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The True Face of Evil

When I was a child. My parents always told me to do good things. Help others
and accept God as my lord and savior. Through this I always seen the good things
about life. The food that I eat every morning, scenery of green plants and flowers,
and the beauty of world as it is created. As a child, this is my reality. Reality that
somehow change through age and environmental intervention.
Action, means any movement either voluntary or involuntary. A simple
movement of an arm down to the foot receive signal from our brain. Brain transmits
and receive information then bounce back to different parts of the body. I can say
that the brain first react before the body. Inside of our brain are thoughts or intents.
The inception of thoughts may be hereditary or develop through environment. They
say that it is poison. Once you’ve think about it you can never forget. But it can
develop. And that is the importance of education. Education not just builds the
intellectual of an individual but also the character. Intellectual Quotient and Emotional
Quotient. But in our generation. Emotional Quotient, is neglected. The educational
institutions focus on intellectual output. Yes, they can have a lot of knowledge, they
can spell out the longest words in the dictionary, and define words that only few can
recite but without character, they are just like a book without a title. We remember a
book through its title, as we are through our character. Because our character
defines who we are.
I read the article without any remorse of feelings. Now that I had a lot of
resources to define the good and evil. Experiences to compare and give example.
Lot of confrontation of good and bad deeds. Now, It’s hard to imagine that I, as child
who educated good things in the past is accepting that fact that life is somehow two
face of a coin. It is created with flaw. The imperfection the world makes it perfect.
The fault of the past must become our reminder that it is cycle. Unless we gave up
our life to God. We cannot break the chain of this cycle.

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