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Public Speaking:

The Top Secrets of the Elite

Welcome to the Public Speaking
• You are going to love this course because this is a practical
course, where you get into the driving seat and practice what
is taught.

• You will learn exceptionally useful skills. Public Speaking is

such a valuable skill that I am hoping you will actually
increase your reach, income and potential as you practice
the principles laid down in this course.
Introduction to The Course!
• I will teach you how to
- Reprogram your mind for public speaking success,
- Overcome stage fright & shyness,
- Learn what great speakers do,
- Learn to captivate your audience,
- Choose the right topics and
- Understand how to prepare for your speech.
• For each section you will have an
- Introduction
- Exercise to do followed by
- Lectures &
- Concluding remarks.

Please make sure you practice what is taught because that is

the key to your improvement and development.
Discussion and Review
• If you have any suggestions on how the course can be
improved please inbox me and I will fix it quickly and feel
free to post any useful info you think may be of benefit to
other students.

• Also if you have gained any value from the course kindly post
a review as soon as possible so that we can spread the word
about the course.

• If you have any personal questions; remember that I am here

to help!
Mastering Public Speaking!
“Our fear of standing up in front of a
group and talking is so great that we
fear it more than death, in surveys at
Psychology Today Post published by Glenn Croston Ph.D. on Nov 29, 2012
Master Public Speaking NOT Public Speaking

• My Story

• Most people master

‘Public Speaking Avoidance’

• Public speaking is a skill

Boost Your Value By 50%
Buffett once told a class of business students that
he would pay anyone in the room $100,000 for 10
percent of their future earnings. If they were
good communicators, he would raise his bid by 50
percent because public speaking would make his
‘investment’ more valuable. – Warren Buffet 2014
You Need This Skill
• Creates the opportunity to impact others

• Opens the door to more job opportunities

• Creates the opportunity to increase

your income
Psychology of Public Speaking
What You Say Affects What
You Do!
Exercise – Speak to yourself
Psychology of Public Speaking #1
The Internal Dialogue
That goes on in the mind of the average
person that hates public speaking

• “I need to get it over and done with”

• “I know it; I am going to make a mistake”

• “I can’t remember anything!”

Psychology of Public Speaking
The Internal Dialogue
That goes on in the mind of the average
person that hates public speaking

• “People will know that I’m not funny anyway”

• “I lack confidence”

• The “Babble”
Psychology of Public Speaking #2
The Internal Dialogue
The internal dialogue that goes on in the
mind of the “Successful” public speaker
• ”I know I can deliver”

• “I have prepared well”

• “I am focused on the Helping the

Psychology of Public Speaking #2
The Internal Dialogue
The internal dialogue that goes on in
the mind of the “Successful” public

• “I have something to give”

• “I will be well received”

• “I will be honest in what I do”

How to overcome fear, stage fright
Keep Taking Action
Exercise – Talk to at least
two people a day!
Use Your Body - 7 Simple Techniques #1
Use Your Body - 7 Simple Techniques
Simple tips that are designed to help you use your body to
overcome stage fright & shyness

#1. Work on your breathing technique

#2. Make sure your body isn't tense

#3. Learn how to effectively use

hand gestures
Use Your Body - 7 Simple Techniques #2
Use Your Body - 7 Simple Techniques
Simple tips that are designed to help you use your body to
overcome stage fright & shyness

#4. Don't stand in the same spot

#5. Use different facial expressions

#6. Look around the room

#7 . Be mindful of your posture

Use Your Body - 7 Simple Techniques
Action Point
Say this to yourself “My body works for me and not against me!”
What Great Speakers Do!
Emulate Others
Exercise – Think & act out
your desire
6 Things Great Speakers Do! #1
6 Things Great Speakers Do!
Public speaking exercises that will change you into a great
speaker forever

#1. Practice speaking in front of your


#2. Practice giving impromptu speeches

#3. Develop your speech writing skills

6 Things Great Speakers Do! #2
6 Things Great Speakers Do!
Public speaking exercises that will change you into a great
speaker forever

#4. Count how many times you use a "filler"

#5. Practice speaking slower

#6. Challenge yourself to give a

whole speech with only one cue card
6 Things Great Speakers Do!
Action Point
Rather than spend your time worrying spend your time practicing!
How To Captivate an Audience
Tricks of The Trade
Exercise – Give your full
8 Ways to Captivate an Audience.
8 Ways to Captivate an Audience
To master the art of public speaking you'll need to learn how
to captivate your audience!

#1. Connect with your audience

#2. Use humour

#3. Deliver a coherent speech

#4. Keep on topic

8 Ways to Captivate an Audience #2
8 Ways to Captivate an Audience
To master the art of public speaking you'll need to learn how
to captivate your audience!

#5. Project your voice

#6. Use visual aids

#7. Dress for success

#8. Don't forget to enjoy yourself

8 Ways to Captivate an Audience.
Action Point
Make sure you inculcate these into your practice sessions!
Do at least 4 of the above tips next time you present.
Public Speaking Preparation
Get an Evaluation
G.L.O.V.E. Exercise –
Language, Organisation,
Voice & Enthusiasm.
How to prepare - “The 7 Must Do’s” #1
How to prepare - “The 7 Must Do’s”
To give a phenomenal speech it's important to start preparing
your material weeks in advance.
#1. Practice your speech in front of

#2. Memorize your speech

#3. Get everything you need the

night before
How to prepare - “The 7 Must Do’s” #2
How to prepare - “The 7 Must Do’s”
To give a phenomenal speech it's important to start preparing
your material weeks in advance.

#4. Be prepared for questions

#5. Prepare a solid argument or

point of view

#6. Avoid distraction

#7. Stay within the time allocated

How to prepare - “The 7 Must Do’s”
Action Point
Be willing to practice the above diligently!
Choosing Hot Topics
One Good Technique!
Exercise – Past, Present &
Choosing Engaging & Relevant Topics #1
Choosing Engaging & Relevant Topics
Choose a topic that you're passionate about

My Workshop Story

#1. Talk about one of your favorite hobbies

#2. Use your family history as inspiration

Choosing Engaging & Relevant Topics #2
Choosing Engaging & Relevant Topics
Choose a topic that you're passionate about

#3. Talk about your favorite book,

band or movie

#4. Talk about current events

#5. Use your vacations as inspiration

Choosing Engaging & Relevant Topics
Action Point
Say this to yourself “My life is interesting I have stories to share!”
The Biggest Secret....
is the
“Secret of Practicing”
I Want To Hear From You
U: Inbox me
The End!

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