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Corruption or rasuah (Latin corruptio of verb corrumpere meaningful rotten, corrupt, destabilizing, twisting, bribing)

is an act of public officials, politicians and civil servants, as well as other parties involved in the action that is
unnatural and illegal to trespass use public confidence that authorizes them to benefit unilaterally

In a sense Broad, OR corruption Political corruption is the abuse of official position for private
benefit review. All Forms of Government. Government practice hearts prone to corruption. In
various CASE, There are different weight penalty What Happens Happens a case corruption in
Causes of the corruption is :
Not Strong Faith (Weak faith)
People who have weak faith, it is very easy to commit crimes such as corruption for example. If a person's faith is
strong, they will not do this corupt action. Lots of reasons given by executioner of corruption.

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