in a fruitful way is an tion, (q Hapties: “Haptics” is the study of senso of touch, It is. an important non-verbal J communication, where in people communicate through touch, Over here, it is worth mentioning that “Hapties" is also an important part of modern nelenew and technology. For examples, lots of gadgets tum ON or OFF just by touching only. , , (e) Facial expression: whatever a person fe the lines of forchead, than words. Face has been called the mirror of the mind because els deep is reflected on his face, All parts of the face ie., the eycbrows, the muscles of checks, lips, all speak louder (f Artifacts: Artifacts are concern Physical environment around us gives an iden of non-verbal language, Our Surrounding consists of various objects i, wo parts —one is colour, another is layout. Here, it should be mentioned that colours suggest different attitudes, “White colour” stands for peace and love, “Red colour” stands for danger, “Green” stands for progress, () Para languag. It describes the ed with the environment and objects, ‘The For example: Para” is a Grock term, which means “Near”, non-verbal communication that accompi ies how a speaker speaks or verbalitics, how rather than what of commanication, It also considers the the degree of loudness or softness, the tono of voice ete, ete, (h) Physical appearance: Physical appearance is an important aspect of communication. It is moral booster and gives a senso of confidence in course of communicating with othors, Physical characteristics can include a variety of things. Hair styles and facial features play a big role, It helps in making a thumping first impression as “Dross and address aro the first introduction of w man”, » or “Beside”. anics verbal It stresses on Speed of delivery, ea (@) Visual aids: Visual aids are things that you can look nt, such as a film, model, map, or slides, to help you understand something or to romombor information, For example, Microsoft Power Point is Probably now the most commonly used form of visual nid, Communication 844 ay 0 emselves through voc () Voeallen: 'Vocalicn’ deals with how people express ieee ta i ai Nhe voice hae different vocal properties, These properties are: e cs pitch, inflection volume, articulation and pronunciation. (k) Kyecontuct: Eye contact in a type of non-verbal communication that jy ntrongly influenced by wocial behaviour, In western civilizations, eye conta, in mont often defined ann nign of confidence. It is an animated part of bod, Inngunge Q.4, What in the Importanc An, Audio-vinual rida are also called instrumental material. Audio means “hearing tnd vinunl monnn that “whieh in found by seeing”, So, all auch aids, which endeavou, to make the knowledge clear to us through our sense are called “Audio-Visual Aids” f nudio-vinual aids? It has beon entimated that 11 percent of what we learn is through hearing and 83 percent through sight, And the reat through the other three senses. Hence, audio. visual nids are make our presentation more effective, In order to got beat renult, we should keep a few basic facts in mind as far as audio. vinual aids are concerned. 1, Audio-vinual aids should be part of our presentation and teaching part. 2, There should be a proper arrangement of presenting paper or teaching through audio-visual aida, 3. Don't cluttor information through audio-visual aids, 4, Keep spenking in order to interpret the information, Do not leave entirely to audio-visual aids. : , 5. At Int, do have feedback of audience. 2 5 Deline body langunge, Write in detail about varies parts of body angunge, or Define body language. Write ita importance in an ef Anu. “Body lingunge” in a language without a ia ani poken words. It is a non-verbal communiention. We use it all the time in our social life unt been ie So, it in ull about genture, postures, eye-control, facial exp ean pression, ‘Tho main parte of body language aro: tive communication. 1, Gestures 2. Postures 3, Hye contnet 4. Physical appearance 6. Facial expression. 1. Gesture: “Geatures” are our hand movements, Differ : F rent hand movements convey different mennings, For example pounding of first on the table shows 35 NonVerbal Communication anger while a forefinger raised above the head shows “Number 1”. Thumsup is acknowledged ns “Well done” and “Very good”. 2. Postures: “Postures” are the way we “Stand” or “Sit”. Posture is the position adopted by our body. ‘The: ve is a variety of postures including on sitting erect, leaning forward or backward, arms crossing, legs spread, stretching or bending sideways, 8. Bye-contaet: Eye contact isa type of non-verbal communication thatis strongly influenced by social behaviour, In the western civilizations. Eye contact is most often defined as u sign of confidence. It is considered an animated part of body language. 