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Teentify geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Write a closely analysis and f} critical interpretat of literary THINK ABOUT OUR HISTORY While Looking at the reminisce your learnings on Philippine History. WHAT Is IT? Our forefathers already had their literature, which reflected in their customs and traditions. They had their alphabet even before they had been colonized. The spanish FS burned their alphabet in the belief that they were works of the devil or were written on materials that quickly perishe Uke the barks of trees, dried leaves. and tambo cylinders, which could not have Temained firm even if efforts were made to Preserve them, Our unique geographic location ‘i the reason why We are rich and varied. H Shetypine Dayhagin mosey wimuonen) Reo S cet cao PdMIOSrROC KA isterature * comes from the latin word “litteratura”which means “writing formed with letters”. + is not only enclosed in that meaning. + is anything and everything that reproduces life experiences. + It collects, organizes and sums up the entire of humanity, occasionally adding more color to it _ ex « Philippine Literature is a diverse and it has a rich group of works that has evolved sideby-sid with the country’s history. PERIOD OF ae aa (1972-1898) q The new trends have been used and introduced to meet the need and tastes of the new generation. 24st Century learners are demanded to be ICT inclined to compete with the style and format of writing as well. New codes or lingos are used to add flavor in the literary pieces produced nowadays. MiThe range of years in 21st century literature was written from (roughly) the year 2001 to the present. MiThe 2000s (decade) saw a steep increase in the acceptability of all types, inspired by the coming- -of - age of millions of people w who MiMany famous books like Harry Potter series were converted into movies ™iSome books were written in simple English and works of old writers were translated into language that was —__ | easier to understand. = @iMythology was converted into graphic novel form to build interest among young readers v A - MMost of the themes deal ” with current themes or situations / and reflect technological culture j Bit often breaks traditional writing or is fragmented because in the old century literature, it follows the traditional plot ( beginning-middle-end) . Mi21st century is written by contemporary authors. 10 Contemporary Filipina Authors You Absolutely Should Be Reading Wiritten by Elligiknowe in HE This period is the emerging of different genres IM (instant messaging) blog format books digi fiction manga doodle I graphic novels 21st Century Literature Lesson 2 vd LESSON 1: a PHILIPPINE LITERARY HISTORY FROM PRE= one en Ls eh ft eed Messen an aS——— ‘ AFTER GOING THROUGH THIS LESSON, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO: Differentiate the 21st century literary ® genres, and the one’s from the original genres; Enumerate the elements, structures and traditions of each genre; Appreciate the unique features of each genre. 1.Baro't Saya 1.Provide the past’s counterpart 2. Cassette tape/ Your answer Vinyl Records 3. Bakya Your answer 4. Your answer Text, Chat Telephone Calls Your answer Lambanog Your answer Piko, Tumbang-preso Your answer Your answer Netflix, Youtube 9. Gugo Your answer 10. Tobacco 10. Your answer POETRY § 5 y § y S R 8 el Rata B SS ¢It is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound and rhythmic language choices to evoke an emotional response. * It has been known to employ meter and rhyme. ¢ The very nature of poetry as an authentic and individual mode of expression makes it nearly impossible to define. aT AW Fs PTO Ua ¢ It is a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict, more contrast of character, especially intended to be acted on stage: a play. ¢ It may be any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting or striking interest. FICTION faye lh] «It is a literature created from the imagination, not presented as fact, though it may be based on a true story or situation « Examples are novel, short story and novella NON- FICTION Vig eye «It is is based on facts and the author’s opinion about a subject. * Purpose: To inform, sometimes to persuade «Examples are biographies, articles from textbooks and magazines and newspapers. What are the conventional literary genres? ] Poetry Ds Drama 3, Fiction 4 Non-Fiction What are the common characteristics of conventional literary genres? Conventional literary genres are: + Based in oral tradition. + Anytime and anyplace (once upon a time in a place far away) * Common ending (they lived happily ever after) + Contain common narrative motifs and common themes. + Use of figurative language. What are the different 21st century literary genres? PNT EANS 10. ne 12. 1B. ILLUSTRATED NOVEL DIGI-FICTION GRAPHIC NOVEL MANGA, DOODLE FICTION ‘TEXT-TALK NOVELS CHICK LIT or CHICK LITERATURE FLASH FICTION ‘SIX-WORD FLASH FICTION CREATIVE NON-FICTION SCIENCE FICTION BLOG HYPER POETRY What are the different 21st century literary genres? + Modern + Open to experimentation and free from old forms. + Concerns artistic and social traditions * Comes from individual perspective + Writers make their own meaning of the world + Complex and complicated *Rise of technology and mass communication Which do you like better, the conventional or the 2\st century literary genres?

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