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While sleep is necessary for life & health for the average
person, it is regarded as a crucial tool by world-class
athletes, coaches and doctors to maximise sports
performance. Many top performers in sports give credit to
their sleep routine as the extra edge, from optimising
hormonal environment for recovery & performance to
faster reaction times.

In this E-book, you will be given practical and simple-to-

implement tips that make a world of difference in your
sleep quality & quantity.

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Nick Hedayatpour, aka The Strength Artist has multi-

faceted credentials in strength coaching, nutrition, pre and
post-rehabilitation and sports performance optimization.

He dedicates his time in simplifying the geekiest studies

and methods of fitness while staying on top of research
and most effective methods in strength training & nutrition
from around the globe to help athletes perform at their
best while staying injury free.

Over a decade as a strength coach, he has worked with

athletes in 11 sports who qualified & medalled at
international competition level as well as non-athletic
clients such as an astronaut, actors, executives & general
population clients who need to overcome health issues to
get in better shape.

Follow me for science-based & results-producing content @thestrengthartist


The information in this E-book is not meant to diagnose or

treat any sleep disorders. You should consult your
healthcare practitioner before using the information
provided in this E-book. The reader is 100% responsible
for the risks involved in using the information in this

Follow me for science-based & results-producing content @thestrengthartist

My goal with this E-book is for Once you can do that
you, the athlete/coach to consistently without much effort,
understand the spectacular pick the next easy one until you
benefits of developing a sleep fully build your sleep hygiene
hygiene in a simple and easy-to- routine.
implement manner.

I have done the research, In this guide, I won't be talking

application and experiments on about the benefits of good sleep
sleep so you don't have to. because the chances are, if you
Instead, use these simple yet follow me, you already
powerful tips and reap the understand the benefits so we'll
benefits of a good-night jump right into practical stuff to not much achieve high quality sleep.
geeky/sciency stuff.

What I'd like to emphasize here One last thing before we delve
is that even though you'll learn into the bolts & nuts of a good
20 tips on how to improve your night's sleep. If, after reading
sleep quality & quantity, they are this guide, you enjoyed the
not meant to be implemented all content, do me a favour and
at once. Take one habit that is either give me a shoutout on
the low-hanging fruit, the one social media and/or share it with
that is super easy based on your a friend. It helps me keep
lifestyle, do it for a week or two. making content like this so you
can benefit from it so thank you!

Follow me for science-based & results-producing content @thestrengthartist

Sleep Quality & Quantity This is because they are in
develomental stages where
Let's first establish what a good structural changes are
night's sleep looks like. To put it happening all over their body,
simply, when you wake up, you so they need extra sleep time to
want to feel well-rested and this make such processes happen.
might look slightly different for Research supports this too.
each individual.
So for you, a good night sleep
Roger Federer, the tennis means that you'll fall sleep
legend, sleeps 12 hours a night. within 10-15 mins of laying your
He does so intuitively because head on the pillow, stay asleep
his volume of training is way throughout the night and wake
above the average person so he up feeing well-rested after about
needs that much sleep to feel 7-10 hours of sleep.
well-rested. On the other hand,
an average person who hits the
gym 3-4 times a week might How do you know your sleep
benefit from sleeping only 7-8 quality has improved? When you
hours a night. implement the tips I'm about to
share with you and you reach
When I work with younger the points I mentioned above.
athletes (age 16 and below), I Let's dig in.
ask their parents to ensure they
get about 10 hours a night.

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1 - Establish A Sleep Ritual 2- Stay Away From Blue Light

As an athlete, there is a high Blue light blocks off Melatonin,

chance that you have a ritual in which is incredibly important for
your sport. For example, before sleep and immune system.
competition, you like a certain
meal. On game day, there is a If I am to give you one tip that
special song that puts you in the makes a world of difference in
zone and etc. Sleep is no your sleep quality, this is it: stay
different. There might have away from screens 2-3 hours
been a time (decades ago) before bed.
where we could just go to bed
and get a decent sleep.
However, in this day and age,
just going to bed is not enough.
There are many sleep disruptors
around us that we need to be
aware of so we need to With so much reliance on our
establish a window of digital gadgets for work, school
preparation for sleep to get in & entertainment, it is a hard task.
the zone which typically starts I get it. But I have one simple
about 2-3 hours before bed. question for you to answer: Is
finding out what
your neighbour's cat had for
dinner at night in bed on
instagram more important than
your sleep?

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I sincerely hope you chose the If your work requires you to do
latter. Now, here are two tips to things online or have those
make this easier to implement. nights where you just gotta get
things done till late, I suggest
Tip 1: If you have the habit of you invest in a glass that
being on your phone in bed till reduces blue light exposure.
you close your eyes to go to
sleep, blocking phone usage 3 I personally use Barner glasses
hours before bed might be a (pictured below) as they are
daunting task. Do this instead: stylish and practical throughout
start with 15 mins. For just 15 the day. You can check them
mins before bed, put your out here:
phone away and instead, do (
something that doesn't require ons/blue-light-glasses)
screen time. Every week or so,
add 15 mins until you reach
about 2-3 hours.
I'll tell you how to fill up your
pre-bed time so you don't just
end up staring at the
ceiling...don't you worry.

