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CNR a lal a cereal ieee Cee eee ed Cee tee eas fer rents Coy ‘beautiful young woman because some men, ear es Fredo oct rieepener sy Give us the Money GIVE US THE MONEY i Heishaving.a gown dea "Gov work, James Bond ison a dream, Ads works ina bank, and itisnot very interesting. Hedoestt like his jb and he docs like Me Smith, his boss, Adams life ot Adam isnot James Bond iswot happy—he wants more exe leis Monday morning, Adam is walking to work and he meets Mr 1 “Do something differen vay,” she ays Adam startsto walk again, Hestops ad waits a theside st, but then he of the rad. He usually goes left remembers Mrs 8s wards, So he goes right What happens next? Does his life change? Can dreams ~ Crimes: Mystery Give us the Money seiner 20 heads) Give us the Money Massed by ‘Axel Rator ~ CONTENTS, Give wsthe Money scriveis: Bafore Reading scrvttes: While Reading series: After Reading a » 0 2 ‘Adam Gray works ina bank He doesnt like his job and he doesn'tlike Mr Smith, his boss, . Imust go. iad Idon't want to be, yi Tate for work. A a y But Adam and Serena ‘don't stop. Give us the Money 1s “4 Give us the Money _ cerry acon Wl ‘make alotof money. them they've got my money! Give us the Money GLOSSARY film a story that you wat film set the place wh Give us the Money ACTIVITIES » ACTIVITIES Before Reading 1 Look at the front and back cover of the book, Choose the ‘correct ending 1 Adam. a [lisa secret BL works ina bank, Lisanactor 2 The beautiful young womanis 4 [Janactor bUathiet Can lsh teacher. 3 Thisis 4 Ja romanticstory. bDanes story, € [Ja sad story. 0 scrum: While Reading, activi Fs While Reading 1 Read pages 1-3, then ansiver these questions. 1 What docs Adam want to be? 2 What ime of da 3. Why is Adam bored with his job? 4 Whar does Mrs B. say to Adam? Read pages 4-5. ‘Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Adam does somethingdifferenttoday. 2 Some men take a woman's rucksack, ou 3 The woman asks Adam for help. ou 4 Themen runafter Adamand thewomen. (1 5 Hefore you read pages 6%, can you guess what happens next — ' shanks Adam for hishelp.(1—L) 2 Thepoli oda 3. The thieves huet somebauly oo 4 ind Adam fallin love. ou The woman, Seren ead pages 10-13, then answer these question 1 How do Adam and Serena getaway? 2 Whats Serena's idea? 3 Why isthe director happy? Read pages 14-18, then answer these questions. 1 Why does Serena's car stop? 2 Whar do the thieves want? 3 What does Adam do? 4 Adam knows one of the thieves. Who ise? Read pages 19-21, then answer these questions. 1 Who are the police’? 2 Whar does Serena take from Adam? 3 What does she lo with it? 4 Whar do they tie Me Smith with? Read pages 22-24, Who says these sente 1 Lam late for work 2. "You're three hours late.” 3 ‘Say “please”. 4 Lane you to hea bank robber.” a scrim: After Reading 8 ACTIVITIES 3 Read the elucs below _ and complete the crossword oF After Reading = 1 Use these words to complete the summary ofthe story {| sanest_ gun boss bank film thieves: take angry apr ‘Adam wants to be James Bond. He sees two me hag and tries to help. The men. They when they see hat dhey have gor che are very ‘ston bag They follow Serena and Adam. Ad is very ‘but Serena ismor. Serena usesa water ___to stop, ‘one ofthe thieves. When the thief speaks, Adam wlerstands that che thief ishis___. The police the thieves, Serena and Adam take the money to the and the fil direct hank robber! asks Adamrobein his asa 2 Weitea short description of Serena. w ACROSS nor woman who performs in a ila Something you catry with you. speak to people with it A public garden, ‘The opposite of interesting. yi DOWN “The person who takes something which is not his. A bag you wear on your back. Another wor for picture or movie, Aplace whe the world, an read about what is happen Ja ean pat oF get money. ‘When you rake ares from school or work, ofte another country a ABOUT THE AUTHOR Maeve Clarke isan experienced teacher and examiner of English as 8 Foreign Language, She his worked in England, Spain, and Tl She now ann works with tnt from ll ovee rope in Birmingham’ European ‘he wrote Givens the Aomeybycauseshe wantedtowsitea story aboot something exciting happening on a bing Monday. Macve has ako writen a novel, Whit Goes Rowdy and shore story Letters A Yard (part of theavaed-winning collation, Whispers the Wall in Biren 3 OXFORD BOOKWORMS LIBRARY (Clase » Crime & Mystery FactiessBantasy & Horo Hunan terest Plyscrpts «Tiler & Adventne Te Storie World Stories The exten nookRoens meaty provides enjoyable rea in English with wide rng of classic a ae ito, no fton, ad plays. inclades eign and acape texts in sven caeally jaded Langa stops, which ake lesen rm begin to advanced eel An ete feeven onthe next pape. All Stage lear avilable aio cong x well anergy tot are specially recommended fr younger any very Bowery lostrats anderen anal aches have