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Table 1. Frequency and percentage distribution of the BSEd-Science students in terms of age

Age (in years) Frequency (n=71) Percentage

23 to 24 3 4.2
21 to 22 27 38.0
19 to 20 33 46.5
17 to 18 8 11.3
Mean = 20.17 years old S.D. = 1.35

As shown in table 1 in terms of Age, most of the students have ages 19 to 20 years old with 46.5
percent. It was followed by the ages 21 to 22 years old with 38.0 percent, followed by the ages 17 to 18
years old with 11.3 percent and last rank belongs to 23 to 24 years old with 4.2 percent. Overall mean of
student’s age is 20.17 years old with the standard deviation of 1.35.

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Table 2. Frequency and percentage distribution of the BSEd-Science students in terms of sex

Sex Frequency (n=71) Percentage

Female 56 78.9
Male 15 21.1

Apparent in table 2 is the distribution of student in terms of their sex. Fifteen or 21.1 percent of them
are male while 56 or 78.9 percent are female. This finding means that there are more female students
than male students who are enrolled in BSED Science. This finding implies that the student population of
CSU-Aparri is composed mainly of female which is jibing with the data from the Office of the Registrar
that 68.89 are female.

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