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Bribery is that the act of giving or receiving one thing valuable in exchange for a
few quite influence or action reciprocally, that the recipient would otherwise not
alter. Giving cash to influence a person’s behavior may be a kind of felony. Bribery
is outlined as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item important to
influence the actions of a politician or alternative person responsible of a public
or legal duty. Essentially, graft is giving to try to one thing for somebody for the
expressed purpose of receiving one thing in exchange. Gifts of cash or different
things useful that square measure otherwise out there to everybody on constant
basis, and not for dishonest functions, isn't bribery.

Scenario of corruption:
Bribery is a scourge that has badly affected the quality of governance, state of the
economy and social justice available to the people. Corruption is outlined because
the misuse of entrusted power for personal gains. It is petty, grand and political.
The bribery is usually linked with the lower salary employees and generally
considered as facilitating payments, whereas, the grand corruption is associated
with the high level bureaucracy. However, the political corruption as name
indicates is said to the politician. They typically involve during this kind corruption
so as to keep up their establishment. The corruption varies within the rate of its
presence, so during this regard the incidence of corruption could also be rare,
widespread or general. The rare corruption is straightforward to spot and
management than widespread. Whereas, the general corruption becomes the
simplest way of life and it's terribly tough to beat. The corruption is universal,
however, its existence varies in rate of incidence. Since the origin of Asian nation,
the country has witnessed of the rampant corruption. Several governments
normally and therefore the governments in decade of 1990 specially has become
the victim of the widespread corruption and corrupt practices. In a very recent
survey conducted by the Transparency. International, Islamic Republic Pakistan
ranks down from 42th most corrupt country to thirty fourth country within the
world. Islam expressly condemns the existence of corruption in each type. Hazart
Muhammad (PBUH) declared that;
"Damned is the bribe giver (or corruptor)-the bribe taker (the corrupted) and he
who goes between them".

Quaid-i-Azam on corruption
Quaid-i- Azam Muhammad Ali statesman has powerfully condemned the
presence of corruption. He declared a strict action against such mal practices and
their mortal.

Causes of corruption
The root causes of the rampant corruption in the country are lack of effective
accountability, poor performance on the part of respective institutions,
unchecked and unlimited power of feudal for vested interests. The presence of
corruption and corrupt practices play a polar role to engender the deteriorate law
and order, shackle the economy that ends up in the inflation, state and poorness
within the country.

Lack of effective accountability

Bribery presence distracts a man from ethics, humanely attitude, tradition and
civic laws. The pervasive corruption within the country is checked by applying
bound measures. The government ought to ascertain the rule of law; it means
that equal application of law, equal protection by the law and equality before law,
effective and impartial answerableness, active role of media to eradicate the
corruption square measure the few factors which may play an energetic to
diminish the corruption.

Bribery creates many social problems which demolish our society badly. The badly
social problems which are been found in society due to Bribery is corruption
which is found in almost every government officials. It is very hard to find a right
person who is not involved in corruption. In addition, we get Justice at the time
when the person is fed up of all the process. Moreover, it creates poverty in
which richer gets richer and the poor get poorer.

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