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Poetry Assessment Name:

Q1. What is a simile? Give an example

Q2. What is a metaphor? Give an example

Q3. Simile or Metaphor? (S or M)

a. He was a lion in a battle.

b. She ran like the wind.
c. As bright as the sun.
d. The clouds are balls of cotton wool.
e. As cool as a cucumber
f. She is an early bird
g. Life is a highway
h. Sweet as honey
i. As blind as a bat
j. I am a couch potato

Q4. What is personification? Give an example

Q4. What is alliteration? Give an example

Q5. What is assonance? Give an example

Q4. Alliteration or Assonance (All/ Asson)

a. A host of golden daffodils

b. A fluffy, friendly fox

c. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain

d. A hive of honey bees

e. Special sea shells hid beneath the sand

f. Each beach beast thinks he’s the best beast.

3. Onomatopoeia

Think of a word to describe the actual sound.

b. Bell

c. Bird c. Bee

________________ __________________

Car Alarm

_____________ __________________
S. Simile M. Metaphor Rep. Repetition
A. Alliteration O. Onomatopoeia Ass. Assonance
P. Personification R. Rhyme

Q. What is the theme of this poem? Write down all the words that apply.

Q. What is the tone/ mood of this poem? Write down all the words that
Create your own poem. 2-4 Stanzas. Include at least one simile
or metaphor, one line of alliteration or assonance, rhyme, one
onomatopoeic word. Use one of the following as your topic:
School, Sport, Music, Hobby, Animal, Nature

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