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Learning Module (3) inGE Rizal 1- Life and Works of Rizal


II. Topics:

1. The Calamba Setting Is Inspiring

2. Preparation for Leadership through Study

3. Important Literary Works as a University Student

III. Time Frame: 5 hours

IV. Introduction:

So short a life but so fully lived. This is how we see the life of Rizal. He just died at
young age but his works beats the life of a 100 year old man. Conditions and developments
that were to make the Philippines of Rizal’s time were formidable challenges to the making
of a leader. The response was no less formidable, the making of a determined national hero.

In this chapter, the learners are able to engage into the life and works of Rizal
especially his academic exemplar. Learners also are able to appreciate his dedication to
study and necessity of education as part of social progress.

V. Objectives:

At the end of this module, the students should be able to:

1. Have an in-depth comprehension on the life, works, and other literary writings of the
hero; and
2. Gain positive insights on how the family background, and the people closed to him
made a contributions to his success in his mission.

VI. Pre-Test: Give your view on the statement below.

1. Rizal insists on Education as the instrument of Social Progress.

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VII. Learning Activities:

1. The Calamba Setting Is Inspiring

Rizal’s preparation for the role

he would play would come from various
sources. The first was a product of his
background and the circumstances that
evolved from the revolved around his
family life. The second was the reaction
to the various incidents he had
witnessed, learned about or
experienced through the years. The
third were the deliberate steps he took
to prepare for the task he had set for

The Rizal family of Calamba,

Laguna was typical of the middle class families of the nineteenth century Philippines. What
made it quite different from some, though, was its social status, the family being a member
of the Principalia. Rizal’s father, Francisco Rizal Mercado y Alejandra was an honest, hard-
working and thrifty man whom Rizal fondly described as a “model of fathers”. He devoted
his life to agriculture in Biñan and later became a tenant of the Dominican estate in Calamba.
His mother Teodora Alonso Realonda y Quintos, a cultured and religious woman, was to
provide their home with an atmosphere of learning and culture which not many families then
would be as lucky to possess. A sacrificing, industrious woman and a disciplinarian, she was
to open to her eleven children a world of warmth and virtue. Rizal affectionately described
her thus;

My mother is not a woman of ordinary culture. She knows literature and speaks
Spanish better than I, she even corrected my poems and gave me wise advice when
I was studying rhetoric. She is a mathematician and has read many books. Without
her what would have become of my education and what would have been my fate?
Oh, yes! After God the mother is everything to man.

Rizal’s Early Childhood- as a local family

with enormous business like skills, Rizal, parents
blended education, culture family life, and local
politics into a new sense of Philippine nationalism.
In 1863 the introduction of general primary
education in the Philippine contributed to the rise
of an even a larger class of educated Filipinos.
Young Jose Rizal immediately became a top flight
student. At the age of three he learned the
alphabet and the prayers form his mother Teodora
Alonso, who was his first teacher. Other early
teachers of Rizal included Maestro Celestino,
Maestro Lucas Padua, and Francisco Mercado’s
classmate; an old man named Leon Monroy
paved the way to Jose’s schooling in Biñan with
Justiniano Cruz. As young boy, Jose was called
“Ute” by his brother and sisters. The townspeople
Calambacaleed him” Pepe” or Pepito”, in 1865
tragedy struck when his favorite sister Concha died.

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Activity 1

1. How did the family background of the hero influence to mold the young mind of Jose

2. Preparation for Leadership through Study

Rizal’s studies were

determined efforts at preparing
himself for a task ahead. He
applied himself to Spartan-like
sturdy. As if to prove to his
Spanish and mestizo classmates
the intellectual capacity of the
Indio, be studied his lessons with
extraordinary zeal while a
student at the Ateneo Municipal
de Manila from 1872-1877. A
late enrollee as he and one
whose knowledge of Spanish
was taken with ridicule naturally
had to start from the tail-end of
the class. He spent long hours of
reading; his love for books grew
tremendously. He showed great interest at learning the conditions of peoples in other lands.
The miseries and suffering of the conquered in the hand of the colonizers got special
attention from the young student whose interest in philosophy and natural science continued
to grow too.

He did not neglect his religious activities in spite of his academic work. He became a
member of the exclusive Marian Congregation, of which he became Secretary of the
Apostleship of Prayer, in which he was made Promoter.

