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Juan Villablanca Memorial High School

Survey Questionaire
Note: This survey questionaire was intended to gather relevant information only. Your participation for
answering the survey will matter to the researcher

Name: Sex:


Part 1.

Put only check (✔️) mark inside the parentheses for your answers

 Traditional student( )

 Non-traditional studen( )

Q1.Are you a gamer or non-gamer

 Gamer( )

 Non-gamer( )

{IF you're non-gamer please proceed to Q6}

Q2.How often do you play serious games?

 Daily ( )

 A few times a week ( )

 A few times a month ( )

 Never ( )

Q3.On the days that you may play electronic games, how many hours do you

typically play?

 1 or less ( )

 2 to 4 ( )

 5 or more ( )

Q4.Of the electronic games that you play, are the majority of those....
 Serious Games? ( )  Recreational Games? ( )

Q5.How often have you stayed up all night playing electronic games during the semester?

 Never ( )

 Once or twice a month ( )

 Once or twice a week ( )

Part 2.

Q6.Do you believe that electronic games can enhance learning?

 Never ( )

 Sometimes ( )

 Always ( )

Q7. How often have you missed class so far this semester?

 Never ( )

 Daily ( )

 Once or twice a week ( )

 Once or twice a month ( )

Q8.How often have you studied or done homework so far this semester?

 Daily ( )

 Once or twice a week ( )

 Once or twice a month ( )

 As needed ( )

Q9. How often have you studied or done homework so far this semester?

 Daily ( )

 Once or twice a week ( )

 Once or twice a month ( )

 As needed ( )
Part 3.

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