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Playtest Protocol

Twin Stick Shooter

Game Summary
Twin stick shooter is a game focused on fast–paced gameplay. It will give players unique
ways of engaging with fast-paced experience, providing different types of weapons and
weapon features. Each weapon has a distinct and unique mechanic, allowing the player to
choose their way to solve the current situation.

The playtest will focus on our gameplay experience. Our main objective is to find out whether
the player can get a fast-paced experience in the game. We want to discover whether there is
any part that slows down the pace, or the game requires too much ability of the player. We
could answer our questions by analyzing data such as player input duration, kill per minute,
kill per death, and more.

Testing format
Players will take an appreciation test remotely for this playtest. We will give simple input and
let them play the game. We will analyze how players control the character and react to the in-
game environment. After the play-through survey ask about the tester’s overall experience and
expectations such as: how was the game, how the input felt, how was the weapon& enemy
types and their mechanics, what can be improved or included, etc.

Participant selection
We will gather 9+ testers. Our testers will be from outside the program and their experience
playing 2D games may vary. We will try to have one tester who has minimal experience with
games. We will have our age range be from 18 to 30.

All participants are required to have a device that can run executable files, on the Windows OS
(10~11), 64bit. They will need a functioning keyboard and mouse to operate the game, which will
be shared by an executable zip build file.

Test Method
The test will be done remotely at participants’ homes. The test will be observed and recorded
through Discord. At the end of the playtest, players will complete the survey using Google Forms.

Moderator script:
1. Start the Discord meeting and wait for play tester to join.

2. Greet tester in the meeting once they joined. Thank players for participating and
inform basic things about this playtest.

Moderator: “Hello testers. We are team ‘The Hudsons’ and we want to start by
thanking you all for signing up for our playtest today.
3. Explain the purpose of this playtest. and tell basic information of the game.

Moderator: For this playtest we are going to have you roam a few levels and defeat
basic enemies. Once you defeat all enemies in a level you will advance to the next
level. Just play through the game the way you want; the main takeaway for us is to
get an understanding of how responsive the controls are.”

4. Ask testers to complete the pre-test survey, tell them what they are for

Moderator: “Before we start the playtest, we are going to conduct the first part of
the surveys to get a basic understanding of our testers and their expectations
beforehand. We will also ask you questions during your playtest as well as after.
These surveys will be anonymous to keep everyone's identity private and safe. We
are only testing the game, not you.”

5. Tell them assistance is waiting for them if they have something to ask.

Moderator: “If you have any questions or help, call the moderator. They will help if the
question does not affect the test. If you come across a bug or your game crashes, please
report to the moderators know what you were doing previously in the game before you
came action at hand so that we may identify and resolve the issues for future tests.”

6. After the playtest, ask players to complete the post-test survey.

Moderator: Thank you for playing the game, you can now begin answering the post-test
survey. If you think you’re not done yet, it is okay to continue playing. You can come
back and replay the game at any time while answering the survey.

7. When the test is completed, thank the participant again.

Moderator: You have completed all the tests. Thank you for participating in our
playtest, and we appreciate your help. You can leave the meeting if you want. Thank

When testers come across situational errors within the game or clarification of game
mechanics, the moderators will aid the tester to the best of their abilities, if that does not affect
the game experience or playtest. If testers are experiencing a game-breaking bug, moderators
will report the bug for further analysis and top priority.

Pre-test Survey
1. What is your age group?

1. 15-20 b 21-25 c 26-30 d 30+

2. How familiar are you with Top-down 2D shooting game?

1. Extremely Unfamiliar 2. Unfamiliar 3. Somewhat Unfamiliar

4. Neutral 5. Somewhat Unfamiliar 5. Familiar 5. Extremely Familiar

3. Do you play games?

Yes / No
If you have answered yes question #3, answer following questions (4~6):

4. How many hours a week do you spend playing games? (hours)

1. 1-5 b. 6-10 c. 11-15 d.16 -20 c.21+

5. How much do you like challenges in games?

1. Strongly Dislike 2. Dislike 3. Somewhat Dislike 4. Neutral

5. Somewhat Like 6. Like 7. Strongly Like

6. How much do you like playing fast-paced games?

1. Strongly Dislike 2. Dislike 3. Somewhat Dislike 4. Neutral

5. Somewhat Like 6. Like 7. Strongly Like

Post-Test Survey
1. How was the game experience?

1. Very Dissatisfied 2. Dissatisfied 3. Somewhat Dissatisfied

4. Neutral 5. Somewhat Satisfied 6. Satisfied 7. Very Satisfied

2. How was the overall balance? Was it too hard or easy? What made you think that?

1. Very Easy 2. Easy 3. Somewhat Easy 4. Neutral

5. Somewhat Hard 6. Hard 7. Very Hard

[ Fill in answer ]

3. Were you engaged in playing?

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Somewhat Disagree 4. Neutral

5. Somewhat Agree 6. Agree 7. Strongly Agree

4. Was the game challenging enough? Did you like it or not?

[ Fill in answer ]

Answer this question by each weapon (5~6):

5. How did this Weapon type feel?

1. Very Dissatisfied 2. Dissatisfied 3. Somewhat Dissatisfied

4. Neutral 5. Somewhat Satisfied 6. Satisfied 7. Very Satisfied

6. Were they helpful for different situations? When and why?

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Somewhat Disagree 4. Neutral

5. Somewhat Agree 6. Agree 7. Strongly Agree

[ Fill in answer ]
7. Was there anything that hindered you from gameplay?

[ Fill in answer ]

8. Were any enjoyable moments in the game? What was it?

[ Fill in answer ]

9. What can be improved more? Give us feedback.

[ Fill in answer ]

Most data that our team will analyze will be through observation and telemetry logs captured
from the game. The measurables will be listed as follows:

- Total Enemy kills

o How many enemies are killed per minutes?

o What is the average time spent to kill all the enemies?

o How many times player have kill enemies in a life?

- Total Player deaths

o Where did they die?

o How many times do they die before clearing the stage?

- Weapon type - length of use

o How much time have they equipped this weapon for?

o How much time do they fire this weapon?

- Player & Enemy location

o When and how much time have they spent moving?

o When and how much time have they remained stationary in the same position?

o How many enemies were alive when player dies?

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