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Dark Slide Modification

The only extra parts required is a small scrap of fake velvet fabric and some scrap metal for the slide itself.

The film back STL is split into two pieces that interlock. Print both flat on the print bed as previous.

film back 1.STL will require supports from the build plate only, whilst film back 2 requires no support.

Once printed, the recess in film back 2 requires some thin velvet type of fabric to be glued in place with contact

This prevents light egress as well as some resistance to prevent the dark slide falling out. Leave a gap to the
edge so the fabric doesn’t interfere with the frame opening size.
Once in place the two halves can be super glued together.

The dark slide itself is cut from a only tin box about 0.3mm thick, and 65mm wide. The Dark Slide.STL is the
handle/Grip printed as shown, without support

Once you have fitted the metal into the handle, you can use a 3mm drill to make the 3 retaining holes and then
superglue in the retaining pins.

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