4. Physical appearance: Physical appearance is an important aspect of body language. It is moral booster and gives a sense of confidence in course of ferrmunicating with others. Physical appearance also shows our mindset. It includes: hair styles, facial features and bonafide oath ok. It helps in making a thumping first impression as the adage gocs: “Dress and address are the first introduction ofa man”, 5. Facial expression: Face has been called the mirror of the mind because whatever a person fee i on his face. All parts of the face i, , the eyebrows, the muse lips, all speak louder than works. les of checks, Really, these aspects of body language highly help in having an effective communication, Q.6. Mention advantages and dis, Ans. Advantages of non-verbal communication: (a) It acts as supplement to verbal communication. (0) It is a symbol of hierarchy, (c) It is a bench mark ofa person, advantages of non-verbal communication, (©) Tt is 65% of any communication done, Disadvantages of non-verbal communication: (a) It does not have credibility, (b) It can be easily misunderstood, (c) It varies from culture to culture, (d) It may offend people as well, (e) It is used for satire as well, nt Formal Written Skills A memorandum is not used different from a letter; only a memorandum used within the organisation, the formal aspects of the letter are dispensed with. But like a letter, it must be written in a proper format. Its language should be clear, concise, courteous etc. Format of Office Memorandum Name (of the company) Addiess (of the company) Inter office memorandum Date (Complete and current) To (Name and designation of the recipient) From (Name and designation of the sender) Ref. No. ifneeded Subject (Topic of the memorandum) OPENING BODY CLOSING SIGNATURE Model of Memorandum Q.1.As Durga Patel, the labour welfare officer of Jharkhand Coal Mines Limited, Dhanbad (Jharkhand), write a memorandum to Mublic Relations Manager to create a welfare fund for the welfare of the employees. 52 i Communication Ski Ans. Date: 18th June 20... To : Public Relation Manager Jharkhand Coal Mines Limited Dhanbad From: Labour Welfare Officer Ref. : JHAVFI/345 Jharkhand Coal Mines Limited Dhanbad (Jharkhand) Inter Office Memorandum Subject : Welfare Fund for Employees When I talked to you on the telephone previous day you agreed to my proposel| of creating a welfare fund to extend financial help to the employees and their families in times of prolonged illness or premature death. You are requested to prepare the detailed guidelines for the operation of this fund as far as possible so that the welfare fund would be created in a proper way for the welfare of the employees and their families, Q. 2. Suppose you are R.K. Sinha, the managing director of Jharkhand Motors and Pumps Sets Company, Ranchi, Jharkhand. Write a memorandum to the Production Manager about attending to an urgent communication. Ans. Durga Patel a complaint by a customer for not Sharkhand Motors and Pump Sets Co. Ranchi, Jharkhand] Inter Office Memorandum Date : 5th June, 20... To Production Manager Jharichand Motors and Pump Sets Company, anchi From: Managing Director Ref. : JMPs/115H t Perhaps the gruelling summer months have brough you, Still taking after sales responsibility for a ma Kindly attend to Mr. Roy’s Complaint without available on mobile no, 9234852944 R. Subject: Mr. Mukul Roy's Complaint, Mr. Mukul Roy, the resident of Ranchi, has just ran has sent you a letter regarding some manufacturin defect j he bought from us on 15th March of this year. But roa acter, the Pumpset you elicited no response in in the usual pressure on ; ine is no less i : han selling it. less importane any further delay. He is also K. Sinha Formal Written Skills Q.3.You are B.K. Mishra, a the managing director of Anam Engineering Works, Gumla, Jharkhand. Write a memorandum to training ee regarding the approval of the proposal to organise a special workshop on Importance of Mechanical Engineers. ‘Ans. Anam Engineering Works Gumla, Jharkhand Inter Office Memorandum | Date 3rd March, 20... To ‘Training Manager Anam Engineering Works, Gumla From Managing Director Ref. No. AEW/25C Subject Special Workshop Q.4.You are KK. Jha. Please refer to your memo dat. Proposal to organise a speci Engineers for the junior executive of our company 1 am please that the Executive Board has that you have put Bp in to design the structure of the workshop. |B.K. Mishra ed January 25, of this year, containing the ‘al workshop on Importance of Mechanical focused and need- Press my appreciation for the effort din Jharkhand, National C Promotion in New Delhi. Write a memorandum re, rector incorporating your findi As Sales Manager of Mariy: ) you attended the port to the managing ings and it re-commendations. Ans, Mariyah Maxwell Ltd. Latehar, Jharkhand Inter Office Memorandium Date 5th March, 20.... To Managing Director Mariyah Maxwell Ltd. Latehar From, Sates Manager Ref, MMC/15 D Subject National Conference on Sales Promotion | Communication sj, As directed, I attended the National Conference held in New Delhi on 10th \and 11th March of this year and presented a paper on the strategies for th. promotion of sales of washing machines. f There was in depth discussion on different methods of capturing the market through advertisements on electronics and print