Tip 2: Invest in a glass that

blocks/reduces exposure to
blue light.

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Another type which is a stronger The way I consume reishi
one would be True Dark mushrooms is through a hot
glasses. Not as stylish but chocolate mix by Four Sigmatic.
powerful. Check them out here: You can check them out here:
( (
category/glasses/twilights/) ducts/calm-organic-cacao-
***I do not make any money These are super tasty and tastes
from recommending these like a rich hot-chocolate.
brands. Imagine sipping on this by the
fire place during cold nights...oh
3-Reduce Stress With Reishi & so good!

These are two of my favourite

drinks to make before bed. I
love the smell of Chamomile tea
and it is a zero calorie drink with
calming effects, making it great
before bed time.

Another favourite of mine is

Reishi mushrooms. Reishi has
been used in traditional Chinese ****Once again, I don't make
medicine for thousands of years money from recommending
to reduce stress. these products.

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4- Avoid Stress-Inducing Arguments (Sometimes this
Activities is hard to avoid in a
household but sleep
This might sound like a no window needs to be
brainer. However, it is very respected for it to work)
common for athletes to look
past this. In your sleep Paying bills (yikesss.)
preparation window, you want
to avoid pretty much anything Eating very spicy food (you
that can sabotage your sleep if can't relax with an upset
they are likely to elevate your stomach)
stress levels.
Eating too close to bed time
Such activities may include but (you can't fully rest if your
not limited to: digestive system has lots of
work to do) I recommend to
Caffeine Consumption (keep have your last main meal no
your caffeine consumption less than 3 hours before
before 2pm) bed.

Watching the news (nothing Decongestants like Sudafed

relaxing ever makes it to (the active ingredient is
CNN) pseudoepinephrine which
sabotages sleep. Ask your
doctor for an alternative)

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5- Cold Bedroom 6- Strip Down

The colder the room, the better. Sleeping with minimal clothing
I personally sleep in a room that (underwear/panties) can help
is 16 degrees celcius. (For my keep your skin/body cooler and
confused American readers, that feels more comfortable overall
is 60 Fahrenheit). which makes falling and staying
asleep easier.
If you are not used to a cold
bedroom, start by making your 7- Avoid Electromagnetic
room gradually colder each Pollution
night until you find the right
temperature for you. Keep your electronic devices
out of the bedroom and turn off
& if you and your partner have the wifi router at night. Such
different temperature devices can interfere with your
preferences, then look into this sleep.
device called Chilli Pad (pictured
below) It can save relationships 8- Bat Cave
& marriages.
Your room should be like a bat
cave. Invest in a curtain or good
blinds to keep light out of the
bedroom. No light should be in
your room when you sleep.

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9- Get Sunlight It is an incredibly important
supplement as it is involved in
This does not fall in the sleep 600+ enzymatic reactions in the
preparation window but it is body.
crucial. Your body has an
internal clock called the Some magnesium deficiency
Circadian Rhythm. In order for symptoms could include:
this cycle to function properly,
you need to expose yourself to Trouble falling asleep
sunlight first thing in the Slow recovery
morning to start secretion of Brain fog
stress hormones to go after your Fatigue
day. At night, melatonin will etc.
naturally be secreted optimally
when you expose yourself to Athletes, due to the volume of
sunlight during the day...even their training, are more
during colder months, get out susceptible to being magnesium
and do it. deficient. The best way to test if
you are Mg deficient is to do a
10- Magnesium red blood cell Mg test through a
functional medicine practitioner.
Magnesium (Mg) is an essential Don't test serum levels as it
supplement for my athletes. Just wont tell you the whole picture.
about every athlete I have Testing allows you to find the
coached was magnesium right dose to replenish your
deficient when we started levels.

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Once you consult your 11- The Grateful Log
healthcare practitioner and
ready to supplement with I first learned about this practice
magnesium, make sure you get through my teacher, Charles
the right type. Poliquin. This simple habit
before bed is astonishingly
Firstly, forget about magnesium powerful.
oxide. It is a cheap form of Mg
that does nothing. What I Here is what to do: have a little
recommend is to look for a notebook and name it "The
brand that uses Mg forms such Grateful Log". Every night before
as Threonate, Glycinate, Taurate bed, write 3 things you are
and Malate. grateful for that day. For
The one I personally use is from
ATP Lab. You can check it out I'm grateful for Jason to give
here: me a ride to hockey practice
I'm grateful for the barista
***Enter the code "strengthartist" who gave me an extra shot
to receive 10% off. They ship of espresso free of charge
globally. I'm grateful for doing a
snatch PR at the gym today
Bonus Tip: Mixing Mg with L-
theanine & Inositol makes for a
powerful sleep cocktail.

