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This chapter presents the introduction of the research study and its

problem. It also includes significance of the study, scope and limitations,

objectives, conceptual framework and definition of terms.

Background Of The Study

In order to successfully manage societal expectations, one must

possess communication skills, particularly those involving body language,

facial expressions, and written and spoken language. When societal

standards aren't satisfied, there's a greater chance of getting caught up in

the criminal justice system.

Sociology's field of criminology focuses on the origins,

consequences, and social repercussions of criminal behaviour. In many

ways, criminology's social component characterizes the discipline. For the

criminologist, the key to effective communication in the criminal justice

system is the capacity to switch between authoritatively delivering facts

and attentively listening while displaying compassion. The most important

talent you can develop in order to be prepared for a career in criminology

is communication, both written and verbal, regardless of what position

you have in this industry.

In the course of human life, communication is crucial. Thao

(2005) asserts that communication is defined as the process through

which a notion or message is transferred from senders to receivers.

According to formal definitions, the sender encodes or translates thoughts

and opinions into messages, while the recipient decodes or translates

messages into thoughts. People can exchange meaning and efficiently

transmit or share messages when they communicate (Cap, 2021; Clark &

Fey, 2020).

In the field of criminal justice education, the ability to

communicate can make a great impact in every aspects of the study in

criminology. For the Students of Criminal justice education, awareness in

communicating in this field of study can smooth their way and their

relationships with others comrades and seniors by helping them to

understand one another, and to avoid certain miscommunication that

might lead them to confusion and misunderstanding.

In the grounds of law enforcement, Misunderstandings can

commonly happen because there is a big barrier between the sender and

receiver, it goes through a lot of processes and its original meaning gets

lost. This problem may affect many aspiring criminologist particularly the

students of western Mindanao state university. It is one of the nearest

problems why juniors and senior of criminal justice education faces failure

with their interactions because of lack of awareness on how to

communicate with each other. It also helps for the betterment of the

student and its institution and to make sure there’s no misunderstanding,

keeping in their minds how collaboration and communication actually

How precisely does one begin to vocally communicate

effectively? For the majority of us, training in public speaking and

communication begins with our own voice. We learn to pronounce

properly and to express oneself in an orderly and understandable manner

in order to be heard. Although these are helpful tools, they are

egocentric. Communication experts advise beginning by looking outside of


A keen sense of context and situational awareness is the most

crucial quality of an effective communicator. Understanding who you're

interacting with and what state they're in is the first step in effective

communication, which may be done by paying close attention while you

listen and by looking about you. A professional criminologist can adapt

their presentation to a particular audience in this way without

jeopardizing the information they want to convey.

The most crucial step in effective communication in the criminal

justice system is to begin by listening. Clear, straightforward, and humble

written and verbal communication, after you fully comprehend the social

context of your contact, fosters positive community ties and guarantees

that solutions for problems-solving reach a wide audience while

maintaining the communicator's original objective. This is, in a nutshell,

effective leadership.

Statement Of The Problem

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