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Indonesian Prepositions

If you're trying to learn Indonesian Prepositions which is also called Bahasa Indonesia,

check our courses about time and place prepositions and and demonstrative
pronouns... to help you with your Indonesian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson
and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to
check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Indonesian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Indonesian Prepositions
Learning the Indonesian Prepositions is very important because its structure is used in
every day conversation. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the
Indonesian language. But first we need to know what the role of Prepositions is in the
structure of the grammar in Indonesian.
Indonesian prepositions link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.
The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition.
Here are some examples:


English Indonesian
Prepositions Prepositions

Prepositions Preposisi

inside the house dalam rumah

outside the car di luar mobil

with me dengan saya

without him tanpa dia

under the table di bawah meja

after tomorrow setelah besok

before sunset sebelum matahari

English Indonesian
Prepositions Prepositions

but I'm busy tapi aku sibuk

Lista de Propositions:

English Indonesian
Prepositions Prepositions

about tentang

above atas

across seluruh

after setelah

against terhadap

among antara

around sekitar

as sebagai

at di

before sebelum

behind di belakang

below di bawah
English Indonesian
Prepositions Prepositions

beneath di bawah

beside di samping

between antara

beyond luar

but tapi

by oleh

despite meskipun

down ke bawah

during selama

except kecuali

for untuk

from dari

in di

inside dalam

into ke
English Indonesian
Prepositions Prepositions

near dekat

next berikutnya

of dari

on pada

opposite seberang

out ke luar

outside di luar

over atas

per per

plus plus

round bulat

since sejak

than dari

through melalui

till sampai
English Indonesian
Prepositions Prepositions

to untuk

toward terhadap

under bawah

unlike tidak seperti

until sampai

up ke atas

via melalui

with dengan

within dalam

without tanpa

two words dua kata

according to menurut

because of karena

close to dekat

due to disebabkan oleh

English Indonesian
Prepositions Prepositions

except for kecuali

far from jauh dari

inside of dalam

instead of daripada

near to dekat

next to sebelah

outside of di luar

prior to sebelum

three words tiga kata

as far as sejauh

as well as maupun

in addition to sebagai tambahan


in front of di depan

in spite of meskipun
English Indonesian
Prepositions Prepositions

on behalf of atas nama

on top of di puncak

demonstratives demonstratif preposisi

this ini

that itu

these ini

those itu

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