In 1868, at the age of seven, Jose Rizal wrote a comedy, which highlighted his
literary talent, for the local fiesta. The municipal captain rewarded him with two pesos At the
age of eight in 1869, he wrote the poem “Sa AkingMgaKabata”

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On March 23, 1877- Rizal received the degree of Bachiller en Arts (a high school
certificate) with grades rated (sobresaliente) “excellent”, with five prizes and several awards.
His attachment to the Ateneo was as strong that even as a medical student in the University
of Sto. Tomas, 1877-1882, he maintained his relations with said institution.

Scholastic Records of Jose Rizal

In the High School
Ateneo Municipal de Manila
Subjects Ratings Awards

1872-1873 (First year)

Latin Excellent
Spanish Excellent
Greek Excellent (honorable Mention)


1873-74 (Second year)

Latin Excellent Deportment in class
Spanish Excellent Diligence
Greek Excellent Latin
World Geography Excellent
Geography grammar Excellent


1874-1875 (Third year)

Latin Excellent
Spanish Excellent
World History Excellent
History if Spain and the
Philippines A medal in Latin
Arithmetic & Algebra Excellent
Greek Excellent

1875-76 (Fourth year)

Rhetoric and Poetry Excellent Department as a boarder

French Excellent (1st prize)

Geometry and Trigonometry Excellent Rhetoric & Poetry (1stprize)
French (1st prize)
Greek (1st prize)


1876-77 (Fifth year)

Philosophy 1 Excellent Deportment as a boarder

Philosophy 2 Excellent Deportment in class (1st prize)

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Mineralogy & Chemistry Excellent Diligence (prize)

Physics Excellent Philosophy (1st prize)
Botany & Zoology Excellent Physics & Chemistry
Planning unique prize

Passed the oral examination on March 14, and graduated on March 23,
1877. Diploma received: Bachelor of Arts (Excellent)

Medical Studies at University of Sto.


After graduating with the highest

degree from the Ateneo de Manila, Rizal
had to go to the University ofSto. Tomas
for higher studies.The University of Sto.
Tomas was administered by the
Dominican friars’ rival educators of the
Jesuits, but he remained loyal to Ateneo
by participating in extra-curricular
activities. During his study in UST, Rizal
was unhappy because of racial
discrimination in school.

Mother’s opposition to Higher Education

Don Francisco and Paciano wanted Jose to pursue higher learning in the university
but Doña Teodora, who knew what happened to Gom-Bur-Za, vigorously opposed the idea,
for the fear that her son would also beheaded like on what they did for the three priests.

Subjects Ratings

University of Sto. Tomas, Manila, Philippines

1877-1878 (1ST Year)

Metaphysics, Cosmology Excellent

Theodicy, History of Philosophy Excellent

1878-79 (second year)

Physics Fair
Chemistry Excellent
Natural History Fair
Anatomy No.1 Good
Private hygiene Good
Anatomy No. 1 Good
Dissection NO. 1 Good
1879-80 (3rd year)
Anatomy No. 2 Good
Dissection No, 2 Good
Private Hygiene Good
Public Hygiene Good

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1880-81 (4th year)

Pathology Fair
Therapeutics Excellent
Operation (surgery) Good

Central University, Madrid, Spain

Universal History 1882-83 Very Good

General Literature Excellent

Spanish History No. 2 Excellent
Greek and Latin Literature Excellent w/ prize
Greek No. 1 Excellent w/ prize

Spanish Literature Excellent w/ free scholarship Arabic Language
Excellent w/ free scholarship
Greek No. 2 Excellent
Hebrew Excellent
Critical History of Spain Good


Doctor’s Degree (not awarded)

In addition to his academic work in the university he took up subjects in fine arts and
sculpture in the Academia de San Fernando, and engaged in literary activities. His
excellence in this field caught the attention of men of letters, journalists and prominent
politicians of Spain. He was to use every means, every forum, as a vehicle to lead them, to
see the fact that the Philippines “lethargic during the historic night while the sun illumines
other continents, again awakens, moved by the electric impact that contact with Western
people produces the demand light, the life of civilization.

3. Important Literary Works as a University Student

Three of the best literary works Rizal wrote as a university student were the following:
A La Juventud Filipina; El Consejo de los Dioses; A Filipinas, and Junto Al Pasig.

