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University of the Philippines Cebu

Lahug, Cebu City

The Influence of Consumers’ Perceptions of Oddvertisements on Purchasing Intention

Mgt 174: Marketing Research

Date Submitted: June 19, 2023

Submitted to:

Ms. Mary Gretchen F. Chaves

Submitted by:

Dingal, Darla Jesella

Luga, Jowan

Meneses, Khylla Korina

Nagtalon, Johann Dmitri

Villagonzalo, Marie Elizabeth Victoria


Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 6
Research Objectives 9
Significance of the Study 10
Scope & Delimitation 11
Review of Related Literature 12
Theoretical Framework 22
Hypothesis Development 23
Data Pre-Processing & Analysis 32
Descriptive Analysis: Soda Consumer Dataset 36
Descriptive Analysis: Skin Care Consumer Dataset 46
Logistic Regression 57
Chi-Square Test of Homogeneity 67
Conclusion 69
Recommendations 71
To Improve this Study 72

We, the researchers, would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals

and the institution who have been instrumental to the successful completion of this research.

First and foremost, we are grateful to the participants who actively and generously

granted us their time and information that served as the foundation of our research. We would

also like to express our gratitude to the University of the Philippines for providing us with an

exceptional education that had shaped our knowledge and abilities which significantly

equipped us in crafting this research.

With utmost respect, we are also appreciative to our research adviser, Dr. Mary

Gretchen Chaves, for her support and guidance throughout the research process. We thank her

especially for reviewing each section of this research, providing constructive criticisms, and

keeping us ethical in conducting this study. Her outstanding knowledge and patience have

made this research relevant and successful.

We would also like to express our gratitude to Professor Jeruel Roa for being our

panelist. His insightful comments and recommendations have been invaluable in our pursuit to

improve our research.

We also appreciate Professor Ian Jay Serra and Mr. Sean Policarpio for being patient in

lending their time during consultations and valuable assistance on our statistical processes.

Finally, we want to express our appreciation to our family and peers for their constant

support, financially and morally, as well as their encouragement throughout the research


Oddvertisements have been used by Filipino marketers today in their marketing

campaigns to capture attention and drive sales. The purpose of this study was to investigate the
influence of consumers’ perceptions of oddvertisements towards their purchasing intentions.
Additionally, this study examined the moderating effects of age towards consumers’ perception
that would possibly drive their purchase intentions. This research used a convergent approach
wherein the participants were soda and skin care consumers. Data was collected through survey
questionnaires using Google Forms, with the objective to be distributed to a minimum of 196
respondents for both consumer groups. The researchers managed to collect data from 209 soda
consumers and 205 skin care consumers. The researchers implemented pseudo-random
sampling and extracted 90% from both datasets, which were processed via JASP for descriptive
analysis and logistic regression, to find the probabilities of the occurrence of the possible
outcomes, as well as the moderating effect of the consumers’ age towards their perception and
its influence on purchase intention. The findings of this study showed that Comedic Value is
the most significant influencing factor when it comes to oddvertisements. Additionally, the
consumers’ age does not have a significant moderating effect on their perception of the
oddvertisements, which automatically implies that age also did not have a significant effect on
their purchasing intention. The researchers conclude that in using oddvertisements, firms
should highlight Comedic Value in the production of the oddvertisements, and should also steer
clear of the factors with a negative effect on the purchasing intentions.

Keywords: Oddvertisements, Purchasing Intentions, Consumer Perception, Weird Advertising

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