media. Tt was realised thar these media promote the sales. Some of the suggestions of reaching the consumer across the country were also broadly discussed. : I am enclosing for your perusal the literature containing the details of suggestions made at the conference. I, however, believe it would be better ty conduct a market survey before devising new methods of promoting the sale of our machines. KK Jha. Q. 5. Suppose you are R.K. Khanna; the Registrar of Staff Board of Technical Education, Ranchi, Jharkhand. Write a memorandum to the secretary of State Board of Technical Education for the purchase of three photo copiers worth Rs. 1.5 lakh. Ans. State Board of Technical Education www. sbtejharkhand. com Inter Office Memorandum ) Ranchi, Jharkhand | Date: 18th July, 20.... | te: thas | State Board of Technical Education, Ranchi | From: The Registrar | Ref °: SBTE/105J Subject: Purchase of Three Photo Copiers no Io) needs. It is about five years old and lacke Pate ne meet: a down frequently and needs major repairs, This year clone Wie Kinet ened) Rs. 25,000 to keep it in working order, In such a situation Cagney least three more photo copier. We have studied the features goo sande of photo copiers currently available in the market, We recommend the weak of Cobra x-erox worth Rs. 1.5 lakh each costing Rs. 50.000 Agrawal and Sons Ltd. Delhi. Trequest you to accord your administrative aj copiers. R.K. Khanna | pproval for the purchase of phot® o4 Q. 1. What do you mean by phonetics? Ans. “Phonetics” is a branch of linguistics that studies the sounds of human Pee It is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds: their Physiologs production, acoustic properties, auditory perception, and neurophysiclogi: status. On the other hand, “Phonology” is concerned with the abstract, srammatic, Communication % characterization of systems of sounds or signs. In the case of oral language, phonetics has three basic areas of study: 1. Articulatory Phonetics: The study of the org in producing speech sounds by the speaker. 2, Acoustic Phonetics: The study of the sounds from the speaker to the listener. 5. Auditory Phonetics: The study of the reception and perception of speed sounds by the listener. Q. 2, What do you mean by phonetic transcription? Ans. Phonetic transcription is a language, whether oral or si transcription, the Internat standardized set of symbols ‘The standardized nature of the IPA enab and consistently the phones of different I, The IPAis a useful tool not only for the st system for transcribing sounds that occur ina | ign. The most widely known system of phoneti: for oral phones. teaching, professional acting and speech pathology. @. 3. Write a note on phonetic symbols for English. Ans. This is the standard set of phonetic sym Consonants P_ pen, copy, happen b back, baby, job t tea, tight, button d_ day, ladder, oda k_ key, clock, school & get, giggle, ghost tf church, match, nature d, judge, age, soldier f fat, coffee, rough, photo I e @ Dp A uC i: el al bols for English. Vowels kit, bid, hymn, minute dress, bed, head, many trap, bad lot, odd, wash strut, mud, love, blood foot, good, put fleece, sea, machine face, day, break Price, high, try ans of speech and their, physical transmission of specs les its users to transcribe accurately languages, dialects and idiolect’s. udy of phonetics, but als tional Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), Provides : 0 for language — nt te y_ view, heavy, movie 0 thing, author, path this, other, smooth 8 soon, Congo, HiALor 2 oro, MUdiC, Foxes, buzz f ship, sure, national 2 pleasure, vision h_ hot, whole, ahead m_ moro, hammer, sum n_ nico, know, funny, sun y ring, anger, thanks, sung. 1 light, valloy, feol r_ right, wrong, sorry, arrange J yet, use, beauty, fow Ww wot, one, when, queen 2 (glottal stop) department, football Q.4. Write 2 note on consonants. Ans. A consonant is a basic speech sound in which oI wet oo 0 106 chaivo, hoy Hono, (wo, blue, xroup ont, show, no mouth, now nonr, hore, woary nquave, fair, variourt natant, father Uhought, law, north, war poor, jury, euro nurno, air, loarn, rofor about, common, standard hoppy, radiate, qlorioun thank you, influonce, situation suddenly, cotton middlo, motal (stress mark) tho broath is atlonst partly obstructed and which can bo combined with a vowel to form a syllable. Tho 21 consonant letters in the English alphabet are: B, C, D, F, G, HJ, K, L, M, N, P,Q, RB, S,'T, VW, XY, 2 Q.5. Write a note on vowels. Ans, A vowel is a particular kind of spoech sound mado by shaping the upper vocal vom hile uttering the vowel sound our mouth opens fully or partially, These letters aro vowels in English: A, EB, 1, 0, Us Sometimes, y/tu is called semi-vowol. Examples: cry, sky, fly, my, in these words, “y” ia somivowel. And in cow, bow, or, how, “w” is somi-vowel- M6. Define Dipthongs. ‘Ans, A dipthong is a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which tho sound begi Example: Coin, loud, side. ing aa ono vowol and moves towards another, a

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