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Action plan

1. Apologize:

Hello, I hope you are well!

We are sorry for the problems you are having with the equipment, it probably has
manufacturing defects. We recommend that you contact our support either online
chat or contact center, so you can see options to check the equipment in person.

2. Offer a refund:

Any repairs to your device will be provided by the company and you will be

3. Offer a replacement:

In case your device does not have any fixes, you will be offered the possibility to
replace the device with another model of cell phone.

Hello, I hope you are well!

We are sorry for the problems you are having with the equipment, it probably has
manufacturing defects. We recommend that you contact our support either online
chat or contact center, so you can see options to check the equipment in person. Any
repairs that need to be provided to your device will be at the company's expense and
you will be reimbursed. In case your device does not have any fixes, you will be
offered the possibility to replace the device with another model of cell phone.

In case the customer is not satisfied, the money spent on the purchase of the device will be

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