fll coeur illstatons, The on moa nonts ume ak fers extensive apport Fach Book oman intron to the soy, noes abt ator osarys and actives. Addional owns Incite at workshety aid ‘newer for these and forthe atv i the Bok Thee is advice running dasliraryosingau recordings athe may ways sing COxfon! Bookworms in reading programmes. Resource mci ave Alablom th weiter. cap combo worms “The Orfon! Bookavorms Colleton ix a sis for ava ames It comitsofvlamerofshor ores we known authors baths and meen. Fexsaremotaeidgeoradapedin any wa, ually se reacciblevo he advanced i ‘You can find dees nfl totes in the Oxford Bookiorms ‘ibary Catalogue ad Oxford tnglh Lamgnage Teaching Catalogues, anfon the website eww. oupcombookwoetn 36 THE OXFORD BOOKWORMS LIBRARY GRADING AND SAMPLE EXTRACTS STARTER # 250 HEADWORDS sete eooteniinass Kegel oncnmot rt ogre) simple grands Her phone is ringing but where is it? ets out of bed and looks in her bag. Nophone.She the hed. No phone. Then she looks behind the door. There is her phone. Sally picks up her phone and answers it, Sally Phone STAGE 1 + 4oo HEADWORDS pas sip coordination with nbn, oF suoinaion wih before cfer then canes | knew him in Persia, He was a famous builder and I worked with him there. For a time I was his friend, but not for long. When he came to Paris, I came after him ~ T wanted to watch him, He was a very clever, very dangerous man. The Phantom ofthe Opera STAGE 2 + 700 HEADWoRDS preset perfects fate) (dom see ot ws old — “comparison of adetves~ simple ifdawses~ pastconingous— Taqhcions anki While was wridingthese wordsin my diary, decided what todo. must ery to escape [shall y to get down the wall ‘outside. The window is high abe de ground, but Lave to ty shall rake some of the gold with me—if escape, pethapsit will be helpfl tee. Decade ¥ STAGE 5 # 1000 HEADWoRDS bold, may presen perfect continues sandpaper ‘hstive- relive cases indirect satementy OF course, it was most important that no one should see Colin, Maey, or Dickon entering the secret garden, So Colin eave orders to the gardeners that they must all keep away from that part ofthe arden in future, The Secret Ganden STAGE 4+ 1400 HEADWoRDS post perfec contin — pase imple forms) ~ ‘oud combina anes indi ution relives withiberleen~ gerund afer prpeniin pans I was glad. Now Hyde could nor show his face tot again, IPhe did every honest manin London would be proud to reporthimcothe police. DrJeklland Mrttyle e world STAGE § + 1800 HEADWORDS tue connote —fatre ere — eon have coi aa five medals + psec infin Ihe had spoken Estella’ name, I would have it him. Lwas 50 re that Toul tothe old house. angry with him, and 0 depressed abou my ot eat the breakfast. Instead I went st Great Expectations STAGE 6 + 2500 HEADWoRDS passive finfniies, pends) —advaned modal meanings ‘ewes of eoncoion,comfion ‘When 1 steppe up to the pian Iw: knew ‘confident, Ie eas as if 1 the prodigy side of me really dud exist, And when 1 started to play, I was so caught up in how lovely FJooked that | didn’t worry how I would sound. The Jay Lack Clb 38 Girl ona Motorcycle JOHN Escort fee the money, says the robber to the Los Angeles secrity aed. The gusta looks athe gun and hands over the money. The ides mononeyele—anda ge with ‘ona motoreyle Is she Tobber hs lng bio Jong blond hair arrives at Kenny’ motel the robber? Oranges in the Snow Si incl cami cn a as vty assistant Jo; You arethe famousssientist Mary Duskeworkingin alaboratory in Alaska, When you discover something very new and valuable, ‘other people want to try to steal your idea ~ can yom sty them before they exeape? 3» Drive into Danger ROSEMARY ORDER “Yean drive truck, says Kim om her isda at workin the office. When Kim's passenger Andy finds something strange wer the truck chings get dangerous ~ very da The Ransom of Red Chief ©. HENRY Retold by Pal Shipton ‘Samarriveinthesmall wil nericantown Sumit withonly ‘seo hundred dollars, but they need more and San hasan idea for making a lot of money. When things stare to go wery wrong, bot ren soon reget their wsit~and he ids, Love or Money? ROWENA AKINVEM {eis Molly Clarkson's ict birthday. She shaving. party. Shes rich, bursheis having a sal party only four people. Four people, however sho all ncedhe sme thing-they need her muney. She wil not give thom the money, so they are waiting for her to die, And there are other people who ar also waiting For ert de | ne wait. And so, iit birthday, Maly tdi Sister Love and Other Crime Stories | Some stesaregood friends, somearenot-Sometimesthereis more ren frcads, but she can be very unkind 0 her sister Mars Perhaps when they were small, shere was love herwees them, bt thar was longtime ago. “They say tha everybody has one erime aps they that does nor belong to them. Pechaps they they get angry and ir someone, pethaps only take an umbrella Pe steal fram sho they il

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