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Practicas Discursivas de la Escritura II


Activity 1

Whose comments are these? Who or what are the speakers talking about?

A – “He was Jones´s secret agent all the time.”

B – “The solution, as I see it, is to work harder.”

C – “Serves you right.”

D – “They could not knock it down in a week.”

Activity 2

Explain why:

A – There is not enough food.

B – The murder of some of the animals is accepted by the others.

C – The windmill has become so important to Napoleon.

D – Squealer appears one day looking seriously ill.

E – Squealer is found lying at the bottom of a ladder.

Activity 3

Use the following extracts from the novel and match the words (1 – 10) with the definitions.

For a long time the quarry was full of snowdrifts and nothing could be done....

...empty bins in the sore-shed to be filled nearly to the brim with sand,...

Their method was to fly up to the rafters and there lay their eggs,...

He would put his snout to the ground, give several deep sniffs, and...

Napoleon stood sternly surveying his audience; then he uttered a ...

Practicas Discursivas de la Escritura II

... ordered Boxer to let the dog go, whereat Boxer lifted his hoof, and ...

...he refused to meddle in such matters, she fetched Muriel.

Snowball was known to be still skulking on Pinchfield Farm.

The pigeons swirled into the air, and all the animals, except Napoleon, flung...

...that Snowball had after all contrived to introduce poison...

1 meddle A at which moment.

2 snout B the top edge of a container.

3 whereat C one of the long pieces of wood that form

the structure of a roof.

4 brim D very seriously.

5 quarry E to arrange something in a clever and

sometimes deceitful way.

6 rafters F to hide or move about secretly.

7 swirled G to involve yourself in a situation which is

not your business.

8 contrived H a place where large amounts of stone or

sand are dug out of the ground.

9 sternly I to move quickly in circles.

10 skulking J the long nose of some animals like pigs.


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