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Whether you have an incredible 12- Tape Your Mouth
or bad day, always strive to find
3 things you are grateful for. This might sound like a kink but
it's not (ok...maybe for some of
The only rule is that you gotta you kinky people it is) but mouth
find 3 new things every day to taping allows for a better night
be grateful for. You cannot write sleep. This is mainly due to the
things like I'm grateful for my nasal breathing it promotes
mom or having a house. You (which can keep your teeth and
should already be grateful for oral development healthier in
those things. So make sure the long-run too)
everyday, you have 3 new
things to be grateful for. Watch this video which shows
Otherwise, you gotta be more you what tape to get and how to
observant with your day and do it:
question your views....there is
always something to be grateful ?v=XsTKwOqcc_k
13- Classical Music

I love heavy metal & rock. But I

don't want my heart rate racing
and my head banging before
going to bed. So I switch to
slower beats and more calming
music as the night approaches.

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Classical music is one of them. at the same time ensures that
Ideally, a song with 60 bpm your body's circadian rhythm
would be ideal. Choose songs allows for a routine to work
that relax you rather than around the clock.
provoke an emotional feeling
like sad & slow songs/lyrics. Make it a priority to sleep before
midnight. Some of the most
successful doctors I know say
that 1 hour of sleep before
midnight = 2 hours past
midnight and this is so true.

I have compared sleeping 8

hours from 1 am to 9 am to 10
pm to 6 am and the latter always
14- Fixed Sleep Schedule feels much more well-rested
even though the quantity is the
One of the most powerful tips in same, the quality is a world of
this E-book is this tip: go to bed difference.
and wake at the same time
every single day...including 15- Stretching
I am not a fan of stretching right
As mentioned before, your body after a workout. I don't find it
has an internal clock. Sleeping effective at all. Instead, I get
and going to bed athletes to stretch before bed.

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Not only will it relax you, but Here is how you do it: lie down
also put you in a in bed with your eyes closed
parasympathetic state (state of and bend your knees 90
calmness) which is what you degrees. Put one hand on your
need before bed. belly and the other on your
chest. 2/3 of your breathing
It is also an easy way to stay should come from belly area
away from your phone because and about 1/3 from chest.
if you stretch properly, you can't Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold
use your phone. for 4s, breathe out for 4s and
hold 4s before breathing in
again. You can gradually go up
to 5s, 6s or more.

It is truly amazing how this

simple technique can put us in a
calm state to make falling
asleep easier.

17- Sleeping Position

16- Box Breathing
When you wake up, you should
When you are in bed, do box not experience any
breathing. It's a simple method back/neck/shoulder pain.
to calm your mind and make you
aware of breathing.

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It is not normal. if you 18 - Mattess & Pillow
experience any, it might have to
do with your sleeping position. The material of your mattress
and pillows are a personal
here are some things I choice. As a rule of thumb, they
recommend: should be comfortable, not-too-
soft and not-too-rigid. It should
Don't sleep on your stomach allow for some level of
(you have no choice but to movement but not so soft that
rotate your neck which you sink in. My favourite brand
causes neck/shoulder is Stearns & Foster. They are not
issues) cheap but a great investment.
Ask around for more affordable
If you sleep on your back, alternatives.
put a pillow under your
knees to avoid the gap
under them. This will help to 19- Carbs In The Evening
keep your back in a good
position so you don't feel a Carbs have a calming effect.
discomfort when you wake When you consume carbs, you
up. secrete insulin to control your
blood sugar. Insulin and cortisol
If you sleep on you side, put (stress hormone) are like a see-
a mini pillow between your saw. When one is up, the other
knees. This will reduce one is down.
movement in pelvis/hips.

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So you can save the majority of
your carbs in the evening to
take advantage of this.

20- Have Sex Before Bed

Not much to talk about here but

it is far more beneficial to have
sex with a partner than doing it
alone for health purposes.
Doing it alone might require
screen time (Unagi!) so stay
away from that.

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We have come to the end of this E-book. I want to remind you one last
time that even though I provided all these tips for you to improve your
sleep, they are not meant to be done all at the same time. Pick the
easiest one you can do, do it for a week or two, then pick the next
easy tip and keep going until you develop your personal sleep

I am going to leave you with a quote from Aristotle:

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,

therefore, is not an act but a habit"

One last thing. If you enjoyed reading this E-book, please give me a
shoutout on social media and tag me @thestrengthartist. It'll help me
keep making more guides like this.

Also, feel free to send this to your friends/athletes/clients so pay it


Sleep well!

Follow me for science-based & results-producing content @thestrengthartist

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