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1. Do you like to play online games?

2. How often do you play online games?How much time do you spend in playing online games a
3. What types of games do you play?
4. Why do you play the games you choose ?
5. How many hours you spend in gaming in just one day?
6. Do you still find time to play even if you’re busy?
7. . Do you need to play online games with increasing amounts of time in order to achieve your
desired excitement?
8. Are you preoccupied with gaming (thinking about it when offline, anticipating your next online
9. Have you lied to friends and family members to conceal extent of your online gaming?
10. you feel restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop online gaming?
11. Have you made repeated unsuccessful effort to control, cut back, or stop online gaming?
12. Have you lost your relationship to others because of your online gaming habit?
13. Have you lost your relationship to others because of your online gaming habit?

Have you lost some educational or job opportunity because of your online gaming addiction?

Online Gaming Addiction:

1. Do you feel addicted to any online games?

2. Are you angred when unable to play?

3. Do you feel restless, moody, depressed or irritated when you stop playing online games?

4.Do you made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop playing online games?

5. Do you stay playing online games longer than originally intended?

7. Did you lie to my family and others about how much time I spent playing online games?

8. Do you use online games as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving from stress?

Time Spent:

1.How many hours a day did you spend playing an online game?

2. How many hours did you spend in playing online game with your co-player in a week?

3. How many hours did you play online games in a week?

4. How often do you think online game before bed time?

5. How many hours did you play online games during your vacant time?

6. I play online game first as soon as I come home?


1. When you are playing online games, if somebody hits you, Do you hit her/him back?

2. When you are playing online games, if your co-player provokes you,will hit her/him physically?

3. Did you have fights with others over your time spent on games?

4. Do you use physical violence to protect your right as an online gamer?

5. Is there a time where you can’t control your temper resulting to harm your co-player physically?


1. Do you get angry to those person who don't allow you to play online games?

2. Are you angered when someone disturbed you while you are playing online games?

3. Did you lie to your parents/family about the time you spent on gaming?

4. Do you neglect other important activities to play online games?

5. Do you neglect other because you are playing online games?

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