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Hua Xia Cup – Chinese Mathematics Competition 2019 Trial

Grade 7 Question Paper

Time Allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes
There are 20 questions in total
Total Score: 120 marks
Section A: Questions 1 to 10 (5 marks each)
Section B: Questions 11 to 20 (7 marks each)

Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Anything written on this Question Paper will not be marked.
Do not turn over the question paper until you are told by the examiner to do so.

Organizer: Chinese Mathematical Teaching Research Association

The Organizing Committee of Hua Xia Cup
Co-organizer: Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association
Section A: Questions 1 to 10 (5 marks each)

1) 250 kilograms of rice is bought for 5000 dollars. Then it is sold for 24 dollars per kilogram.
How many % is the profit percentage?

2) Find the value of 1   5    2   7  9   3 .

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.
3) Within 999 minutes, the hour hand of a clock sweeps an angle of x°, while the minute hand
sweeps an angle of y°. Find the value of x  y .

4) How many permutations are there for six different people to stand in a row?

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.
5) From 1 to 500, how many numbers which are not divisible by neither 3 nor 5 are there?

6) Refer to the figure, the pentagon on the left is folded, along the dotted line, to become the
hexagon on the right. The area of the hexagon (including the white triangle and the shaded
part) is of the area of the original pentagon. If the area of the shaded part is 45, find
the area of the original figure.

Question 6

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.
7) Find the value of 33  63  93  ...  363 .

 5 5 5  7 7 7
8) Find the value of 1      1     .
 3 7 9  3 5 9

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.
9) There is 2800 grams of salt solution of concentration 30%. Since the bottle is not sealed
well, part of the water evaporated, and the concentration of the salt solution rose to 40%.
How many grams of water is needed to add in order to restore the concentration to 35%?

10) Find the remainder when 2017  2018  2020  2021 is divided by 2019.

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.
Section B: Questions 11 to 20 (7 marks each)

11) Given that 2 x  6   3 y  6   0 , find the value of


x  2y  x  2y  x  2y   x  2y
2 3 2019

12) 0, 1, 2, … , 2019 are 2020 points on the number line. In the beginning, a particle is at 0. It
moves to another point for each movement. After 2020 times of movement, the particle
reaches all points and go back to 0. Find the greatest possible total distance it travels.

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.
13) Among the 18 numbers from 1 to 18, at least how many numbers have to be randomly
picked, such that it is sure that there are two numbers whose product is a multiple of 9?

14) Refer to the figure, if A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  x , find

the value of x.




Question 14

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.
15) For each gaming device there is a pair of gamepads. Now draw 5 gamepads out of 5 pairs
of gamepads. What is the probability that among the gamepads drawn at least 2 gamepads
came from the same device?

2 x  1 x 
16) Solve the equation  3  for x.
1  2x  3x  2 

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.
17) On a plane, drawing two triangles can make at most 6 intersecting points. Drawing three
triangles can make at most 18 intersecting points. Then at most how many intersecting
points can be made by drawing six triangles?

1 1
18) x is an integer. If x  5    4  2 x , find the least possible value of x.
x3 x3

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.
19) Refer to the figure, in ABC , AD : DB  3: 2 . BE : EC  7 : 4 . CF : FA  1:1 . SCFE  1 .
Find S ADEF .

Question 19

20) Given that A, B, C and D are not-zero digits. The four-digit numbers formed by them have
the following properties:
I) ABCD is divisible by 3;
II) BCDA is even;
III) CDAB is divisible by 25;
IV) DCAB is divisible by 11.
Find the sum of possible values of C.

~ End of Paper ~

If your answer is a fraction, its simplest form should be given, and make sure the answer is either a proper
fraction or a mixed fraction.
If your calculation result can be rationalized, you must rationalize the calculation result.

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