LAJuventudFilipina- This poem was Rizal’s entry in the 1879 literary contest
conducted by the Liceo Artistico Literario de Manila. Below is the English translation of this
poem, which Rizal wrote when he was 18 years old (Craig, 1933).

To the Filipino Youth

Theme: “Grow, O Timid Flower”

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Lift up your radiant brow,

This day, Youth of my native strand!
Your abounding talents show
Resplendently and grand, Fair hope of my motherland!

Soar high, oh genius great,

And with noble thoughts fill their mind;
The honor’s glorious seat,
May their virgin mind fly and find
More rapidly than the wind.

Descend with the pleasing the pleasing light

Of the arts and sciences to the plain,
Oh Youth, and break fortnight
The links of the heavy chain
That your poetic genius enchains.

See that in the aren’t zone,

The Spaniard, were shadows stand,
Doth offer a shining crown;
With wise and merciful hand
To the sun of this Indian land

You who heavenward rise

On wings of your rich fantasy
Seek in the Olympian skies
The tenderest poesy,
More sweet than divine honey

You of heavenly harmony, On a calm

unperturbed night,
Philomel’s match in melody, That in varied
Dissipate man’s sorrow’s blight;

You, that the impulse o f your mind

The hard rock animate
And your with the great pow’r consigned,
Transforms into immortal state
The pure mem’ry of genius great;

And you, who with magic brush

On canvas capture
The varies charm of Phoebus,
Loved by the divine Apelles
And the mantle of Nature;

Run! For genius flame

Awaits the artist’s crowning
Spreading far and wide the fame
Throughout the sphere proclaiming
With trumpet the mortal’s name.

Oh, joyful, joyful day,

GE Rizal 1- Life and Works of Rizal 7


For you fair Philippines!

The Almighty blessed be
Who, with loving eagerness
Sends you luck and happiness.

A Filipina
This sonnet was written by Rizal in 1880 not only to praise
the Philippines for its beauty but to encourage Filipino
artists to glorify the country through their art works (Romero
et al,1978).

To The Philippines

Beautiful and ardent as the nymph from heaven

Pure and gracious as the nascent dawn
When the clouds of sapphire glow;
A goddess of Indian soil slumbers.

The light foam of the sonorous sea

Kisses her feet with loving desire;
The cultured west her smile adores;
The frosty Pole her florid veil.

My muse, murmurous, with tenderness

Sings her naiads and undines,
My joy and fortune I offer.

With green myrtle and purpose roses

And lilies encircle her unsullied brow,
Artists and the Philippines exalt!

A simple analysis in one of the literary works of the hero about the Philippines

VIII. Self-Evaluation: Provide in the following table below the reason of Rizal’s
misfortune experiences in school

Rizal was unhappy in UST Rizal perform poorly in his medical studies at UST

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IX. Review of Concepts

Rizal family of Calamba, Laguna was

typical of the middle class families of the
nineteenth century Philippines.

Rizal received the degree of Bachiller en

Arts (a high school certificate) with grades
rated (sobresaliente) “excellent”, with five
prizes and several awards on March 23,
1877. His attachment to the Ateneo was
as strong that even as a medical student in the University of Sto. Tomas, 1877-1882, he
maintained his relations with said institution.

Three of the best literary works Rizal wrote as a university student were the following: A La
Juventud Filipina; El Consejo de los Dioses; A Filipinas, and Junto Al Pasig.

X. Post-Test: With the knowledge you have in this chapter, answer the following

1. What is the relevance of the Life and works of Rizalin relation to your pursuit of studyas a

2. In what way the family of Rizal and his friends made contributions to his success.

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Poor:0-2pts: Essay does not have introduction, body, and conclusion. There is no thesis
statement, body statements are not clear.

Fair 3-4pts: Essay has an introduction, and a conclusion. Includes body paragraphs. The
thesis statement is stated, but not clear.

Good 5 pts: Essay has a clear introduction, conclusion and at least three body parts. The
introduction has thesis statement. Paragraph have topic sentences. The conclusion.

XI. References:

Zaide, Gregorio et. al (2002). Philippine History & Gov’t5th ed. Quezon City: All Nations
Publishing Co., Inc.

Abeleda, A.S Jr (2003). Philippine History. Manila: Saint Bernadette Pub. Inc.,

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